Thursday, October 24, 2013

Test Taking

What is the most beneficial test preparation strategy you would share with a student who has a problem with test taking.  What really works for you?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Teller Amendment

Please explain why you believe Congress passed the Teller Amendment? If you remember, this amendment represented America's promise not to annex Cuba, but rather to allow Cuba to become an independent state.  During this era of imperialism, and America's growth into a world power, why do you think they would pass this amendment?  Analyze carefully, and as you respond consider the U.S. role in the world today.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Manifest Destiny

In anticipation of our discussion on Manifest Destiny, please think carefully and provide an answer to the following:  Do you think America had the right to expand from its original 13 colonies, and build its empire from "sea to sea" and beyond?  As you respond, consider the following information--
  1. America had just successfully won a revolution against a country (England) that had expanded its empire colonizing in America, and we did not like being ruled by them;
  2. This expansion would be at the expense of Native Americans, who inhabited much of the land to the west;
  3. How would America be viewed by the rest of the world? 
  4. Feel free to research the concept of "Manifest Destiny" to help with your understanding.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Group Projects

This is the first blog of your Grade 8 History year--Enjoy.  There will be many more:) Please respond to this question:

We will be doing many group projects this year, in history classes as well as other classes.  Please clearly articulate why group projects are important to your education.  As you respond, please incorporate your thoughts on the following:
  • What is the strongest skill you offer to your group?
  • What needs to happen in order for the group to achieve success together?
  • What is the most frustrating part of group projects?
  • What would make group projects more enjoyable and fun for you?