Friday, January 6, 2012

WAR!!!!! Can It Be Justified?

Make a case that war can NEVER be justifiable!  We should never go to war........Why?


Molly E. said...

We should never go to war, because it tears our country apart both mentally and physically. War can also have upsies, but at the andy of the day, their are more downsides then upsides. In conclusion, war is not justifiable.

Mac said...

It technically can be justifiable because there are reasons to go into war. Such as, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. That is a valid reason to go to war. However, death can't be justified and that is the key factor in decided if war is justifiable. So war is not justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War is not justifiable. It brings much danger to the civilians. It is also very devastating mentally, it is depressing. War can have good things to it but the most important reason war is not justifiable is death. That can never be justified. That is why war is not justifiable.

Dylan Wit said...

War can never be justifiable. You may say that we have to defend our country, but if you look at the big picture, there are thousands of people that die every year from war. For example, following the attack on the World Trade Center, which killed approximately 3,000 people, President Bush decided to send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to declare war with both countries. There where approximately 132,000+ civilians that died from this war over the past 10 years. Now you tell me what’s worse, 3,000 people dead, or 132,000 people dead? That is why war should never be justifiable.

anna said...

War is not justifiable because not just soldiers are endangered. There are also civilians that are put in danger because of war. An example is Iraq. Although it should have been only the soldiers that were fighting, there reports all over the news about ordinary people getting shot and killed. I feel that since innocent people can be killed in war, war is really not justifiable.

anna said...
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mvalenti said...

War is not justified because of the millions of lives that will taken because of war. Also, it costs millions of dollars in money it will cost to go to war. War puts a country in a ton of dept that would be unnecessary. You are technically paying money to be able to kill innocent people for no reason.

Anonymous said...

War cannot and never will be justifiable. War brings threats, danger and many deaths so our nation. It also ruins the minds of our soldiers because they see things no person should ever have to witness. In some ways war can have some positives like solving the problem and becoming allies with the opposing side but most of all it kills thousands of innocent people. That is why war is not justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War can never be justifiable because there are more cons then pros. Every War will always have supporters or un-supporters. The un-supporters bring emphasizes on the cons. A reason why war can never be justified is because it is a dangerous act which results in the death of soldier's and civilians. War also endanger's country's, because once they attack another country, they are no longer allies they are enemies.

Anonymous said...

war can never be justifiable because it is about close minded people who are not able to negotiate and it is about greed. For example, in WWll Hitler, Tojo, and Musslolini fought for world conquest which was not necessary because all in the intreats of power and greed.

Idalis Figueroa said...

War can never be justifiable because there are so many negative points to war. War can ruin a country and completely turn people against one another. It leaves civillians in danger and it has many casualties. It is sad because war not only kills willing soldiers who sacrifice their lives to defend and fight for their countries, but fighting kills so many innocent people and the longer war continues the more people will daily. Overall war can NEVER be justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War can never be justifiable. War may give one side more political advantage or better economy but when it comes to war at least one side suffers. When you think about war you think about death. When there is war involved there is death involved and therefore it cannot be justifiable. As soon as you start a war you make enemies and that is what tears the country apart. Although some good things do come from war there is no way they can add up to deaths, the killing, and the mental and physical destruction. War can never be justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War should never be justifiable because there are always deaths, injury's, and mental change to the civilians and to many soldiers. Although some of the soldiers and people are not mentally changed or injured or killed the majority of the people are. So if the people of our world could just talk it out and make compromises this world have a lot more peace and understanding of everyone in it. So all in all war should never be justifiable because there should not be a reason to start a war, just talk it out.

Brad Kaptinski said...

No country should ever go to war due to the fact that so many lives are killed. A solution to not going to war is sometimes making a peace treaty, so that no lives are killed and they would both agree on it. Although a war could bring benefits to your country, it can also bring devastation to other countries. These are the reasons why war is not justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War is never justifiable because even if we don't think about it, hundreds of soldiers and civilians die everyday on both sides. Countries must think about what is morally right rather than what they want when entering war. No piece of land is worth the death of soldiers and civilians. All in all we cant justify war if death is not justifiable.

Gregory Lopatynsky said...

Going to war is justifiable because there are just to many lives lost. Civilians and children are also in danger during war such as in small towns in Afghanistan that are stuck in a crossfire. Soldiers are in danger everyday because of threats of road side bombs, ambushes, etc. To many civilian and soldier lives alike are in danger therefore war is not justifiable

Gregory Lopatynsky said...

Correction: War is not justifiable (typed it is justifiable in the beginning)

Anonymous said...

War is not justifiable because there are more negatives than postives in being involved in a war. When your involved in a war there's most likely going to be deaths(soldiers & civilians)and people that are going to be hurt both mentally and physically. I also believe that war is not justifiable because i think there are other ways to solve problems instead of going to war.

Jack C said...

War can never be justifiable because there are many negatives to War. War can tear apart a country in a physical and a mental way. Many innocent people die in War because a War could be in their backyard. So in conclusion War is not justifiable and never will be.

mlopatynsky said...

War is not justifiable because it can bring tragedy to many innocent lives. Even though the soldiers that volunteer know that they are risking their lives, many of them do get killed which results in many people dying. To conclude, war will never be justifiable because it causes danger, destruction and death to a country.

Conrad Lindenberg said...

We should never go to war, because destroy countries and murdering families is never acceptable. Although it may seem necessary at some times, by no means is it ever truly necessary. No matter what there is always a peaceful solution to every problem. No only does war cause numerous casualties, but it is also mentally devastating to civilians. War is also never good for the economy or unity of any country. Therefore, war is never justifiable.

tyler said...

War is never justifiable under any situation. It will never be justifiable because of the harm and deaths it brings to the men and women that are fighting for their country. Also not only are the soldiers could be harmed but the civilians that could be harmed. In addition war can force families and friends against each other in the case of Civil War and even split countries.

Haley said...

War, many think, is pointless. In previous centuries countries go to war for: power, religion, land, or just to ruffle the other countries's feathers. War is thought to have proved one's masculinity. But, in fact, war never solved anything unless the enemy became died.

Jana O'Donnell said...

War can never be justifiable because violence is not the only way to solve the world's problems. There have been people in the past who have successfully fought a problem through non-violent methods, such as Martin Luther King Jr. Also, not only can war be viewed as unnecessary bloodshed, it also eats up a lot of money in some cases. Therefore, even though war can be for the right reasons in some cases, depending on how you look at it, it is never justifiable.

zachary goligoski said...

War is never justifiable because it claims the lives of people. There are always negative outcomes which include the loss of money. Buildings are ravished with destruction and it costs a lot of money to rebuild them. These are the reasons war is never justifiable.

Sabrina said...

War is never justifiable and there are many important reasons why. Most importantly because of the amount of lives that get lost and death is never justifiable no matter what the situation is. Not only does war hurt the soldiers, it also endangers so many civilians living there. In addition war is also devastating mentally and physically for the soldiers. To conclude, war is never justifiable.

Connor Howe said...

War can never be justifiable because it will cost our country tons of money therefore putting us in debt and will be taking lots of lives. Also war can be harmful to the people of the country because they may be in danger because the people we are at war with may attack them.

Jack B. said...

War is unjustified because it tears families apart. Brothers, sons, fathers, uncles; they all put their lives on the line because their country is in jeopardy. It is especially unjustified because the only reason why people go to war is because some country dosent want to play by the rules.

Charlie Wheeler said...

In some cases war can be justifiable. For example, we went to war with Japan because they bombed Pearl Harbor. On the other hand, it is not justifiable because it causes many deaths and injuries. Also, it destroys cities and towns. In the end, I think war is not justifiable.

Katie said...

War is not justified. We should never go to war! It tears families apart and breaks family bonds that everyone should have. It affects everyone, even if they are not physically in the war. There can be some good things about war, but most are not good and we should pay more attention to those reasons.

Anonymous said...


War can be justified sometimes if you try to do everything else to avoid it first. One example was the first war in the person gulf in the 1990s when Saddam Hussein and his army invaded kuwait to get their oil. The United States made every attempt to get them to leave without using violence. When nothing worked the Untied States had no choice but to go to war. In this case I think war is justified.

Lauren Gimpel said...

War can never be justifiable because no matter what war leads to tragedies, and many innocent people, whether civilians or soldiers putting their lives on the line to fight for their homeland, end up getting killed. War also tears families apart, and can cause years and years of physical and mental destruction to a country. Whether war destroys 2 people or 2,000,000 people, there is no justifiable reason for it, therefore, war cannot be justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War is not justifiable because many people and civilians are killed and having a war cost a lot of money. A lot of controversy goes around with arguing and disagreeing.War just spreads and more and more people get affected by it ruining relationships even more. War should never be justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War is not justifiable because it involves death. Many innocent people, like civilians, are murdered. Many countries are severely damaged and destroyed too. War may be necessary at times, but that doesn’t mean it is justifiable. Because people are killed during war, it can never be justified.

Tyler Holtz said...

War isn't justifiable because of the thousands of lives lost per battle, not including civilians, for wars that go on for months or even years on end. just the sheer amount of bloodshed is all you need to prove war's unjustifiable.

Anonymous said...

War is not justifiable, especially since today's wars use highly advanced nuclear and chemical weapons which completely destroy our earth as well as innocent people and animals in the area. As a result of this destruction and devastation, war today is an immoral act and therefore, never justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War can never be justifiable considering all the cons attached to going into war. war is a horrible thing for many reasons. One being that many many people/soldiers are killed or injured mentally and physically. War also costs a large amount of money, and uses a lll of the country's resources.

Bella Sapio:] said...

War is not justifiable. It causes way too many problems between our country in many ways. War can also be very depressing and lead to many deaths.

Anonymous said...

We should never go to war because it can tear countries apart. And while war sometimes can get countries out of debt, it can also get them into debt as well.

Anonymous said...

We should never go to war because it can tear countries apart. Also, while war can get countries out of debt, it can get them into debt as well.

EricK said...

War is not justifiable due to the following reasons: First, it's not only devastating physically, but also mentally due to the fact that even if a soldier survives war, he can be left with lifelong psychological scars and mental depression. Second, war also brings danger to civilians since wars are often fought in highly populated areas. In addition to bringing danger to civilians, war also costs money. Much of a countries budget can be geared towards its military even when it's not active in a war. Most importantly, loss of life can never be justified.

Molly McQuilkin said...

We should never go to war because it can create hatred and prejudice towards other people, even if they are innocent. It also takes people away from their families. Not only from death but from being sent away. It causes families to worry nonstop. And if a soldier hopefully makes it home, they will never be the same. Therefore war is never justifiable.

Matt Ch said...

War can not be justifiable because it can completely tear a country apart, like the Civil War. Having the country divided like this made us much weaker at the time. War can also kill not only the people fighting in the war, but innocent people as well. Overall, war is not justifiable.

Matt Ch said...

War is not justifiable because it can tear a country apart, like in the Civil War. We were much weaker at the time because of this. Also, war does not just kill those who are purposely fighting. It can kill innocent people as well. Overall, war is not justifiable

Daniel Berger said...

I think that war, in some cases, can be justifiable. For example, a holy, or religious war, is fighting for beliefs that are being oppressed, while the war in Iraq, also fighting for beliefs, is trying to change a country's way of life. War, on the other hand, can not be justifiable because it causes many deaths and changes in way of life. To sum it all up, war can be justified, but it depends on the war itself, and the opinion of the world.

Daniel Berger said...
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Anonymous said...

I think war is justifiable because there are many different reasons that could cause a war. For example if a country is trying to conquer your land you would defend it. I think war is completely justifiable BUT there are consequences, like many deaths and could lead to fighting their allies.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

War is never justifiable and should never take place, because it is killing people who are sacrificing their lives for their countries, but you are destroying that same country that they are fighting for, so in the end there is no benefit to war, because people are fighting for the very thing they are destroying.

Anonymous said...

War will never be justifiable because war causing conflict between our country. All wars lead to deaths, and destruction. Almost all wars are fought over power, money, and land. I feel these reasons should not lead any country to war. Overall i feel war is not justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War can not be justified because a lot of people helps the economy but devastates country that are fighting in the war. during war family get split apart.

Eva Johnson said...

War cannot be justifiable because it kills billions of people. War just brings cayos and destruction. It ruins peoples lives and destroys many nations. There are other ways of solving problems then going to war. We could just compromise and agree on a solution, there is no need to go kill soldiers and civilians over a disagreement. War is wrong.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no point of going to war whatsoever. War leads to thousands of deaths of the people around you. Even if you win the war and it ends up helping your country you must sacrifice thousands of peoples lives which is not right. If you do survive, it will change you for the rest of your life as well. So to sum it up war is not justifiable.

Liam G said...

War can never be justifiable because it tears our country apart between some who believe in the war and others that are against it and maybe those in the middle. Another reason is that many young lives are lost in the fight as a wise man once said, "Old men declare war, young men die in it." the innocent lives might also not believe in the war and they die for no reason. This is why war is not justifiable.

Liam G said...

War can never be justifiable because it tears our country apart between some who believe in the war and others that are against it and maybe those in the middle. Another reason is that many young lives are lost in the fight as a wise man once said, "Old men declare war, young men die in it." the innocent lives might also not believe in the war and they die for no reason. This is why war is not justifiable.

Alana said...

War is definitely amongst the most devastatingly extreme solutions to any situation, and, in a sense, will never be considered justifiable. So many lives are lost during war, and so many tears are shed, that many people overlook the big picture. Despite the horrid factors that go into war, not one has been fought without good reason. Yes, war is dreadful, and, in an idealistic world, it would not exist, however, certain decisions cannot be made through friendly words. Overall, one can not conclude that war is justifiable, nor that it is unjustifiable, since although it is brutal, terrifying, and distressing, war is necessary.

jbenanti said...

We should never go to war because many innocent civilians will die and injured, It might boost our economy, but there would be no point in doing so if every one is dead.

Natalie said...

I think war can accomplish some important things, but nothing can justify all the deaths that come along with it. Therefore, I think that war can never be justifiable.

Anonymous said...

War is not justifiable because many people die. Many of these people include innocent civilians. It takes a toll on the people who are fighting both physically and mentally. Leaders should always try to find a peaceful solution through negotiating and bargaining. In conclusion, war is not justifiable.

Anonymous said...

It is never justifiable to go to war. It brings danger to the country and the people living in it. If you go to war you would be defending the country but you would be losing so many life's. So in the long run it is not justifiable to go to war.

Anonymous said...

War in never justifiable. No matter what we should never go to war. There are innocent lives taken for no reason.

Anonymous said...

war is not justifiable because it wastes numerous lives for power, money, land and resources.

Anonymous said...

I think if you are going to war for the right reasons then war is justified. If someone attacks you our one of your allies then you have to fight for your country or your ally.

Anonymous said...

War can be justified in defense and helping people out in other countries, a defensive war is justifiable because we are the ones being attacked, while a war to help people who are being oppressed is justifiable because we are going in to help the people in the country