Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Judicial Branch

While the Judicial Branch of our government may have been somewhat of an afterthought as our forefathers planned our new republic, nevertheless it is a very important part of society today. Would you agree or disagree that our judicial branch, which includes all federal and state courts, is important in today's society. Why?


ali weiner said...

I believe that the Judicial Branch is vital to keep our society both sane and equal. I think so because the Judicial Brach enables people the report their problems and fight for their rights. Also it can be used as a deciding factor for otherwise unresolved problems. By enforcing the both old and new laws the Judicial Branch ensures equality for all people in our society.

hannah said...

I regard the Judicial Branch as a highly crucial part of today's society because, while it was not considered by the Constitution Framers at first, it has overtime become something that allows people to have an unbiased decision reached on serious problems. They protect the laws created by the people before us, and (most of the time) debate and debate, and end up making the right decision on how to handle major issues.


Yes I think our forefathers thought of the Judicial Branch as an after thought. Yes I think the Judicial Branch plays a very important role in our society today because without out people wouldn't be able to have unjust laws repealed or be able to sue people for injuries the gotten and etc.

nolan murray said...

Are forefathers definitely overlooked the Judicial Branch. The Judicial Branch is very important in today's society because, the law helps people fight for what they believe and also, their rights. The Judicial Branch also help resolve are country's problems either big or small to find equal justice for all Americans. If there was no Judicial Branch no one would have their rights and no one will be able to fight for their rights.

Austin Cieszko said...

I think that the judicial branch is important in todays society because it is part of what makes America. THe judicial branch keeps things in America fair (most of the time) and orderly.I do think that our forefathers didn't pay enough attention to this as they should have.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the Judicial Branch is essential to keep our country in balance and give the people of our country new laws to make a better life. It allows people to bring their problems to court to be decided with the best answer ti make their lives easier. It also gives the right to people to defend their rights if they thought was necessary. Each court has both Democrats and Republicans so the debate over laws can be thorough and not leave an important part out. Even though the Judicial Branch was over looked by our forefathers, it plays a major part in our every day lives.

Katie McNulty said...

I think the judicial branch is important to our society because the courts would not exist. The courts give people a chance to work out their problems and rights. it shows that everyone is equal.

Mariel Berger said...

I believe that the judicial branch is important in everyday society because if we didn't have the people in the judicial branch then or lives would be changed for the worse in my opinion, for example if the supreme court didn't exists then supreme court cases like "Brown vs. Board of Education" would have never been passed. In result there would only be White children in schools. In Conclusion in every day life The judicial branch was very important regarding how we all live today.

matt said...

Yes, I think the Judicial Branch is very important because without it, there would be chaos. This is because the Judicial Branch is in charge of giving consequences when rules are broken. Obviously, this is important to protect people from crimes and sever injuries.

Marc said...

I think that the Judicial Branch is very important because laws would not be enforced and people would not have equal right if not for the Judicial Branch.

Star :) said...

Yes, the Judicial Branch is significant to today's society. In my opinion the Judicial Branch is very important in our society today because it gives people a chance to get their cases heard.

Henry Catchpole said...

I would agree that the Judicial Branch is important in today's society because it like the other two branches keeps the power equal so that no one branch or person is in control. I also think that the branch is important becaue it gives citizens the right to take cases to court and have a fair judge to judge it.

Joey said...

I think that the Judicial Branch is very important in today's society. The Judicial Branch helped complete the checks and balances in our three branches of government. Without the Judicial Branch, the people of the US would not get the chance to defend themselves in law or get compensation for what someone else did to them. I also think that the Supreme Court is especially important because it has the job that if laws break the rules set in the Constitution, the justices of the Supreme court have the power to deem it unconstitutional.

Lauren F said...

The Judicial Branch is very important. For one thing, if it did not exist, there would be pandemonium. Arguments would possibly be settled out violently instead of with a mediator. Criminals would go free. Chaos would ensue. It would also be harder to advance society because laws probably wouldn't change as often or be taken into question. Part of the Judiciary branch is to interpret law. Schools would possibly still be segregated if there was no one to reinterpret the way we regard law and society. Judges, and lawyers are some of the smartest people in our nation, out of what might have originally seemed to be a simple trial can arise a new perspective on society because of what these great minds have come up with. Many people look at a trial and see an argument or a fight. I completely disagree, what I see is a defense, a prosecutor, 12 jurors, and a judge working to the best of their ability to improve society and make our lives a bit more just. This is key to why the judiciary system is important, it would be very hard to make progress if we didn't have this system.

luke price said...

I think the judicial branch is a highly important part of todays society. The judicial branch allows people to speak about what they believe is fair and unfair and discuss laws that they may think are unfair. The judicial branch also promotes free speech, which is what makes America such a great country. I think our forefathers should have put more time and effort into developing the judicial branch even more.

Andrew Savage said...

I agree that the Judicial Branch of our government is important in today's society. I feel it is vital because it can keep unfair laws null and void by ruling them unconstitutional. It also allows people to bring their cases to a impartial setting, allowing them to be solved correctly (most of the time).

Frances said...

I believe that the Judicial Branch is crucial to keep our country balanced. It gives the people the right to defend their rights, and bring their problems, whatever they are, to court. They have a say in what happens to them and their families. Though our forefathers didn't think much of the Judicial Branch, it still plays a very important part in today's society.

Olivia Savitz said...

I strongly believe that the Judicial Branch is important in today's society. It is the Judicial Branch that interprets our Constitution to make sure that our laws are applied fairly and to make sure that there can be no laws that are contrary to our Constitution. For example, the Judicial Branch of the government was primarily responsible for removing segregation. The Judicial Branch is also the place where ordinary citizens can be heard when they have legal complaints. Overall, it has been responsible for many changes in our society today and throughout history.

Ali Futter said...

I consider the Judicial Branch extremely important in today's society. First of all, the Judicial Branch provides people with answers and makes sure things are running smoothly. Without the Judicial Branch, there would be people running around breaking the law, and the ones who are affected by it would not get a chance to speak out. Yes, the legislative branch is important because it comes up with new laws, and sure, the executive branch can veto laws if necessary, but it's the judicial branch that makes sure people obey the laws and understand what the consequences are if they do not. They also decide whether or not a law is unconstitutional. Overall, the Judicial Branch is very important in today's society.

James said...

Mr.lewis what happens if the preident wants to make a law and one of the other two branches agrees with him and one didnt. would it be a majority rules type thing or do all three braches have to agree.

Mason Propper said...

I think that the judicial branch of our government keeps the society intact and fair for everyone by balancing the other two branches of government. It keeps the society fair because the judicial branch allows someone to fight for their rights if they have been abused. The judicial branch also allows someone to go to an appeals court if he thinks he was treated unfairly in a lower court. It keeps society intact by interpreting laws. All in all, the judicial branch balances the other two branches by making sure neither of them has too much power.

tconheeney said...

this is tommy saying that i saw "im just a bill" school house rock the other day and it really went good with the movie we watched and hat to take that vicious test on

mr. lewis you should show this video in class

tconheeney said...

i think that this is a very important [part of our society today. we need to keep some more democracy in the states and the judicial branch provides that for us

tconheeney said...

hi mr. lewis go baseball

Josh Ford said...

i believe that the judicial branch is very important to the functionality of our country, both legally and morally. first of all, there are strict laws set into place in our country that exist solely to keep the country orderly. those who break the laws are putting the security and well being of other citizens in jeopardy. they are (usually) fairly tried and punished in court, which not only teaches these people a lesson but keeps them off the streets. also, the fact that such (almost) airtight justice enforcement such as the judicial system exists discourages people from exercising the offense in the first place. the reason people don't go around breaking laws is because they are enforced. otherwise, they are just words on paper.

luke said...

I would agree because without it say congress and the President were most democrat and approved a law, the judicial branch could veto it.

Anonymous said...
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Luke Pritchard said...

I think that the judicial branch is extremely important in our society today because it keeps everyone in the states intact and equal. It is very important because it is a major part of what makes this country. The law allows American citizens to fight for their beliefs and rights. I strongly believe that our forefathers overlooked the judicial branch.

Ctmera said...
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Ctmera said...

The judicial branch is a very important part of our society today, in the past, and it will be in the future because without it, there would be no justified righteousness in our nation. They bring justice to those who deserve it, good or bad.

Without the judicial branch to rectify order, our country would be in utter chaos, and we would all fall together; unaware of what to do with all the crime around us. If we lack order, we shall stray off the path of building-our-nation-ness and die. :D

Tully said...

I think we have to keep the judicial branch because it allows people to stick up for what they think is right. The judicial branch is vital to keep in our country, we have fought long and hard battles in the courts and we cant ruin it now. It may come one day when we will need the judicial branch (hopefully not), and it might not be there and there will be no one to hear what we need to say, which is why i think we have to keep the Judicial Branch.

Giulia said...

I agree that the judicial branch is extremely important in today's government. Not only does it give balance to the other two branches, but it helps counterbalance peace and chaos in the life of people in America. If i try to imagine life without the judicial branch everything i come up with is really horrific. All the bad people in america would've gotten away from their crimes and maybe even repeated them. Killers would be running loose on the streets and thieves would be looting to their heart's delight.
But it isn't all about the bad people running loose. Children in need of help by the aid of therapists or other doctors might not get the help they really need. My little brother has special needs and without an aid in school he would be a lot worse. Even then it isn't enough, my parents are still fighting to get the help he needs. What would the case be if there were no court to argue in? The judicial branch needs to defend the people's rights untill the end, even if they were almost overlooked in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the Judicial Branch is extremely important to keep our society fair and equal to all people. I think this because the Judicial Branch gives people the right to bring their cases to court to keep their rights. If we didn't have the Judicial branch our country would be a mess because all over the world people would be losing their basic rights, and would not be given the opportunity to fight for them. Throughout History the Judicial branch has changed the outcomes of major cases and the way people's lives and even peoples rights have come to be what they are today.

nick said...

The Judicial Branch is very important in today's society. Say if congress passed a law that nobody could watch TV. Since there is the Judicial Branch, The Supreme Court can decide that that law is unconstitutional and will make the law void. That is why the Judicial Branch is important.

Gubster511 said...

I believe that that the Judicial branch is Key in the United States Government because if there is no Judicial Branch then the Government would not be as powerful over the civilians as they are now. Without the Judicial Branch there would be no Supreme court or right.

tcat said...

I truly believe that the judicial branch of our government is critical to our government since it entitles us all to have the power to fight for our rights and speak for what we believe. This branch also helps people who are treated with no rights back home to have rights. Concluding, I agree that our judicial branch is important in our society today.

If I'm wrong I'm using the "Catenacci code"

Kate said...

I think that the Judicial branch is very important to our country. I believe this because the Judicial branch allows people to fight for what they believe in and the rights they are entitled to. The Judicial branch is able to help a lot of people in various ways, and we are very lucky that our forefathers created us all to have it today.

Vicky:D said...

I think that the Judicial Branch is essential in our society today because people would not be equal with out it, and our laws would not be the same. It also allows people to stand up for what they think is right. With out when someone committed a crime there would not be a big punishment so people would constantly do commit the same crimes. There fore I think that the Judicial Branch is very important.

Julien said...

The judicial branch is vital to our society today because it is what stands between order and chaos without it there would be no trials and if you were arrested that would be it you were there until someone felt like releasing you. There would be no judge to decide if you were guilty or not which would be completely unfair to every citzen of the U.S. In addition, without the judicial branch laws could be created and enforced even if they violated the constitution because no one would be able to get rid of them or protest against them.

Keli said...

I think that the Judicial Branch is very important to our society because if there wasn't a judicial branch everything would probably be chaos. If there wasn't a judicial branch there probably would be no laws. People that were in jail would be sent out because the police would have no reason to put them in because there are no laws. All the crazy, mean people would probably doing whatever they want right about now, bad or good. That is why it is so important so that there would be laws, everything will be calm, and for the people that are crazy and do bad stuff they will just deal with he consequences.

Jenny G said...

I agree that our Judicial Branch is important in today's society. I think it is because the court system is essential. Without it, our world today would be totally different. People would think totally different and society would not be fair to all.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that it's very important to still have Judicial Branch because it basically applys the laws to the united states. This Judicial Branch is the leader/incharge of all courts. There are 3 different branches in the US. If there is a case that needs to be solved the case starts at the district court; then goes to the Court of Appeals; and last is the Supreme Court if its a major case. Basically the Supreme Court helps the people figure out if a case will pass or not. Its just really important to have a Judicial Branch to support your rights that you have in this country.

Lauren said...

The events that occurred on 9/11 were frightening, tragic, and affected us in many different ways. The attacks caused many changes in our country including increased security at airports and in many public venues and it has also made people more alert of their surroundings and suspicious activity. Considering I was quite young when 9/11 occurred I have grown up with the changes that were implemented as a result of 9/11. Consequently, I do not think about 9/11 that often because I am accustomed to he changes.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the judicial branch is very important in todays society for a few reasons, even though it was not even a though during the time that the constitutions was being created. It gives everyone a chance to defend their rights if needed. With out the judicial branch, life would be harder because big issue like some of the cases we talked about in class would not have been resolved, peoples rights would be violated, and the outcome of having no judicial branch would be a lot more violence as opposed to a civil way of solving issues.

Alex Currie said...

the judicial branch is important in society because without courts and laws there would be no order in society

Anonymous said...

I believe that the Judicial Branch is crucial in today's society. I believe this is important because Judicial Branch gives people the opportunity to sort out their cases. Also it shows that everybody is equal.