Are you fired up? Experience 8th Grade Global History at King--a thematic approach exploring the role of the United States in the world
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Beyond Brown v. Board of Education
Think about the other students at your school, your circle of friends, and the people who live in your neighborhood. To what extent do you think Brown v. Board of Education's dream of an integrated America has been made real?
I believe Brown vs. Board of Education has made a major impact on the way we live in society today. We are now friends with people of all races. Back then it was viewed as disturbing to be seen with someone of color. We now pass, smile, hug, and laugh with people of all races and religions every day. There is still racism and even some discrimination, but it has improved a lot. Another example is having a president of color. Back then that was the wildest vision to have, and now, it's reality. Brown vs. Board of Education has helped a lot. But you can still see places where there is more discrimination. Some schools may have less people of color and some may be over abundant. School systems try to make it as diverse as possible, but it is still lacking.
The Case of Brown vs. Board of education made out school system entirely different. Now in all school all people of different races can go together. it was horrifying that people would say or harm kids just because they wanted a better education instead of a smaller eduction. education now has come along way we have new technology and other amenities that other might not have like in Africa they only have one small building for many African children. So in the case of Brown vs. Board of education we have come along way from racism schools.
What has made it the most real in our nation is how we can go into a school, go to our class and sit next to an African American person or people and not think of it as anything wrong. USA has defiantly changed a lot. There is no more segregation, only integration. People don't care if you sit next to a black boy or girl. We are now brought up in our families and schools to not care how someone looks on the outside and you can’t judge a person by the color of their skin, but by the content of their personality.
Brown v. Board of Education has had a huge impact on us all. I have friends of basically all races now and no one can tell us otherwise. There is no problem with us having friends of different races, friendship and love is unconditional. "We make up one big family, even though we don't look the same. We are different, different colors." - - The Cheetah Girls. This is a verse from a song, but it is most definitely true. Everyone is different in their own creative and special way and no one can change that. With Brown v. Board of Education we learn to live together.
I think Brown vs. Board of Education has changed the school systems in a huge way. Now schools are pretty diverse. I think it was pretty bad that they made kids go to different schools based on race. It must of felt really bad to go to a bad school because of the way you looked.
i feel that Brown vs board of education has made a huge difference on schools today. At sax middle school there is at least 1/5 off the kids are african americans. we still need to work on it but we are further than we were 80 years ago. but on the other hand the bth grade a king only has one african american so that is a very small amount. but i feel that Brown vs Board of education did have an impact on schools today
Brown vs. Board of Education has made a huge impact on today's society. I think the biggest impact its made is where we can go to school and seat or eat next to any different race and not think twice about it. With out a doubt Brown Vs. Board had a huge impact onto today's school.
Brown v. the Board of Ed made a major impact on society today. Now people all over the country are beginning to realize how bad segregation is. We still have a long way to go, we're making pretty good progress so far. Brown v. the board of ed, to some extent, even allowed the U.S. to elect an African American president.
Brown v. Board of Education has changed America significantly. In my personal experiences, no one has been left out because of race,and all schools I know of do not care about skin color. While there is definitely still racism in America, and in the world, the fact that we have improved so much in the last couple decades is truly encouraging.
I think that the case Brown v. Board of Education has changed a lot of towns, and schools. We no longer judge people by the color of their skin, but of the content of their character. Segregation is no longer legal, there for no longer exists. Parents no longer teach their kids to be racist, and whites no longer see themselves as superior to the other races. All schools now host all people of all colors, and teachers treat all their students with equal respect. I think that the dream of Brown v. Board of Education has been achieved to an extent, but not completely. There is still racism and discrimination, but not everywhere.
I think since Brown vs. Board of education thing have improved very much. Now a days, people are not discriminated based on their race, which is good. When you look at school and their community, talking about race, most of the time there is a mainly white population. In some places, there is more of a population of a race other than white. Their dream has greatly improved since then.
Since the decision of Brown V. Board of Education has been made, the situation of segregation has improved greatly. In my personal experience, I have not seen any separation of races because of law. Everyone mixes to mingle and it is awesome. Racism and discrimination still exist today, but it is not as extreme. Brown V. Board of Education helped a lot with the situation. If we stop separating because of our differences we could learn more from others.
I think that Brown vs. Board of Education's dream is becoming a reality. People of color and white people do things together now without even thinking twice. Nothing is segregated and black and white people are friendly with each other. On the other hand, there are still racist people who do not like blacks or any other race and do not treat them with respect. For the most part, the dream has come true, but there is still room for improvement.
I think that the dream of Brown v. Board of Education has been accomplished because I'm friends with a lot of people that are African American. Yet, none of them go to my school because even though all the schools are integrated. Private schools are still a little bit better and I think that it is unfair because they can't afford to come to King and if they could they would come. They're are also not getting as good of an education because teachers at King will try their hardest and at public schools not as much effort is put into it because of bigger classes.
I think that Brown v. Board of Education has greatly changed society and the way we treat people. Back in the 1950's, it was almost unimaginable to people to think of people of color as equal to themselves. Now, every race has a voice, and we treat each other with respect and kindness. We listen to each other, and want to learn more about each other's cultures and traditions. In our school, there are people of many different backgrounds, and we have learned to celebrate that fact instead of resent it. Although there is still discrimination, overall we have learned a lot over the years, and hopefully one day there won't be discrimination.
The case Brown v. Board of Education has made a tremendous impact on my life. When I'm in school i have many friends with different religious backgrounds and or race. Some of my best friends are African American, and Indian. The best part of having this case in or history and really know that it is behind us for the most part is that when I was in kindergarden we all sat in a circle and no one person though twice before sitting next to someone that look different then they do. Overall I think that this particular case has made a huge impact and we are all thankful for that.
Brown v. Board of Education was a step in the right direction in making America what it is today. To me its a big reason why I dont think in my head about judging different races and religions from what they look like or believe in. Today the country has come along quite a bit since we even have a black president. Almost all of this integrated America dream has been made real to me since the blacks have the same rights as the whites and since the blacks can succeed in life just as easily as whites can. I believe that nearly nothing is left of segregation and from learning of this I find it amazing of how this country has changed.
Brown vs. Board of Education worked very well after the schools started making the change. Right now when I go to school I don't constantly think about any racism or discrimination of any kind. In today's school system people are now judged on their character and kindness rather on what race they are. Without Brown vs Board of Education the school system would not be where it is now in terms of racial comfortably and equality.
I believe that Brown vs. Board of education was an amazing and huge step in civil rights, I think that the dream and goals of Brown v. board of Ed. were well achieved. Almost all sane people are accepting of other cultures and all schools are, as a matter of fact it is illegal in the state of CT to have an all one race class. no schools or buildings are segregated and most kids have a wide variety of diversity in there friend group, so yes I think that they achieved there main goals.
I believe that Brown vs. Board of Education really paved the way to all other disegregations in the 1900's. Brown's best decision was getting the NAACP involved with this case. This win of this case for Brown effects schools to this day. If Brown hadn't of won the court case, then Black and White kids to this day would not be able to be in the same school. There is still racism in schools, but not nearly as much as then because of this case.
I believe Brown vs. Board of Education has impacted how people in our community live. Since the Brown v. Board of Education people of all races are friends with each other. Before the case if a black and white person were talking it would be disturbing to the people around them, but now they can. If this case never happened black and white kids would maybe still be separate. Even though our school are the same there is still racism and discrimination in our schools and community. We have made a major improvement since the 1900s.
It has been 57 years since the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education, and the integration and well-being of African American youths has definitely been improved. Segregation is barely remnant in the United States anymore. The fact that people of all colors and religions can come together as a nation is all thanks to Brown v. Board of Education. That case united us as people, and is the reason why we can all get along today.
I think that the Brown vs. Board of Education case has a made a sizable impact on the way schools and public facilities are ran and integrated in society today. In today's day and age we are all socializing with people of different ethinicity and color or race even though they are different or just different from what you are. There is still racism and discrimination in parts of the country that has not been fixed or solved yet, but since the Brown vs Board of Education case lots of things have changed and our society as a whole has made a major improvement and we will keep striving for the overall goal of racial equality throughout the world.
I think Brown vs. Board of Education has really made a difference in society today. We have friends of all different races, and most schools like to be diverse. There is still some racism, but nowhere near as much, and most people except everyone for who they are not what color skin they have. I think that Brown vs. Board of Education made this possible. I love that now we can sit next to an African American without being questioned.
I think Brown vs. Board of Education has a huge impact on schools and further leading to total integration. In time the school system changed a lot from the case of Brown vs. Board of Education. Most people have adapted to sharing schools and faculties with peace and love with other races. We still could do a better job in integrating schools. There is still an imbalance of blacks and whites in schools. For example, if you at our school you find a huge imbalance from other races to whites but, if you look at a public school you find a greater balance between races.
I think that Brown vs. Board of Education made a huge difference and definitely affected our world even today. If this case did not happen, then schools could have still been segregated until a later date. Today, no matter what the race, gender or anything else, we all hug, smile, high-five, and talk to our classmates. No matter where our classmates may come from, it doesn't affect our involvement with them. It was a fantasy for people to do that 50 or 60 years ago, and today everyone does it. Brown vs. Board of Education definitely impacted all of our lives today and in the future.
Brown v. Board of education has made a huge impact on everybody's life. For schools everybody of all races can go together, everybody can work together, they can all use the same water fountains, bathrooms, parks, movie theatres, and all of those things. if it wasn't for the Brown v. Board of Education, we would still be living in a segregated world. In some parts of the world there still might be some segregation,but most of it has gone by. black's and white's have ALL privileges. we also have a black president. and I think this has also inspired other people to do the same.
Brown vs. Board of education has made a huge difference to our society today. Brown vs. Board of Educations dream is definitely getting closer to being fulfilled. For instance, we now have a African American president. However, their is room for improvement. People are still discriminative and prejudice today. Though their is still room for improvement, Brown vs Board of Education make a huge impact on everybody.
I think that the case of brown vs board of education helped reach the goal on an integrated america. The case made it so that kids of all races went to school together in the public school system. This was affective because white children became used to interacting with african american children, which helped them realize that they were no different from them. This showed people that races could interact with each other and function as a comunity which lead to the full desegregation of america.
I feel that Brown v. Board of Education has had a massive impact on America, both inside and outside of the school system. Inside, it has made it illegal to segregate schools by race. Due to this, the students at our school are of all different races, ethnicities and social classes. But I think that it works on an entire different level outside of school. Due to Brown v. Board of Education, and the subsequent Supreme Court decision, people of all races gained hope of integration, and worked hard until they received it. Because of this hard work, we live in a country where members of all races are viewed equally. You can no longer be treated differently by the government because of your race. Over the years, integration has transformed from a dream into reality. And while racism is still plenty in this country, and it most likely never will die out completely, it has dwindled down to a much smaller amount than it was in the mid twentieth century, when Brown v. Board of Education occurred.
I think that Brown vs. Board of Ed was made real. What it was trying to do was, to at least some extent, abolish the separate-but-equal law created as a result of Plessy vs. Ferguson. No longer are children separated into different schools, no longer will they have to walk an extra 2 miles, wander the halls of a second rate public school, suffer the blistering heat of a non-air conditioned summer, or a freezing winter. All children are together, not because of the color of their skin, but because they all live together, and deserve to be treated equally. But is the dream of Brown vs. Board of Ed fulfilled? Are children brought up in a colorblind environment? Is a black child given all the opportunities a white child is? Does the integration of schools automatically slide into place perfect desegregation of the world over? No. but at least they have air conditioning in their classrooms now.
I believe that Brown v. Board of Educations dream has almost been achieved. Although there is still some social segregation in school the schools themselves are very integrated. There is social separation because sometimes it is easier to relate when you are he same religion or race.
I feel that Brown vs. Board of Ed. has made a significant impact on today's society, even if segregation is not completely eliminated. For example, in our grade at King, even though white people are a majority, we have a few colored people, and our school is opened to colored people. I do not think Brown vs. Board of Ed. has reached to the level where most whites have total respect for most colored people and vice versa, but it has definitely influenced a lot of people in our country.
Brown v. Board of Education completely integrated schools in America. While that change took some time to come into effect that time has passed. All over America schools are integrated, there are no white schools or blacks schools there are simply schools that provide education to children for the sake of knowledge and self-betterment. Now all children of all races learn and play as one public school system of America.
I think that Brown v. Board of education has clearly made a significant impact on the way America acts today. Now we are friends with all different races and even go to school with them. The way are democracy was set up in the mid and early 1900's was horrifying and wrong and hopefully will never happen again. Thanks to cases like brown vs. board of education we were able to end those nightmares.
Brown v. Board of Education made an a big influence on how we coexist with each other in society today. Because of integration in the united states, we are able to live together amongst all races. But even though there is no law for segregation, i feel that we still segregate with each other on our own. there is still racial discrimination within our society because of our country's history of prejudice against people who aren't white. I feel that most of the goals of this case have been accomplished, but as a country we haven't reached this objective.
The case of Brown V. Board of education made a significant impact on america today. I believe that if Brown V. Board of education never occurred the american school system would not be as diverse as it is now. Although where ever you go there will be prejudice people, but it is not as bad as it used to be. Private schools, like king try their best to integrate individuals with different backgrounds.
The case of Brown V. Board of education made a significant impact on america today. I believe that if Brown V. Board of education never occurred the american school system would not be as diverse as it is now. Although where ever you go there will be prejudice people, but it is not as bad as it used to be. Private schools, like king try their best to integrate individuals with different backgrounds.
Brown vs. Board of education made a huge impact on our schooling systems today. You can now be friends or talk to people of all races if that is what you desire without people talking to you about how that is the wrong thing. I also think that now that schools are integrated we can learn and realize about how bad segregation really was and think about what might have happened if that case never had occured. Although there is still racism going on out there, the segregation in our country has improved greatly since brown vs. board of ed.
I believe that brown vs. board of ed helped imencely in the overall integration of schools. Now you go down the halls and people of many ethnicities are among you. There is still a great ways to go in the process of integration considering the fact that many schools today still dont have that much variety when it comes to having different ethnic groups. Board of Ed. got America to an amazing place by legalizing integration, it is now our turn to put it into effect.
I believe that Brown v. Board Edu. has changed school districts around the country. Certainly, this has changed the way that students look at each other and how they feel. Although that there is still some racism in schools the situation has been getting better. Although we still have a long way to go i believe that we have made a lot of progress
I believe Brown VS. Board of Education has made a huge impact on today’s modern society. Way back in the 1940’s -60’s, it was unthinkable to imagine other races being discriminated against for their skin color. Because of integration in the United States, we are able to live together amongst every race. Even though there is no official law for segregation, I do believe that we still struggle with racial hardships in modern times today. There are still people in this country who discriminate within our nation because of America’s history of prejudice against African Americas, and other races that are not white. I hope that in the future, all racists will put their hatred aside and realize that no matter what we look like on the outside, we are all the same on the inside.
Brown vs. Board was something America in a big way. All of our schools are integrated and even have colored principals or deans just like the middle school here at King. Everyone in the middle school and upper school love Mr. Walker and though there is still racism and discrimination we still can be friends, colored or not.
I believe Brown vs. Board of education made a very big force on the way we live today. Today we are friends with people of all different races. There still can be a little racism and discrimination today but it is much better then it was back then. Hopefully we'll get passed that as well. Hopefully we can have no racism and discrimination, when people just look at you, for who you are. As the saying is, " Don't judge its book by its cover"
Brown vs Board of Education has made a huge impact in the way schools are today. First, all schools today have colored and white people in them as opposed to 60 years ago when none of them had a black population. Second today most black and white people are friends but back then it was wrong to be with a black. That is why I think Brown v. Board of Education's dream of an integrated America has been made real.
Brown vs. Board of Ed was a very important stepping stone for the change of the better of the country. This case was one of the landmark case, this case integrated schools but with all deliberate speed. Which means they weren't in a rush to integrate schools. This kinda shows that the government/courts are still kinda racist. Now because of Linda Brown and 4 other kids we can all go to school together and be side by side and treated equally as everyone else.
The case Brown v. Board of Education was a significant case. I believe that its dream of an integrated America has been made real to a certain extent. For example, in schools, and public facilities. Although this is true some peoples opinion about the subject are different. Therefore, they will still treat someone from a different race or religion differently.
I think since Brown vs. Board of education thing have improved very much. now a days, people are not discriminated based on their race, which is good. When you look at school and their community, talking about race, most of the time there is a mainly white population. In some places, there is more of a population of a race other than white. Their dream has greatly improved since then.
Brown's dream came true, we have integrated schools. There are many different races in school, and they aren't seperate. We are friends with all races. If I lived back then I would be supporting African Americans beause no one should be treated differntly for the color of their skin. Separate, but equal, was the most idiotic excuse ever. No African American were treated equal. There was racism all over. What Linda Brwon did was remarkable in everyway. She was an incredible person who helped create integration in schools.
Brown v. Board of Education has changed a lot of people's lives. People were together, share things, are married, of all races. In the past if you were seen with someone that was black or someone that is not your own race, people would think and look at you differently. Since this case we now have colored people in the government. We have a colored president which, has probably inspired a lot of colored people. In some places in the world people discriminate. Some schools have less colored people.
Brown vs. Board of Education was a landmark case that changed our education system dramatically. Their are many people i know and care about that I would have never met if it weren't Brown vs. Board of Education. I also think that it is very important for everyone to have a good education.Brown vs. Education has definitely been made real and all schools are integrated. Our country wouldn't be as good as a country if it weren't for Brown vs. Board of Edu.
I believe that the case Brown v board of education has really shaped the way our country has developed not only through the educational aspect but through other parts. Brown v. board of education made a huge impact and with out Oliver Brown standing up for what he believe in and releizing how segregation is so unessasary we wouldn't be where we are today. Lastly I think that there still is segregation but not nearly as bad as the middle to late 1900's
I think that the Brown vs. Board of Education has made a major impact on the way we live today. I now have friends of several races and that the dream that America has been integrated has been made real.
Brown v. Board of Education has changed society today and in the future. Back in the time of segregation black people were considered bad. When ever somebody who was black walked by or did something white people would stare at him, making him feel uncomfortable in the place he was in. Now even at KLHT we have African Americans. Just think that if this case didn't happen then we wouldn't have some of our dearest friends here at KLHT. I believe that this was one of the most important cases in the history of country because of the reasons i stated above.
The Brown vs. Board of Education case has had a huge impact on the way I live today. If the case never happened, I would be going to an all white school and some of my friends would be going to a school for minorities. We wouldn't be free to interact with other races because it wouldn't be socially acceptable and I'm sure all of our groups of friends would be very different if we didn't have integrated schools.
This dream has been made real because today their are many non-white and non-protestant children that are able to attend American schools. While this has been made real their is still some racism going on in public schools as children of the same color only hang out with each other and form "gangs". This is not the fault of the government, but rather the fault of the students for not integrating themselves in with other people.
I believe that Brown vs. Board of Education has truly made an impact and a significant difference for society. Today, your friends are of color and white. Your classmates are mixed. It is completely different from the 1960's. Then it was simply a dream that people everywhere hoped about and now, it is reality. Now, I don't think that this case has reached it's full extent, yet. There is always room for improvement and I don't think this is an impossible task. Considering the major differences in todays society vs. the 1900's I think having a completely integrated America is something us, the citizens of The United States can make possible.
Brown vs. Board of Education made a huge impact on the American schools, and the way we live now. Way back when, it was considered almost like you were disobeying your own race if you hung out or even talked to a different race.
I believe Brown vs. Board of Education has made a major impact on the way we live in society today. We are now friends with people of all races. Back then it was viewed as disturbing to be seen with someone of color. We now pass, smile, hug, and laugh with people of all races and religions every day. There is still racism and even some discrimination, but it has improved a lot. Another example is having a president of color. Back then that was the wildest vision to have, and now, it's reality. Brown vs. Board of Education has helped a lot. But you can still see places where there is more discrimination. Some schools may have less people of color and some may be over abundant. School systems try to make it as diverse as possible, but it is still lacking.
The Case of Brown vs. Board of education made out school system entirely different. Now in all school all people of different races can go together. it was horrifying that people would say or harm kids just because they wanted a better education instead of a smaller eduction. education now has come along way we have new technology and other amenities that other might not have like in Africa they only have one small building for many African children. So in the case of Brown vs. Board of education we have come along way from racism schools.
What has made it the most real in our nation is how we can go into a school, go to our class and sit next to an African American person or people and not think of it as anything wrong. USA has defiantly changed a lot. There is no more segregation, only integration. People don't care if you sit next to a black boy or girl. We are now brought up in our families and schools to not care how someone looks on the outside and you can’t judge a person by the color of their skin, but by the content of their personality.
Brown v. Board of Education has had a huge impact on us all. I have friends of basically all races now and no one can tell us otherwise. There is no problem with us having friends of different races, friendship and love is unconditional. "We make up one big family, even though we don't look the same. We are different, different colors." - - The Cheetah Girls. This is a verse from a song, but it is most definitely true. Everyone is different in their own creative and special way and no one can change that. With Brown v. Board of Education we learn to live together.
I think Brown vs. Board of Education has changed the school systems in a huge way. Now schools are pretty diverse. I think it was pretty bad that they made kids go to different schools based on race. It must of felt really bad to go to a bad school because of the way you looked.
i feel that Brown vs board of education has made a huge difference on schools today. At sax middle school there is at least 1/5 off the kids are african americans. we still need to work on it but we are further than we were 80 years ago. but on the other hand the bth grade a king only has one african american so that is a very small amount. but i feel that Brown vs Board of education did have an impact on schools today
Brown vs. Board of Education has made a huge impact on today's society. I think the biggest impact its made is where we can go to school and seat or eat next to any different race and not think twice about it. With out a doubt Brown Vs. Board had a huge impact onto today's school.
Brown v. the Board of Ed made a major impact on society today. Now people all over the country are beginning to realize how bad segregation is. We still have a long way to go, we're making pretty good progress so far. Brown v. the board of ed, to some extent, even allowed the U.S. to elect an African American president.
Brown v. Board of Education has changed America significantly. In my personal experiences, no one has been left out because of race,and all schools I know of do not care about skin color. While there is definitely still racism in America, and in the world, the fact that we have improved so much in the last couple decades is truly encouraging.
I think that the case Brown v. Board of Education has changed a lot of towns, and schools. We no longer judge people by the color of their skin, but of the content of their character. Segregation is no longer legal, there for no longer exists. Parents no longer teach their kids to be racist, and whites no longer see themselves as superior to the other races. All schools now host all people of all colors, and teachers treat all their students with equal respect. I think that the dream of Brown v. Board of Education has been achieved to an extent, but not completely. There is still racism and discrimination, but not everywhere.
I think since Brown vs. Board of education thing have improved very much. Now a days, people are not discriminated based on their race, which is good. When you look at school and their community, talking about race, most of the time there is a mainly white population. In some places, there is more of a population of a race other than white. Their dream has greatly improved since then.
Since the decision of Brown V. Board of Education has been made, the situation of segregation has improved greatly. In my personal experience, I have not seen any separation of races because of law. Everyone mixes to mingle and it is awesome. Racism and discrimination still exist today, but it is not as extreme. Brown V. Board of Education helped a lot with the situation. If we stop separating because of our differences we could learn more from others.
I think that Brown vs. Board of Education's dream is becoming a reality. People of color and white people do things together now without even thinking twice. Nothing is segregated and black and white people are friendly with each other. On the other hand, there are still racist people who do not like blacks or any other race and do not treat them with respect. For the most part, the dream has come true, but there is still room for improvement.
I think that the dream of Brown v. Board of Education has been accomplished because I'm friends with a lot of people that are African American. Yet, none of them go to my school because even though all the schools are integrated. Private schools are still a little bit better and I think that it is unfair because they can't afford to come to King and if they could they would come. They're are also not getting as good of an education because teachers at King will try their hardest and at public schools not as much effort is put into it because of bigger classes.
I think that Brown v. Board of Education has greatly changed society and the way we treat people. Back in the 1950's, it was almost unimaginable to people to think of people of color as equal to themselves. Now, every race has a voice, and we treat each other with respect and kindness. We listen to each other, and want to learn more about each other's cultures and traditions. In our school, there are people of many different backgrounds, and we have learned to celebrate that fact instead of resent it. Although there is still discrimination, overall we have learned a lot over the years, and hopefully one day there won't be discrimination.
The case Brown v. Board of Education has made a tremendous impact on my life. When I'm in school i have many friends with different religious backgrounds and or race. Some of my best friends are African American, and Indian. The best part of having this case in or history and really know that it is behind us for the most part is that when I was in kindergarden we all sat in a circle and no one person though twice before sitting next to someone that look different then they do. Overall I think that this particular case has made a huge impact and we are all thankful for that.
Brown v. Board of Education was a step in the right direction in making America what it is today. To me its a big reason why I dont think in my head about judging different races and religions from what they look like or believe in. Today the country has come along quite a bit since we even have a black president. Almost all of this integrated America dream has been made real to me since the blacks have the same rights as the whites and since the blacks can succeed in life just as easily as whites can. I believe that nearly nothing is left of segregation and from learning of this I find it amazing of how this country has changed.
Brown vs. Board of Education worked very well after the schools started making the change. Right now when I go to school I don't constantly think about any racism or discrimination of any kind. In today's school system people are now judged on their character and kindness rather on what race they are. Without Brown vs Board of Education the school system would not be where it is now in terms of racial comfortably and equality.
I believe that Brown vs. Board of education was an amazing and huge step in civil rights, I think that the dream and goals of Brown v. board of Ed. were well achieved. Almost all sane people are accepting of other cultures and all schools are, as a matter of fact it is illegal in the state of CT to have an all one race class. no schools or buildings are segregated and most kids have a wide variety of diversity in there friend group, so yes I think that they achieved there main goals.
I believe that Brown vs. Board of Education really paved the way to all other disegregations in the 1900's. Brown's best decision was getting the NAACP involved with this case. This win of this case for Brown effects schools to this day. If Brown hadn't of won the court case, then Black and White kids to this day would not be able to be in the same school. There is still racism in schools, but not nearly as much as then because of this case.
I believe Brown vs. Board of Education has impacted how people in our community live. Since the Brown v. Board of Education people of all races are friends with each other. Before the case if a black and white person were talking it would be disturbing to the people around them, but now they can. If this case never happened black and white kids would maybe still be separate. Even though our school are the same there is still racism and discrimination in our schools and community. We have made a major improvement since the 1900s.
It has been 57 years since the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education, and the integration and well-being of African American youths has definitely been improved. Segregation is barely remnant in the United States anymore. The fact that people of all colors and religions can come together as a nation is all thanks to Brown v. Board of Education. That case united us as people, and is the reason why we can all get along today.
I think that the Brown vs. Board of Education case has a made a sizable impact on the way schools and public facilities are ran and integrated in society today. In today's day and age we are all socializing with people of different ethinicity and color or race even though they are different or just different from what you are. There is still racism and discrimination in parts of the country that has not been fixed or solved yet, but since the Brown vs Board of Education case lots of things have changed and our society as a whole has made a major improvement and we will keep striving for the overall goal of racial equality throughout the world.
I think Brown vs. Board of Education has really made a difference in society today. We have friends of all different races, and most schools like to be diverse. There is still some racism, but nowhere near as much, and most people except everyone for who they are not what color skin they have. I think that Brown vs. Board of Education made this possible. I love that now we can sit next to an African American without being questioned.
I think Brown vs. Board of Education has a huge impact on schools and further leading to total integration. In time the school system changed a lot from the case of Brown vs. Board of Education. Most people have adapted to sharing schools and faculties with peace and love with other races. We still could do a better job in integrating schools. There is still an imbalance of blacks and whites in schools. For example, if you at our school you find a huge imbalance from other races to whites but, if you look at a public school you find a greater balance between races.
I think that Brown vs. Board of Education made a huge difference and definitely affected our world even today. If this case did not happen, then schools could have still been segregated until a later date. Today, no matter what the race, gender or anything else, we all hug, smile, high-five, and talk to our classmates. No matter where our classmates may come from, it doesn't affect our involvement with them. It was a fantasy for people to do that 50 or 60 years ago, and today everyone does it. Brown vs. Board of Education definitely impacted all of our lives today and in the future.
Brown v. Board of education has made a huge impact on everybody's life. For schools everybody of all races can go together, everybody can work together, they can all use the same water fountains, bathrooms, parks, movie theatres, and all of those things. if it wasn't for the Brown v. Board of Education, we would still be living in a segregated world. In some parts of the world there still might be some segregation,but most of it has gone by. black's and white's have ALL privileges. we also have a black president. and I think this has also inspired other people to do the same.
Brown vs. Board of education has made a huge difference to our society today. Brown vs. Board of Educations dream is definitely getting closer to being fulfilled. For instance, we now have a African American president. However, their is room for improvement. People are still discriminative and prejudice today. Though their is still room for improvement, Brown vs Board of Education make a huge impact on everybody.
I think that the case of brown vs board of education helped reach the goal on an integrated america. The case made it so that kids of all races went to school together in the public school system. This was affective because white children became used to interacting with african american children, which helped them realize that they were no different from them. This showed people that races could interact with each other and function as a comunity which lead to the full desegregation of america.
I feel that Brown v. Board of Education has had a massive impact on America, both inside and outside of the school system. Inside, it has made it illegal to segregate schools by race. Due to this, the students at our school are of all different races, ethnicities and social classes. But I think that it works on an entire different level outside of school. Due to Brown v. Board of Education, and the subsequent Supreme Court decision, people of all races gained hope of integration, and worked hard until they received it. Because of this hard work, we live in a country where members of all races are viewed equally. You can no longer be treated differently by the government because of your race. Over the years, integration has transformed from a dream into reality. And while racism is still plenty in this country, and it most likely never will die out completely, it has dwindled down to a much smaller amount than it was in the mid twentieth century, when Brown v. Board of Education occurred.
I think that Brown vs. Board of Ed was made real. What it was trying to do was, to at least some extent, abolish the separate-but-equal law created as a result of Plessy vs. Ferguson. No longer are children separated into different schools, no longer will they have to walk an extra 2 miles, wander the halls of a second rate public school, suffer the blistering heat of a non-air conditioned summer, or a freezing winter. All children are together, not because of the color of their skin, but because they all live together, and deserve to be treated equally. But is the dream of Brown vs. Board of Ed fulfilled? Are children brought up in a colorblind environment? Is a black child given all the opportunities a white child is? Does the integration of schools automatically slide into place perfect desegregation of the world over? No. but at least they have air conditioning in their classrooms now.
I believe that Brown v. Board of Educations dream has almost been achieved. Although there is still some social segregation in school the schools themselves are very integrated. There is social separation because sometimes it is easier to relate when you are he same religion or race.
I feel that Brown vs. Board of Ed. has made a significant impact on today's society, even if segregation is not completely eliminated. For example, in our grade at King, even though white people are a majority, we have a few colored people, and our school is opened to colored people. I do not think Brown vs. Board of Ed. has reached to the level where most whites have total respect for most colored people and vice versa, but it has definitely influenced a lot of people in our country.
Brown v. Board of Education completely integrated schools in America. While that change took some time to come into effect that time has passed. All over America schools are integrated, there are no white schools or blacks schools there are simply schools that provide education to children for the sake of knowledge and self-betterment. Now all children of all races learn and play as one public school system of America.
I think that Brown v. Board of education has clearly made a significant impact on the way America acts today. Now we are friends with all different races and even go to school with them. The way are democracy was set up in the mid and early 1900's was horrifying and wrong and hopefully will never happen again. Thanks to cases like brown vs. board of education we were able to end those nightmares.
Brown v. Board of Education made an a big influence on how we coexist with each other in society today. Because of integration in the united states, we are able to live together amongst all races. But even though there is no law for segregation, i feel that we still segregate with each other on our own. there is still racial discrimination within our society because of our country's history of prejudice against people who aren't white. I feel that most of the goals of this case have been accomplished, but as a country we haven't reached this objective.
The case of Brown V. Board of education made a significant impact on america today. I believe that if Brown V. Board of education never occurred the american school system would not be as diverse as it is now. Although where ever you go there will be prejudice people, but it is not as bad as it used to be. Private schools, like king try their best to integrate individuals with different backgrounds.
The case of Brown V. Board of education made a significant impact on america today. I believe that if Brown V. Board of education never occurred the american school system would not be as diverse as it is now. Although where ever you go there will be prejudice people, but it is not as bad as it used to be. Private schools, like king try their best to integrate individuals with different backgrounds.
Brown vs. Board of education made a huge impact on our schooling systems today. You can now be friends or talk to people of all races if that is what you desire without people talking to you about how that is the wrong thing. I also think that now that schools are integrated we can learn and realize about how bad segregation really was and think about what might have happened if that case never had occured. Although there is still racism going on out there, the segregation in our country has improved greatly since brown vs. board of ed.
I believe that brown vs. board of ed helped imencely in the overall integration of schools. Now you go down the halls and people of many ethnicities are among you. There is still a great ways to go in the process of integration considering the fact that many schools today still dont have that much variety when it comes to having different ethnic groups. Board of Ed. got America to an amazing place by legalizing integration, it is now our turn to put it into effect.
I believe that Brown v. Board Edu. has changed school districts around the country. Certainly, this has changed the way that students look at each other and how they feel. Although that there is still some racism in schools the situation has been getting better. Although we still have a long way to go i believe that we have made a lot of progress
I believe Brown VS. Board of Education has made a huge impact on today’s modern society. Way back in the 1940’s -60’s, it was unthinkable to imagine other races being discriminated against for their skin color. Because of integration in the United States, we are able to live together amongst every race. Even though there is no official law for segregation, I do believe that we still struggle with racial hardships in modern times today. There are still people in this country who discriminate within our nation because of America’s history of prejudice against African Americas, and other races that are not white. I hope that in the future, all racists will put their hatred aside and realize that no matter what we look like on the outside, we are all the same on the inside.
Brown vs. Board was something America in a big way. All of our schools are integrated and even have colored principals or deans just like the middle school here at King. Everyone in the middle school and upper school love Mr. Walker and though there is still racism and discrimination we still can be friends, colored or not.
I believe Brown vs. Board of education made a very big force on the way we live today. Today we are friends with people of all different races. There still can be a little racism and discrimination today but it is much better then it was back then. Hopefully we'll get passed that as well. Hopefully we can have no racism and discrimination, when people just look at you, for who you are. As the saying is, " Don't judge its book by its cover"
Brown vs Board of Education has made a huge impact in the way schools are today. First, all schools today have colored and white people in them as opposed to 60 years ago when none of them had a black population. Second today most black and white people are friends but back then it was wrong to be with a black. That is why I think Brown v. Board of Education's dream of an integrated America has been made real.
Brown vs. Board of Ed was a very important stepping stone for the change of the better of the country. This case was one of the landmark case, this case integrated schools but with all deliberate speed. Which means they weren't in a rush to integrate schools. This kinda shows that the government/courts are still kinda racist. Now because of Linda Brown and 4 other kids we can all go to school together and be side by side and treated equally as everyone else.
The case Brown v. Board of Education was a significant case. I believe that its dream of an integrated America has been made real to a certain extent. For example, in schools, and public facilities. Although this is true some peoples opinion about the subject are different. Therefore, they will still treat someone from a different race or religion differently.
I think since Brown vs. Board of education thing have improved very much. now a days, people are not discriminated based on their race, which is good. When you look at school and their community, talking about race, most of the time there is a mainly white population. In some places, there is more of a population of a race other than white. Their dream has greatly improved since then.
Brown's dream came true, we have integrated schools. There are many different races in school, and they aren't seperate. We are friends with all races. If I lived back then I would be supporting African Americans beause no one should be treated differntly for the color of their skin. Separate, but equal, was the most idiotic excuse ever. No African American were treated equal. There was racism all over. What Linda Brwon did was remarkable in everyway. She was an incredible person who helped create integration in schools.
Brown v. Board of Education has changed a lot of people's lives. People were together, share things, are married, of all races. In the past if you were seen with someone that was black or someone that is not your own race, people would think and look at you differently. Since this case we now have colored people in the government. We have a colored president which, has probably inspired a lot of colored people. In some places in the world people discriminate. Some schools have less colored people.
Brown vs. Board of Education was a landmark case that changed our education system dramatically. Their are many people i know and care about that I would have never met if it weren't Brown vs. Board of Education. I also think that it is very important for everyone to have a good education.Brown vs. Education has definitely been made real and all schools are integrated. Our country wouldn't be as good as a country if it weren't for Brown vs. Board of Edu.
I believe that the case Brown v board of education has really shaped the way our country has developed not only through the educational aspect but through other parts. Brown v. board of education made a huge impact and with out Oliver Brown standing up for what he believe in and releizing how segregation is so unessasary we wouldn't be where we are today. Lastly I think that there still is segregation but not nearly as bad as the middle to late 1900's
I think that the Brown vs. Board of Education has made a major impact on the way we live today. I now have friends of several races and that the dream that America has been integrated has been made real.
Brown v. Board of Education has changed society today and in the future. Back in the time of segregation black people were considered bad. When ever somebody who was black walked by or did something white people would stare at him, making him feel uncomfortable in the place he was in. Now even at KLHT we have African Americans. Just think that if this case didn't happen then we wouldn't have some of our dearest friends here at KLHT. I believe that this was one of the most important cases in the history of country because of the reasons i stated above.
The Brown vs. Board of Education case has had a huge impact on the way I live today. If the case never happened, I would be going to an all white school and some of my friends would be going to a school for minorities. We wouldn't be free to interact with other races because it wouldn't be socially acceptable and I'm sure all of our groups of friends would be very different if we didn't have integrated schools.
This dream has been made real because today their are many non-white and non-protestant children that are able to attend American schools. While this has been made real their is still some racism going on in public schools as children of the same color only hang out with each other and form "gangs". This is not the fault of the government, but rather the fault of the students for not integrating themselves in with other people.
I believe that Brown vs. Board of Education has truly made an impact and a significant difference for society. Today, your friends are of color and white. Your classmates are mixed. It is completely different from the 1960's. Then it was simply a dream that people everywhere hoped about and now, it is reality. Now, I don't think that this case has reached it's full extent, yet. There is always room for improvement and I don't think this is an impossible task. Considering the major differences in todays society vs. the 1900's I think having a completely integrated America is something us, the citizens of The United States can make possible.
Brown vs. Board of Education made a huge impact on the American schools, and the way we live now. Way back when, it was considered almost like you were disobeying your own race if you hung out or even talked to a different race.
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