Thursday, November 10, 2011

Video Project

What one fact have you learned about the study of history, during the process of doing your project, that you never knew before.  Expand on your response.......


mvalenti said...

I learned that a lot about what happened on 9/11 and the attacks. Also, i learned that not just one tower collapsed, but three towers collapsed on this horrific day. I learned about the numbers, events, and tragedies more than i ever got into depth with my parents or other members of my family. I also heard some pretty inspiring stories about what happened to all of the people who lived, and died during 9/11. In addition, I learned about how to work in a group and take a little bit of responsibility in what our group does and also hare some of my ideas.

anna said...

I learned a lot about terrorism in the USA and how it has affected American society. Also about the effects it has had on airport security and travel in and out of this country. For example in airports all the TSA officials did was to quickly inspect your bag and travel was a lot more easier and streamlined. After the 9/11 attacks airport security was tightened and many people became suspicious of certain ethnic/religious groups and races. Now in airport security you have to get scanned, put your bags through a scanner and stand in hour long lines. This was because some people have/had a hatred towards the USA and wanted to destroy something in America.

Anonymous said...

I learned the real reason we study history. I learned that we study history so that we can learn and progress in our nation, and learn from any mistakes that we make. We will remember and study them, to avoid it happening again, like events such as 9/11. If we did not study history, we wouldnt have improved our security, and the chances of another attack would be far greater.

Liam G said...

During the video project i learned that history is important to learn because if we repeat mistakes outcomes could be different and possibly a lot worse. Also I learned that the study of history can be used to prevent future disasters like the haiti earthquake made other countries relies the dangers of earthquakes. An event that taught us to defend against future disasters was the 9/11 terrorist attack. There hasn't been an attack like that since. That is why history is important to learn

Anonymous said...

I learned that we study history to learn from our mistakes. My project on 9/11 security shows this because before 9/11 large liquids wer allowed on planes and these liquids could be used to make bombs. Also knifes were allowed on the plane and someone could easily highjack a plane with a knife. But after 9/11 we have much tighter security. Which include thurough pat downs and metal detectors. So you could say that they learned their lesson.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I learned about what happened on 9/11 financially and economically. Also, I learned what events led up to 9/11 and how it has effected our nation. I researched a lot about the security before and after 9/11 and how much it has changed. It has improved a great amount but it is still not 100% perfect. History always repeats itself and our nation will learn from our mistakes.

Anonymous said...

My group and my topic was 9/11. I learned a lot about this topic in the process of doing my project. First of all i learned that there were more than two planes. There was actually four and that not just two but three buildings were hit on this terrible day. I really had the time to understand what actually happened on that day. I learned that i am very interested in this topic and i am really glad i had the chance to take the time to learn and research about it. I have also taken away from this project many skills about working with different people. It has taught me to learn to share my ideas and stick up for my opinion but also compromise with other peoples ideas.

Anonymous said...

Something I never knew before about 9/11 was that our nation has made our security level rase because of this awakening attack. I learned a lot about this topic during the time I was working on my project. For example, When I researched the security that was used before, it wasn't that great but after 9/11 we fixed it and made it so much better. Although our security is much more high tech and safer it will never be 100%.

Sabrina said...

My group did the Rwandan Genocide, I have learned a numerous amount of things about this tragedy. For example, I learned that America didn't go and help them, we didn't even admit that this was a genocide. The president during this time was Bill Clinton and he said that not helping the Rwandan's was the biggest mistake of his presidency. Another thing I learned was how studying history prevents us from repeating ourselves. Also that studying history allows people to recognize heroes who have fought for their freedoms and something that they believe in. To conclude, the Rwandan Genocide was an event that changed our history forever and the ways the America helps other countries.

Gregory Lopatynsky said...

During this video project I learned many reasons why we study history. The main reason being so we learn from our mistakes and improve our technology. I also learned much about 9/11 airport security that I did not know about before. If we did not improve our security after 9/11, another terrorist attack would be eminent.

tyler said...
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tyler said...

During this project about why we study history, I have learned that History often repeats it self. Also, i have learned that looking back at history can be very useful to solve today's problems such as war. In addition looking back at history makes you learn about previous events and why they happened and what can be done to help prevent that from the future. If we were to not study history our way to solve problems would be minimal and the world would be out of hand.

Anonymous said...

This history video project helped me really understand why studying history is important. I learned that studying history helps us understand our future and helps us learn from our past mistakes.This project helped me learn alot about the afghanistan war and how this event affects so many peoples lifes everday.

Jack B. said...

I learned that since the Attacks on 9/11, people have slowly become more comfortable than they every were flying planes and being in buildings in highly populated areas. This is mainly because of the creation of the TSA. Prior to 9/11, there was no serious security system for plane travel. This enabled people to be able to sneak on commercial aircraft with objects that could be used to kill someone. When the TSA was created, people started to feel more and more safe about air travel.

Alana said...

I learned a lot about the Great Depression, and how it compares to the economy today. I also learned a fair amount about economics in general, and how the condition can change drastically every day (for better or for worse). What happened in 2008 began as a small problem with subprime mortgages before it began to spread, just like the Great Depression. In the 1930's/1940's, however, technology was not as advanced as it is today, and the government was not as prepared to step in. The governments are the largest financial factors with the ability to control the economy and avoid a meltdown. Overall, our country and government learned quite a bit from the Great Depression, as well as general history. We now know what to do to prevent another depression or economy crash.

Brad Kaptinski said...

During this video project, I learned allot about the Great Depression and the Recession. An interesting fact I learned about the great depression was that 50 percent of the banks failed and were forced to close down. During the Recession, only .5 percent of banks failed. Another interesting fact was that during the Depression, 25 percent of americans were unemployed and during the Recession 10 percent of Americans were unemployed.

Anonymous said...

One fact that i have learned about the Great Depression is how this terrible event in history may and might repeat itself in today econmoy. The only way that we can prevent this from happening is by starting with the government speaking about this problem and informing more people about the problem at hand. If the government makes this effert maybe the Great Depression might have not happened.The government had already learned the hard way before and they should only try to more forward to get our country out of another Great Depression.

Molly E. said...

I've learned every event in history happened for a reason. For example 9/11 happened to show us that we have no idea what comes in and goes out of our country on planes. Also, 9/11 happened, to show us that we need ti be aware of the fact that people take things we do in America as major offense's, such as putting our military in other countries, and trying to help other countries.

Jack C said...

During my video project my partners and I have learned about what really happened to Haiti and the cause and the result of this terrible disaster. And from these natural disasters we the United States needs to learn how to handle these disasters in case they happen to us. I really learned who how many people lost their homes, died, got severely injured and more. I also learned how hard and terrifying it must have been to have been in Haiti during the earthquake. We should study history because we never wont something like that to happen to us or anywhere else.

mlopatynsky said...

My group's topic is Hurricane Katrina, and one fact that I have learned is that Hurricane Katrina started out as a tropical storm, then through a course of a few days, it escalated into a category 5 storm. I always thought that Hurricane Katrina hit out of the blue and and was a destructive storm. I also learned more about how the major cities are cooping and re-building from the destruction from the storm.

Anonymous said...

I have learned many detailed facts about History from doing my project but, one of the main things a learned is how history can lead to a better future. Because of history, we know how to handle certain situations. For example, when Hurricane Katrina occurred, not a lot of people in that town knew how to prepare for it or how much it could damage. Now that we can look back on the damage that it did to that city, we now know if a predicted hurricane was coming we would stock up on flash lights, food, water, batteries, clothing, plywood, and toiletries. Basically, the the future learns from the past.

Dylan Wit said...

I learned many interesting facts during this project. But the most interesting fact I learned was how bad the Great Depression really was. I learned that a way that the Government can provent another Great Depression is by informing people about what they can do so we don't repeat history. Hopefuly we can stop it before it gets to out of hand.

Tyler Holtz said...

I learned that looking back at history can prepare us for the future. When Katrina happened, we weren't prepared, but after when Irene hit we were prepared. I also learned how to work well together with the other members of my group.

Haley said...

One fact I never knew before I started my project, was,
in the "Great Depression" many people lost there jobs and suffered through starvation. It made me realize how hard/long it was to get America back on track. This depression impact, not just the poor and middle class, but the wealthy as well. Also, I learned that history has a way of repeating itself. We are no also in a recession, I think the best way to get through it, is by looking back and not making the same mistake we did more than sixty years ago...

Anonymous said...

What I learned from doing this project is that history repeats itself and that we can learn from studying history in order to not make the same mistakes. I also learned that the war in Afghanistan is now the longest conflict that the US has ever been engaged in and that more than 1,700 soldiers have lost their lives in this war on terror. I certainly hope that we have learned a lesson from this experience and that we never have to engage in another similar conflict.

Charlie Wheeler said...

During this video project my group and I studied 9/11. I figured out what actually happened on 9/11. We learned about how it effected our country. I researched about the changes in security, travel, and how it affected certain religious people. My partners and I also found out about what the US did to help solve this issue. In this group project I learned how to work as a team and share our good ideas with each other. The theme of this project was 'Why do We Study History'. I think we study history to learn from past mistakes, and to make sure they don't happen again in the future.

Mac said...

During this video project our group learned one of the many reason we study history. We gather as many point of views as possible and try to get a better understanding of what really happened. To show this point our group studied the on going Afghanistan war. We also learned about how this is the longest war america has ever been involved in. Many different people such as regular people, soldiers, and politicians have many opinions on the longest war in american history.

Anonymous said...

I learned about how much one topic in life can change an whole way of life like when 9/11 happened they changed security and process you take for an airport. another reason why we study history is that we want to know the mistakes that happened to we can fix them. I also learned that when working in a group you have to split the work evenly or it doesnt work to finish the project.

Jana O'Donnell said...

During this project I learned that not only can we look back at our past mistakes so we do not repeat them, but we can also find solutions to our own problems. Like in any Supreme Court case there is a dissenting opinion. If a case similar to it comes up again, the dissenting opinion can be used to maybe fix the old problem, like in Brown vs. Board of Education.

Anonymous said...

I learned more about what happened on 9/11. I learned that in New York not only the Twin Towers collapsed. I learned that the US government has improved the countries security a lot since the event. I learned that to work in a group you need a lot of communication and to stay on task.

Conrad Lindenberg said...

I learned from doing this project that there was very little airport security before 9/11. Before the attacks, people could bring almost anything they wanted on airplanes. After 9/11, airport security changed drastically. This shows us that one of the reasons we study history is that we need know what is going on and adapt to it.

Daniel Berger said...
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Lauren Gimpel said...

I learned that the study of history is very important to our society because it teaches us about our mistakes we've made in the past, so we can know how to better prevent them in the future. My group studied 9/11, and it taught me a lot about that day, much more than I had previously known. I learned that there were many members from the Al-Qaeda group planning to hijack four different planes going to 3 different locations. I also learned that because of these attacks especially, security in airports and security throughout the entire country has become a lot stricter, and safer.

Daniel Berger said...

My group studied the Rwandan Genocide. One thing that I learned is that Bill Clinton, the president at the time, was informed that the genocide was going on and did nothing about it because of the embarrassment America and the UN suffered in Somalia years before. Bill Clinton even said himself that the one regret he has from his presidency was not going into Rwanda to help end the genocide. I also learned that the reason we study history is to stop it from happening again.

Anonymous said...

By doing this project, I learned why we as people study history. For example, I learned how to prepare for events such as hurricanes in the future. Our group's topic was Hurricane Katrina. I realized that Hurricane Katrina hit other parts of the south besides Louisiana. Also, I am learning how the city of New Orleans is recovering from this tragedy. Overall, this project taught me how to "speak up" and communicate better with people.

Anonymous said...

One thing I have learned from doing the video project is how America has made America safer after the 9/11 attacks. To make us safer they made homeland security and why we made airports a lot more safer.Before 9/11 there was barely any security now we have a lot of precautions. I also learned that looking back into history can help see what can happen next. We look back into history so we do not repeat any mistakes we have made and to prevent America from making a new mistake.

Matt Ch said...

I learned a lot about different methods used by the TSA to monitor airport security. The TSA have even made larger rooms with "mood" lighting to give more of a relaxed feel. This, however, makes it easier to spot potential danger in airports. The TSA was created after 9/11 and was created as a direct response to 9/11. This shows how even the government knows that studying history is important and can be used to make a better future.

Anonymous said...

I think we study history so that we can learn from our past mistakes in life so we don't repeat them again. For example in the Great Depression that began in 1929 everyone lost their jobs and some people starved to death . The government learned a important lesson about making sure the banks have enough money to spread around. In the Great Depression banks were forced to close because they did not have any money. This meant that people did not have any money to buy food which lead to starvation. The great depression was one of the worst times that happened in American History.

Anonymous said...

This project showed my group and I, that 9/11 affected a large amount of things. Many of the people we interviewed said that 9/11 made the country feel patriotic , more united, like a family, the way it should always be. That said, this makes me think that 9/11 affected our country, in a horrible way, but sometimes good things can come out of the worst. The world is full of horrible things. We will never be able to change that, but we can always try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I believe that is how this project has impacted me.

Connor Howe said...

One fact that i have learned about the study of history during my projects is that you do not study history to learn it but so you can apply it to your everyday life. What else i have learned and is the main focus of our project is that we study history so we do not make the same mistakes we did in the past. Also if we do we are better prepared for the future. Like with the great depression and the recession currently going on now, with what we learned from the depression we can better handle the recession currently going on in our nation.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that the study of history could be one of the most important pieces to a civilized and stable society. I have learned that history gives you the ability to not make the same mistakes you have made in the past and to understand how we have socially affected others in our past so that we wont do something like that again ore vice versa. Lastly, a lot of things have happened in history and if we did not know about them our world would be chaotic.

EricK said...

During the process of doing my project, I learned that if we pay close attention to the history of the past, then we can impact future history, whether it is preventing negative events or forming positive ones. For example, if the U.S. had been more attentive towards the Rwandan Genocide right from the beginning, their actions could have saved the lives of many taken by this terrible event. If an event similar to the Rwandan Genocide was occurring today, I think countries such as the U.S. would take action and put what they had learned into use.

Anonymous said...

I learned about the horrifying hardships people went through during World War 2 and what it was like for the people in concentration camps. It was frightening to hear how many died in detail, and then to learn a lot of my ancestors died that way. I would have never known that many of the people died after the war because the Germans poisoned all the food at the camps. I also learned the opinions of many others on their views of 911.

Idalis Figueroa said...

In studying Terrorism in the US, it taught me the importance of history. Not only does our past educate us with knowledge, but it also teaches us to learn from the mistakes that have been made. For example, in studying Terrorism my group and I learned how much security in our country has changed. Two of us visited the Westchester Airport and interviewed the head of security. He told us about the many drills, and emergency tasks the entire staff must know. We also learned a lot about the events of 9/11 and how it has changed our world forever. It is important to know what is going on today and our society is able to know this by studying history.

Anonymous said...

I learned that we study history so that we can learn from our past mistakes. For example, we really weren't prepared for the impact Hurricane Katrina would have on Mississippi, Alabama, Louisianna, South Flordia, and many other places I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention. Still, by studying what had happened and why we weren't prepared, we were able to be better prepared for other hurricanes, like Hurricane Irene.

Natalie said...

During my history project on the Afghanistan War I learned that the 9/11 attacks caused the U.S.A. to put troops over in Afghanistan. Also the United States wanted to take down the Taliban government and turn it into a democratic government.

jbenanti said...

The video project for history helped me learn more about what happend on 9-11 and other terrorist activities. I also learned how to communicate better with my group partners. Our project, will help others learn about the trajectories of terror attacks and important history events.

Anonymous said...

I learned how much the fear of terrorism has effected our airport security and general safety. After talking to a TSA official, I found out that since the horrific day of 9/11 countless drills are practiced to make sure that sort of thing does not happen again. In fact, with ll of the practice air ports run, the chance of a hijacking happening is very slim. We think the reason we study history is to learn from our mistakes. 9/11 is a great example of a mistake we cleaned up and prevented from happening again.

Anonymous said...

i learned about the great depression and the recession, like how it started and how ww2 got us out of debt, the times of the depression were very hard as people went town to town looking for jobs, just to be turned down. people barely had enough money to scrape by, and some didn't even have enough money to scrape by. FDR started projects such as the AAA, CCC, and the works progress administration.

Eva Johnson said...

I learned a lot about 9/11 and the outcome of the tragic event. I learned why we need to study past events to not make those mistakes again. Also how many events in the past effected our world today. I also learned about what we are doing in the Afganistan War and why we are in Afganistan. Overall I learned many things, mostly why we study history.

Katie said...

I learned a lot about 9/11 and what lead up to that horrible attack. I also learned that not only did the towers in New York were attacked, but also in Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. I learned about the events, dates and tragedies more than I vern learned from friends and family. In conclusion, I learned about what happened to the heroic people who died that day. From doing this project, I learned about how to work in a group and how to explain my ideas more thoroughly to the group.

Anonymous said...

I learned that there were a number of tensions in the Middle east that led to 9/11. The mistreatment of Palistineans in Israel was a big issue for Bin Laden. Also in The Gulf War 1 the U.S. defeated the Iraqi army and launched attacks from a base in Saudi Arabia (Bin Laden's homeland).

Anonymous said...

I learned a few new thinks about the great depression that I didn't know before. One thing that I learned was that one of the causes of the Great Depression was mother nature causes a huge drought that caused a farming decrease and then they took out many loans that they could not repay. Also the unemployment rate of the Great Depression was at 25% and today it is only at 9%. So that means that We still aren't at the economic deplete and we still have a chance to get our selves out before it reaches that level.

Anonymous said...
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Molly McQuilkin said...

I learned from the history project that we study history so we don't make the same mistakes again. As Mark twain once said "History doesn't really repeat itself, but it has a nasty habit of rhyming." He is saying that events in our history may very well happen again, but never in the same exact way. But if you dont know how the US dealt with issues like 9/11, how will you know how to prevent it or build ourselves back up from it, if it ever were to happen again?

Anonymous said...

During the video project I learned some of the many reason we study history. Te get as many point of perspectives possible to get a better understanding of what really happened. I explain this i studied the Afghanistan war. At the beginning of the project i did not know a lot about the Afghanistan war. I learned how people felt about the war and the military point of view. I also learned that the longest war America has been in is the Afghanistan war.

Anonymous said...

I learned why we study history. We study history so we dont repeat our mistakes. For example, because of 9/11 our air port secruity has improved alot. We now have full body scans and pat downs. Because of our history we are now becoming much safer.

Anonymous said...

I learned why we study history. We study history so we dont repeat our mistakes. For example, because of 9/11 our air port secruity has improved alot. We now have full body scans and pat downs. Because of our history we are now becoming much safer.