Thursday, January 13, 2011

Separate But Equal

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the case that legalized segregation in our country, is widely considered to be the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court. Explain why you agree or disagree with that statement.


Anonymous said...

I think that segregation is very wrong because nobody should look at someone and say "ew they are colored and they look different therefore I have to treat them badly". I don’t think that that is very right. I think that what the whites did to the blacks and how they treated them was so very poorly and extraordinarily wrong. As to the statement, I very much agree with it. I do in fact think that, that could very well have been the worst decision ever made by the Supreme Court. That law just doesn’t seem like a very logic law and I don’t feel that that was how people should treat the blacks, and I really don’t think that that was such a right thing by raising their kids to teach them to treat the blacks like that either. That to me is just outrageously nasty and nobody should ever let someone that is being mean to him or her in that manner or any manners get in their way. It was to me the worst decision that the Supreme Court has ever made. Thank goodness that is still not going on in the Untied States.

Mariel Berger said...

i believe that not one case could have made a law that major, but that many points leading up to it had great impacts on why the law was made. i do think that the decision made at the case Plessy vs. ferguson was a very bad decision. The supreme court shouldn't of founded te defendant guilty and if they didn't the law would still probably been made but a while later. So basically i do agree but i also don't agree.

tcat said...

I agree with that because segregation is an awful thing. Not having segregation is so important to where our country is today (African American President). If segregation was just let happen we would have been all different people and blacks would have still been segregated and looked down upon. This case was very important even though Plessy lost. I would also agree with this being the worst decision ever in the supreme court because I feel as though if they would have ruled in favor of Homer Plessy than reconstruction would have been much smoother from then on.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with that because segregation is a terrible thing. Nobody should be discriminated against because of the way they look. It is just wrong and that case made everyone think that it was perfectly okay. The idea that one race is better in anyway than another is outrageous . Now a days, we learn to treat everyone equally and to not judge a book by its cover. This ruling doesn't seem right. Unfortunatly, these separate facilities were far from equal but when the African American people tried to prove this, they were given no justice. Bottom line, the decision was very, very wrong.

Lauren F said...

Plessy v. Fergusson was one of the worst decisions in SCOTUS history for several reasons. It put back America by about several decades by segregating African Americans and Caucasians, and not only that, but it allowed facilities to be unequal. This is not only a discussion about right and wrong, but about sanitation. The idea that the highest court in the U.S. would allow for such blatant disregard of another human beings health is just morally wrong. that is why Plessy was a bad decision

Jenny G said...

I disagree with the Supreme Court. I think this was the worst decision made by the Supreme Court. They were making it sound as if segregation was right and okay. Plessy should have not got in trouble. Segregation was wrong and should have been abolished much earlier. White people back then didn't care about the black people. The decision was very wrong and not fair.

Anonymous said...

I think segregation is very wrong because on race should not be put aside or left out. It also sent a message saying that it was okay to determine somebody by their race. I think if segregation was not legalized African Americans would have gotten there rights a lot sooner then they did.

Lauren said...

I do agree that it was the worst decision made by the supreme court. Segregation is appalling and unpleasant, to mark someone by the color of their skin and say since you are African American you are lower than everyone else so you have less than everyone else. In Plessy v. Ferguson Jesse made a very courageous move in our history. Jesse was not afraid to stand up for his beleifes even though he broke the state law without this act of bravery our country might have still been where it was back then.

Frances said...

I do believe that the decision of Plessy v. Ferguson was the worst decision in the Supereme Court's history. Segregation cut up the very little equality that America had before and set the entire country into rewind mode. Everything would go downhill. From drinking fountains to facilities to transportation, the African American's portion of it was a lot less sanitized and had very poor quality in material. Before, America was slowly piecing back the relationship between the races, but then the Supreme Court slapped down a huge botch. From one decision, came some really horrible years.

Giulia said...

The fact that our supreme court chose segregation is sad. yes the supreme court judges were all white men, and they didn't want blacks to be by their sides. The only thing different about blacks and whites was that one as colored, and the other was not. The whites would call them stupid, but really it was the whites fault they were. They stopped the blacks from getting a proper education, some would sneak getting it so they could at least read and write. So what's the big deal? why couldn't blacks and whites sit side-by-side? the blacks never did anything wrong. They white brought them over from Africa to be slaves in the first place. The segregation was born of jealousy and power-hungry white men. It is a disgrace to have that written in our country's history books. So yes, i agree that the decision the supreme court made in the case Plessy vs. Ferguson was a terrible mistake and that if they hadn't done that then maybe, the blacks would've been accepted earlier into society.

poooookah said...

I agree that segregation in our country is the worst decision in the history of the supreme court. Any segregation based on color race or religion is wrong, and we as humans in society should not strive to perpetuate segregation through laws. If only the supreme court put morality before laws and lived up to the highest standard of human actions, maybe that law would never have been passed. Back then, moralities did not come first and even present day it's not. The whites allowed themselves to be held hostage to pressures based on prejudice upbringings by there parents.

Andrew Savage said...

I agree that the decision of Plessy v. Ferguson one of the worst decisions made by the U. S. Supreme Court. It was likely a very biased decision by the Supreme Court. I don't know why they would want to separate human beings because of their complexion. It put this country behind socially with other countries such as the many in Europe. It also allowed separate and unequal facilities for Blacks and Whites. It is also surprising and disgusting that there was only one dissent, being a 7 to 1 case.

Mahesh said...

Plessy vs Ferguson was the worst supreme court case ever because it legalized segregation. The fact that most of the judges supported this is as alarming as the fact that most whites also agreed with this ruling. At the end of this case black people knew there would be no equality for a long time because of the public support. Racism is never the right answer to anything because it strips a person of his rights. This verdict was wrong and I hope now that America has realized it.

Kate said...

I agree that segregation was the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court because it basically told people that it was alright to treat others differently just based on there skin color. This is definitely unfair because all men are created equal and it is not right for one person to treat another badly based on skin color, gender or any other factor. Without a doubt, the Supreme Court was clearly not thinking when they legalized segregation because it was the worst decision anyone could ever make. To judge another because they don't physically look like you is so wrong and it is sad to think that the Supreme Court thought it was okay,

Vicky:D said...

I agree that this decision was one of the worst decisions made in the Supreme Court. I think segregation is an awful thing. This is because all African Americans should be treated equally. I also think this sent a message, saying that it was okay to determine people by the color of their skin, which is not true. Clearly the Supreme Court were not thinking when they decided to make this legal as it was the worst decision anyone could make and it is even more awful that the Supreme Court made this decision.

Tully said...

Yes I completely agree with that statement. No human should be treated unfairly, but then again we dont live in a perfect country. Segregation is wrong on so many levels. Having different bathrooms, water fountains, and different parts on busses and trains. Jesse showed a great example of showing leader ship, and trying to stop segregation. Plessy v. Ferguson was a milestone in our history. He fought for what he believed in. This decision could possibly be the worst decision ever made.

Tully said...

Yes I completely agree with that statement. No human should be treated unfairly, but then again we dont live in a perfect country. Segregation is wrong on so many levels. Having different bathrooms, water fountains, and different parts on busses and trains. Jesse showed a great example of showing leader ship, and trying to stop segregation. Plessy v. Ferguson was a milestone in our history. He fought for what he believed in. This decision could possibly be the worst decision ever made.

Katie McNulty said...

It was unfair to the African Americans that they were treated this way. I honestly don't see why the Supreme Court made that decision. They should have thought about how the people being punished would feel, especially since they did nothing wrong. It was ridiculous how they thought this would be fair.

James said...

i agree with that statement. i believe that getting there rights was a huge step for the hearts of blacks and to take it away in such short time is awful. this is also a bad decision because it led to lots of fighting and breaking of laws which wasn't good for either sides. it isn't really that hard to see past the color of somebody's skin and live in peace with them. why are they trying to make it hard?

Anonymous said...

I agree that the Supreme Court made "the worst" decision in the history of the Supreme Court, legalizing segregation. People should not be separated because of their race. The whole idea of segregation was completely wrong, because one person isn't superior to another, one race isn't superior to another. When they ruled that facilities could be "separate but equal," everyone started to treat other races poorly, with no respect, because they could, the law allows them to.

Gubster511 said...

Segregation is terrible and should have never happened. It was absolutely the worst decision the Supreme Court has ever made. Ever since the beginning of our country the saying, "every man is created equal" has been in play. During the Civil rights movement, there was a play on words that said, "separate, but equal". The decision might have been ok if that statement was true. Unfortunately, the statement was completely false, and African Americans were treated way worse than whites.

ladina said...

I believe its really wrong because after are discussions in class i just think that you can't make a décision like that and stll think your doing thé right thing. Thé 14th amendment says that we are all protected thé same onder the law and clearly its not doing that in this case. Segregation Is terrible and thé décision they made also.

tconheeney said...

n this supreme court case the court decided to allow segregation in the United States. this is the worst decision the supreme court have ever made. allowing segregation was basically telling all african americans living the United stated that they have no authority with the supreme court, and that they were not looked at as people by the United States of America. On a different foot though, when this decision was made, America was mostly made of racist whites. So the supreme court did what in there eyes was the right decision. If this same case had happened thirty years later then there would have definitely been a different decision. So yes i do think that this was the worst decision that the supreme court ever made but i do not blame them for there actions in this case. the were simply doing what they thought was right.

Austin Cieszko said...

I agree that it was possibly the worst decision made by our Supreme Court because legalizing segregation led to almost exactly where we started off before slavery ended. Before slavery ended African Americans were treated horribly for no logical reason what so ever. After abolishing slavery, for the court to then make a law that brings back what we finally got rid of is just stupidity. Also, for it to take nearly 100 years to take away the law makes the decision (in my opinion) definitely the worst choice by the Supreme Court.

Joey said...

I believe that the Plessy v. Ferguson was the worst decision in Supreme Court history because it made the ability to separate people due to race or ethnicity legal. This was an extremely bad thing to do, because not long after, the African Americans practically lost all of the rights that they had been fighting for.

Mason Propper said...

I think that the court had the right to put him in jail, but they didn't have the right to legalize segregation. The only reason he lost the case was because he broke a law and for that he should have to go to jail but that doesn't mean the court can legalize segregation in our country. That goes against the 14th amendment. With all of this i believe that legalizing segregation is the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court.

johnny M said...

I disagree with the supreme court in many ways. First and foremost, racisim and segregation are two very unfair and wrong things. Nobody should be discriminated because of the color of thier skin. The decision of the supreme court ruling against Plessy was very alarming to our country. This ruling was cleary one of many events that led to segregation.

Alex Currie said...

i agree with this statement because segregation was a terrible thing to do to a person just because of the color of their skin. Segregation made the african americans furious but this was disregarded by the white race and to legalize it was like a punch in the face.

Ali Futter said...

I agree with this statement because segregation not only affected everyone in that time period, but it continued to affect our country's history, and we had to fight to end it long after it began. Segregation made whites think that they were better than the African Americans, and they did not need to share their community with them. The United States was not United, and although some realized it, others did not see why segregation was wrong. Overall, it was the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court.

nolan murray said...

I believe that segregation was a step in the wrong direction for our country during the 1960's. This is because Thomas Jefferson said all men are created equal who did he classify as a man. In 1896, a black man was trying to peacefully boycott segregation in the United States by sitting in a whites only train. The idea of segregation was completely wrong because one is superior or better than another, one race isn't better than another. It also allowed separate and unequal utilities for Blacks and Whites mainly in the south.

Annie Love! said...

I agree with the statement that it was the worst decision ever made in the history of the Supreme Court, because segregation is terrible. NOBODY should be discriminated against because of color or race, or religion. The african americans shouldn't be separate from the whites for any reason. Even if they are separate but equal.

Annie Love! said...

I agree with the statement that it was the worst decision ever made in the history of the Supreme Court, because segregation is terrible. NOBODY should be discriminated against because of color or race, or religion. The african americans shouldn't be separate from the whites for any reason. Even if they are separate but equal.

$@rÅh said...

In the case Plessy v. Ferguson, segregation was legalized in our country, which was said to be the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court. Segregation did not solve the problems the United States was having, it only created a greater divide between the White and Black society. I agree with this statement; segregation was terrible - no one should be discriminated against because of the color of their skin. It definitely was one of the worst laws passed. Because of this there is still a little discrimination today, even though it isn't enforced. The decision that was made in 1896 affected America in a very negative way, and changed the way we think about each other forever.

hannah said...

I agree that this was the worst decision made by the supreme court. Legalizing segregation caused even more tension between whites and blacks— the same tension that was supposedly loosened when the North won the Civil War. The justices on the Supreme Court during that time period took America a step back, instead of improving our country, they were helping separate it. "Separate but equal" would make children go to different schools than their different race friends, and would divide blacks and whites in everything including bathrooms, train cars, restaurant seatings, etc.

Sienna said...

I think that segregation was the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. Making it legal was horrible. Segregation tore this country to pieces. Nothing good came out of segregation. It just made the whites feel more superior than black and made the blacks feel more like outsiders. Being segregated just means that no one wants to be friends and no one wants peace. The white didn't even know what blacks were capable of or how much blacks are like whites. They just judged on apperance and that was a horrible thing. Never judge a book by it's cover.

Anonymous said...

I think this very well could be the worst decision ever made by the Supreme Court. Segregation was an awful thing and it was an awful thing that the Supreme Court would think about how many people this effects in a negitive way and they would still feel the need to go through with this. The major reason i think this could possibly be the worst decision ever made because it effect the progress of the U.S as a nation for a good 60 years and took years of rebuilding to get our country anywhere as close as it is to equal now.

Anonymous said...

In the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896, segregation was legalized in the US, which is considered to be the Supreme Court's worst decision. I agree with this statement because Segregation did not help our countries situation, instead it made it worse. Now that segregation was legal many people took advantage and decided that discrimination is ok as well. So, the decision made was indeed if not the worse, one of the worse rulings made because making one race inferior to the other is indubitably unjust and immoral. It was detrimental to our Country and it still has some effects on it today, yet as the years have gone on citizens have decided to make more and more of an effort to put prejudice to an end.

Marc said...

I believe that the ruling of the case was very unfair. The government said that things may be "separate but equal". What does that really mean in this time period. Does it mean that things will actually be equal? Unfortunately things were not very equal during this time period. I do not think that the decision was fair at all.

Luke Pritchard said...

I agree with the statement because the thought of segregation just disgusts me. In my opinion segregation is one of the worst things that has ever gone through our country because i think that they should not get treated unfairly due to their skin color, they have absolutely no control over that. Every human was created equal and shall remain to be treated equal throughout their lifespan.

kendra scotti said...

I believe that segregation and discrimination is one of the worst things a human can do to another human. I believe that Plessy was inocent because he did not harm anyone and did not intend to harm anyone. He peacefuly walked in to the train, walked through the white only section then to the African American section and mentally I think he said to them that he was doing this for them and that they need to have more rights. After doing that he walked back in to the white only section and sat down and while the whites where being rude to him he did not react all he did was look forward until the conductore asked him to leave. I disagree with what ultimately the Supreme Court ruled because he did not harm anyone and once the coductore told him to get off the train he did with out being asked twice

Olivia Savitz said...

In the case of Plessy VS. Ferguson, segregation became legal in our nation, which was known to be the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court. Segregation didn't resolve the issues the United States was having, it created even more problematic tension between the White and Black race. Segregation was a terrible act, no person should be denied a civil right based on the color of their skin. It was definitely a mistake to have this law passed. Although segregation laws are not enforced today, some people still choose to discriminate. This unforgettable decision affected the United States greatly, and deformed our nation in ways that will take a plethora of effort to fix.

John Tooher said...

Segregation is an awful thing and should never occur. But in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, I believe that they did make the right decision. The Judicial system has to go by the laws. In this case, Plessy was braking a law, so he should have gotten in trouble. I definitely think that Plessy made the right move by braking the law to make a point about an awful thing.But, the court decision had to be based off the law.

Henry Bray said...

Segregation was bad enough when it wasn't part of the law and made not constitutional but when the supreme court made it legal i did not agree. it was not fair because they would not keep everything equal but they would keep everything separate son making blacks feeling they needed to protest

Anonymous said...

Plessy VS. Ferguson in 1896 legalized segregation in our country, and is considered to be the worst decision in the history of Supreme Court. I highly agree with this because segregation based on religion or race is wrong. When they made this law they should have looked ahead on the income more, people would definitely be more prejudice and racist after this law was passed. Also, one of the worst things about this is people thought it was okay to do all of these cruel things because the law said they could be separate and in a way could indirectly say that whites were better that African Americans. All in all, Plessy VS. Ferguson was a overall bad decision.

Ctmera said...

The ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson was immoral, corrupt, biased, and unconstitutional. It was, without a doubt, HORRIBLE. The legalization of segregation laws went against the 14th amendment which banned laws preventing equal protection under the law. Segregation was wrong in the first place, but one can't really blame them for trying to take their ways that hey were used to with them after having their way of life taken away from them. White supremacy was going overboard. They lost and should've accepted defeat, but by showing no sportsmanship, they decided to go against the wishes of the victor.

nick said...

I would agree with that statement because it legalized segregation and let blacks be treated unfairly for another 100 years. If they had not made this ruling civil rights would have been sped up, and martin luther king would have never had to step up and sacrifice his life for the cause. That is why I agree with that statement.

Josh Ford said...

In 1896, the Plessy vs. Ferguson case resulted in the legalization of segregation in America. This meant that Blacks and White were to use different facilities, sit in different places, even ride on different transportation. It was to be run on the concept of “separate-but-equal” institutions.
I do not think this was a terrible decision. In fact, considering the racism and hatred toward each other that still exists between the two races today, this was a great decision.
I think that the problem with this decision was the resulting obedience of the law, or rather lack there of. Separate but equal. Equal is the key word. While the white run country was gladly focused on the “separate” aspect, they seemed to have forgotten that in order for this concept to be constitutional, the separate facilities and institutions must be equal.
This was quickly forgotten, and all black areas quickly dropped to little or no quality. This is why segregation was seen as such a terrible decision. Because the country was not capable of keeping things equal if they were separate. Blame the law abiders; not the law.

Keli said...

I believe that the segregation was a very wrong, and awful thing. I believe that everyone should be treated equal even if they don't look the same. To judge someone by the color of their skin tone is very sad. The Supreme Court did not think this through because this is by far the worst decision they made.


I believe that "Separate, but equal" was the worst decision in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court because it gave the okay for Jim Crow laws and segregation. the reason I agree with that statement so much is that segregation is that wort mistake anyone could make in government because it kept people from becoming one country.

ali weiner said...

I agree with this decision because segregation enabled people to continue to be racist and discriminatory. Making segregation legal reversed all of the work that people had done to make America equal. Segregation in itself is awful and to legalize just made the whole situation worse. This also made the white race continue to believe that they were superior. Overall, the decision
hurt our country inso many ways making it the worst decision thus far that the supreme court had made.

luke said...

I agree and disagree with this statement. I agree because segregation was unfair and cruel. However I disagree because it was a law and the court didn't know that separate but equal wasn't equal. The man also willingly went onto the train knowing he was going to be arrested.

Ethan! said...

Obviously in this day and age very few people agree with the idea of segregation but I think that even then the american people and members of the supreme court had enough perspective to recognize how insane it is to separate people based solely off of there color. So yes i feel that there are very few cases ruled by the supreme court worse than plessy v. ferguson, the only one that might be equally as bad is the ruling that president Bush could be elected again ;)

Star :) said...

I agree with this statement because I feel that in Plessy v. Ferguson the man was trying to make a statement that the nation should be intergraded. The fact that he was found guilty for breaking the law wasn't the problem. I feel like even deeper and beyond that breaking a law to make a change is okay if the change is better for the community and society and is going to benefit the future generations of the African American race. I believe that it was the worst decision because it did allow segregation. I feel like everyone should be able to be together in an intergraded lifestyle. They basically denied children and adults being able to learn about different cultures and different beliefs. But perhaps that is what they were afraid of, maybe people were afraid that if everyone could live together then their race would die out, or maybe they were just afraid of change after all these years.

Jcarnavalla said...

I think that segregation is very wrong because the African Americans are the ones that helped build this country. i think that segregation should have never been, and i hope that blacks are never treated badly again. Plessy v. Ferguson was a very bad decision. I think that they should have rule the complete opposite of what they did. Blacks should never be treated like that again.

Henry Catchpole said...

I think that this supreme court decision was the worst case outcome of all of the cases before. I think this because this case could make whites and blacks sit in different places and say they were treated the same, but they were not being treated the same. This also doesn't seem fair for the blacks because they did nothing wrong to get this punishment. So that is why this case, Plessy vs Ferguson, was wrong and was not judged fairly.

Greg said...

I do not agree with that because many of the segragtion laws were put in place originall to keeps the races seperate but overtime it proved another point, it proved without these many whites would have done very harsh things to the blacks.

ariana said...

I think that segregation is wrong but i think separate but equal is better than the blacks having nothing. It was a good idea to come up with this rule so that they can have equal things but they might not always be the best or the nicest quality for the blacks. If they had a restaurant for the whites they would build a restaurant for the blacks. Separate but equal doesn't mean they have to be as nice as the whites they just have to the same things as the whites.

Jamie Schwartz said...

I would disagree with the decision of the court mainly because even though he violated a state law, the law was going against the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment defined citizenship, and the court claimed that he had to be separate from the white car. Also, since he had his lawyer waiting at the train station where he got off, should have sent a message to the judges that he intentional sat there to make a point.

luke price said...

I agree with this statement because segregation is a horrible and immature idea in general. It was unfair to African Americans because they were not given the chance to be judged like white people and most white people were either too immature or too scared to do anything about it.

Jcarnavalla said...

I think that segregation is wrong because everybody is created equal and should be treated equally. We shouldn't look at somebody that is colored and think that they are lower than you. You should look at everybody and think of everybody the same no matter what color they are or what religion the believe in. Everybody is equal and is very bad to think otherwise.