Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yay, The Video Project is Over!!!

Please reflect on the video project, particularly the process of preparing, researching, interviewing and producing the final product. Then respond to the following questions in a paragraph (not separate answers):
  • Did you enjoy the project?
  • Identify and discuss one important (or surprising) piece of information that you learned about your topic as you created your video.
  • What would you change about the project?
  • What was you favorite part of the project?
  • What did you learn about group projects that will help you in the future?
Hope you enjoyed the project--I enjoyed watching you all work on it. Great job!!!!!


hannah said...

To me, the video project was not only a great way to learn about your topic (in my case, the economy), but also to learn skills such as teamwork and cooperation. Preparing for the project, my group mates and I wrote out our script and storyboard for the video, and made sure we knew who was interviewing who and when they were going to do it. We also researched our topic with websites and mainly newsclips and images. For me, I just had to interview my dad, so it was simple and manageble, however for some of my group mates, it was more difficult. But we eventually got 4 interviews done. After putting the interviews into our video, since we had already put the news clip and other stuff into it, all we had left to do was to finish the ending. However, we also had (and still have) to add in our last clip.
Overall, I truly enjoyed this project. One thing that I learned that was important was that the unemployment rate has improved since 2008, but barely. I'm not sure what I would change about the project, but my favorite thing was seeing the final product. After working hard on it, seeing the complete thing was nice. Making decisions as a team, and making sure that we all had a say was something that will help me in group projects in the future. I'm glad I had a chance to work on it now.

Lauren said...

I felt that the video project was interesting and it is something that i had never done before. There was a lot of preperationthat had to be put into this project. My group had to research the recession (which was our topic) and we had to go out and interview people adn rellay get there opinion. Putting the whole project together i would say was the most fun part seeing our video bring created. There were a few technical problems which i think was one of the problems about the project it was a lot for students who dont know all about i movie. I found out that many people dont even know that a recession is going on. Another thing i found out was that many people blam the recession on wallstreet when walstreet did not cause the recession. Something i would change about the project is i think that it should have a little bit more structure because we dont know how to manage our time and we should ahve more due dates to keep us on track. My favorite part of the project was editing it and watching it all come together. I have learned that i have to better manage my time and as a group we all have to work together.

nolan murray said...

The video project was great through my subject (immigration reform) I learned a ton about immigration and what government is doing about it. In the time leading up to the due date we did all the necessary steps to finish our video we wrote a script, we found info about immigration reform. We not only learned about immigration reform, we learned what it is and the two kinds, illegal and legal. We got clips on the topic from C-SPAN and interviewed people to ask for more info about immigration. We even added our own input on Immigration and our thoughts about how the government is handling it. We interviewed someone person who had went through the process, a landscaper and the Mayor of Stamford. I would of changed the due dates because I'm lazy, NO everything was great. My favorite part was when I got to interview the Mayor to really hear his input on such an important topic. I think that we learned a lot that could be useful in the future because immigration is a growing issue and how the government deals with it is important.

Anonymous said...

The video project was a very fun way to learn about an influential topic in the U.S. the process that we went through took a while but the end result is a good one and we all learned about group work. To prepare, we assigned jobs to everyone in the group and wrote out a script and story board. Then we all did our interviews and group research and assembled a video on Immigration Reform. I learned all about what the government is doing to fix immigration and even what it all means. My favorite part was putting all of the video clips together to see the final product. I think that to improve the video, we could have added so clips of immigrant workers overlapping the interviews to make it more interesting. Finally, I learned that to work in groups, everyone has to do their part to make the project the best that it can be. In future group projects that I will do, I will suggest everyone picking a part at the beginning to ensure that the project gets done and everyone participates.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The video project was a fun way to learn about our topic. Before this project, I didn't know anything about the economy, but now I understand almost everything. I immensely enjoyed this project and now I probably know more than my parents. One surprising piece of information was the most people think that country that the United States has the most debt to is China, but in reality, the United States has a bigger debt to Japan. I would change the amount of time given, and also maybe change the time of this project because this project was during the same time period as the rocket launch so for one month everyone paid most of their attention to their paper and rocket because it was due sooner. As soon as the rocket launch was over, everyone realized that they only had about two weeks to actually work on their history video. My favorite part of the project was when it was shown on the smart board in front of our class. This made me feel accomplished because of all the hard work my group members and I put into this video. I learned that during the first week of any group project that you should assign who is doing what and who is interviewing who and when. This was a major factor in our group because we fit in three interview three days before it was due. Even through all the stress and doubting, those interviews were definitely worth the trouble.

Julien said...

The project was a great learning experience we were able to research a topic that affects our country in a positive/negative way and we were able to get a deeper sense of the problems facing our country. I enjoyed the project because I learned alot about the new healthcare plan Obama passed recently. I learned that the healthcare plan is not only funded by the money of American taxpayers it is also funded by money the US keeps borrowing from other countries which puts us in deeper debt. I think the project could be improved if we were able to agree on one structure for the video that everyone would use. However my favorite part of the project was interviewing different people and getting their insights and opinions on the topic. I also learned that when doing group projects communications within the group is imperative otherwise the project will fail. Also every one within the group needs to do their assigned roles or else either one person will do all the work or the work won't get done

Sienna said...

I think the project really opened my eyes to what really happened in the Gulf. With production we were a little behind but in the end we got everything done. We worked through some frees and lunches to record and cut interviews down. With researching (on my part at least), I went through so many pages of twitter feeds to find the more important ones that we used in the video. This was long because this event happened about 7 months ago and throughout those 7 months there were a lot of posts.
I enjoyed this project mainly because it was a big learning experience for me. Before this project I just knew that there was an oil spill and that many animals died because of it. Now that I know basically everything that happened it makes more sense as to why it happened and what they are doing to fix it. In particular, what I found interesting was that that there was a big lawsuit against BP (which they lost and had to pay money for their damages). I would change the way we did this project. We should have had better time management skills with production. My favorite part of the project was editing everything because even though it was a long process it was still very fun. With the group projects I learned that you have to give yourself enough time to work on whatever the project may be.

Katie McNulty said...

I thought the video project was pretty good. I didn't thing it was so easy but it wasn't very hard either. I learned a lot from the interviews. I enjoyed the project because we got to learn a lot in a not so boring way. We also got to choose our topic, so it wasn't something that we were forced to do and had no say in what we got to learn about. Our group did terrorism. Ali and I interviewed the New Canaan Fire Dept., and one of the guys said that when he first heard about it he was in shock, and he was watching it on the news as he was on duty. the other fire man said he had heard his grandparents and parents talk about Pearl Harbor, but this was very different actually seeing the smoke as he was helping out. I don't think I would change anything about the project. My favorite part was probably at the end when we got to watch everyone else's project and sharing ours. I learned that you really have to work together or else nothing will turn out the way you planned.


i liked the video project overall and i liked interviewing people because it taught me things i never knew before like when i was interviewing the Homeland security person fro Jim Himes she told me that when an illegal immigrant comes into her office they dont report them to the police and i thought that was pretty bad because they aren't supposed to be in america and they should be deported. also from that interview i learned that illegals can go to the hospital and the hospital has to treat them and then the hospital has to pay for it. i think it would been better if my group and i started working on the video early because we really started the weekend before the project was do.

Andrew Savage said...

In my opinion, the video project was a fascinating but not overwhelming way to learn about the federal government and its many issues including the topic my group focused on, Health Care. I learned many things from the research and writing I did on this topic, even though most things I found out were fairly depressing and showed the weaker side of the United States. I learned that the U.S. is one of the two (there are only two) nations that doesn't have Universal Health Care coverage. I also learned that even though it spends about 5,000 more dollars than person on Health Care coverage, and yet patients only see their doctors around four times a year and the life expectancy in the U.S. is under the average worldwide age, even if it is not under by many years.
In this project, it seemed like we had a lot more freedom to do what we wanted, and much less guidelines, which was fun at times, but could also make the project more confusing. It was still fair and enjoyable though. The researching was especially enjoyable, because I discovered many new facts about Health Care. I think it was a great project even though I feel my group procrastinated, and some things went wrong on the end.

Anonymous said...

I thought the video project was a great way to learn about your topic in my case it was Health Care Reform. I think my group did a great job scheduling and planing out our dates. I was the researcher for my group so i gathered some videos on the topic.

I love the this project and the most surprising thing i learned was that there is an issue where some doctors are not treating their patients with the same care because the are getting paid less. I do not think i would change anything about this project. Also i learned that in group projects it is important to plan out your work which was key for my group.

Giulia said...
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Giulia said...
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Giulia said...
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Giulia said...

I think our video project (my group members: Jamie Schwartz and Jacob Gubner) was successful. We started off well; our individual jobs were well done. Jacob's jobs were mostly media oriented and a little research while my jobs were interviewing, communicating, and organization. Jamie shared interviews, made sure we were on task, and helped out a little with each job. We agreed that there would be no leader in our group since we all had leadership skills and decided it might be unfair to have just one person in charge.
We made a few clips explaining our topic and the situation (we did the war(s) in the middle east) then we started our interviews. We got a good interview on homecoming when a lady civilian who told us her brother was in the Middle East and she worried about him (etc.) It was very heartfelt. We also got to interview Mr. Lewis. He talked about his neighbor who is also stationed in Afghanistan. It made me realize that a lot more people than I thought were out there in the Middle East fighting.
I enjoyed the project; it made me think more about those who put their lives on the line daily (not just soldiers, also firefighter and police men etc.) I don’t think I would change anything about my project. It was well put together and even though I made it, it still inspires me. It made me think about this time four years ago when I was a girl scout. We spent three hours putting together “care packages” for soldiers in the Middle East. I barely knew about what was going on then, and as the years went by the more I learned about it. I think I learned the most about the Middle East in the past two years than I learned since the problem started.
I learned that being in a group that even though you have more people it is still hard to get things done without someone to tell you what to do. If someone tells you to do something and gives you a few instructions and tells you to be creative it’s still hard to come up with something. More freedom equals more responsibility. In the end I am very proud of the work my partners and I did and hope that our fellow classmates enjoy it. ☺

tconheeney said...

This project was all about learning what the the government was doing about problems in the US. my topic of government was very easy to do. thus was for one reason only. that the economy affect's everybody in the U.S. not only the rich but the poor also.

I learned a lot about the economy. the main thing i learned was that the unemployment percentage in the U.S is 10%. This is really bad considering that the economy before the recession was only 5%. In conclusion i thought that picking the economy as my topic was a very good decision and i had a lot of fun researching it.

Jenny G said...

I though the video project was really fun and a good way to learn. It wasn't boring. When my group and I made the video, we all worked together on it. researching was important because if you researched you are ready to interview. The more you know, the better. You will know what he/she is talking about when you interview them. It also help so you can put info into your video in text form, (ex.bullet notes). The interviewing was a really great way too learn about your topic, gets the parts you need, and meet someone. In my group we met new people. I think interviewing those people made me more aware about education in the US and Connecticut Congress people. I though the final product was the most challenging part of this project. We have all we need, but now we had to pick and decide the most important stuff out of everything we collected. Once that was done, it wasn't too difficult any more. Now we just put together a video using what we have.

I enjoyed the project!! I learned people have to make rules or laws to keep our education under control and fair. The No Child Left Behind is a law that makes (literarily) no kids left behind. It make them be treated just like the kid sitting next to them. All the kids are equal in school. If I could change something about the project, it would be that be get more options to make the topic. It was difficult because most of the topic I was not greatly familiar to. My favorite part of this project was making the video. For group projects, I learned that the group members have to communicate well. I they don't, the project will be a not good.

Mahesh said...

I thought the video project was really fun because we were really independent. After choosing our project we could choose who we wanted to interview and we were able to choose how to structure our video. One important thing I learned about the topic I researched was that after 9-11 nearly two-thousand new defense programs were made. If I could change something about the project I would have made it so that you could choose any topic that you want to research, but you would still have to present it to Mr.Lewis. In our project my favorite part was making the interviews because I would always be surprised by the answers these people gave.

Austin Cieszko said...

First, our group got some interviews and put them into the video. Then we used some c-span footage to make the video even better. During this time, Ali and Katie were researching the topic (9/11). At the end of the project we had put all of the interviews and research together to put together a movie.

In the end I cant say the project was horrible however I cant say I loved it. This is only because I really don't like work in general to tell the truth and Im not going to lie and say I loved it. One important piece of information that I found is that when 9/11 happened they closed the stock-market and all of the gas stations leading to ground zero. I would change that we do the project with the rocket project because that can be stressful. My favorite part of the project was that it really wasn't that hard to make the video as long as it had to be. I learned how to make a good video overall and this should help me and give me a head-start on another project I might have in the future.

James said...

first we planed out who we were going to interview and what it would look like in i-movie. but when there was only to weeks left in the project and we hadn't even got one interview i suggested that we should go around asking random people at our home coming. This worked out great. we even got lucky enough that one of the people we interviewed was a doctor. another great thing was november 1st was my birthday and for my birthday i got a video camera which we used at homecoming.

I thought the project was a lot of fun because it was educational but still a fun project to do. it was henry's idea to do healthcare i didn't even know what healthcare was, but once i got into the project i found how healthcare is really such a huge problem in america. the only thing i would have changed was i would have not done it during the rocket project and i would have made it a little more strict. i felt that since it was barely strict at all a lot of people were waiting till the last minute to do the storyboard or the script or the interviews. my favorite part of the project was the interviews. this was just my group but i liked it how we got to walk around homecoming and just ask random people questions. i learned that not everybody is the same level of learning but if you slow it down and give the person a chance the person will still do a good job.

Anonymous said...

I thought the C-Span video project was a great way to learn about a specific topic that is influencing America greatly. This project was not all about writing a ten page essay about your topic the unique thing about this project was that you had to find a think of different ways to be creative and incorporate
technology into the project. There was a lot of steps that were involved to making a quality imovie. I thought three major things that were important in producing the imovie was one teamwork, two being organized and three taking criticism and being open to different ideas and try to use those ideas in a positive way in your imovie. I thought you needed teamwork because it was important to have all the ideas from your group and try to make everyone be a part of the group project. I also thought that organization was a key because there were so many different steps to this project especially like scheduling the interviews which required exact timing and a ton of organization just to get them done. Lastly i thought that taking was important to listen to the criticism that is given because if Mr. Lewis is asking you to follow the rule carefully or change this little part you need to take that criticism and change whatever he wants changed so that everything that needs to get done right can get done correctly.
I thought this project was very different. This was a new experience for me using technology so much but i felt it was a great way to do a project instead of writing an essay. One fact that i learned that had to do with education in the U.S is that we are ranked 26th in the world in education and that we are not as focused on the education department of the country as most of the other countries are. We also are falling behind in the science and math departments in school and need to teach science and math more in depth so that the kids can develop our world later. One thing that I would change about the project would be that we could have more due dates or checks at the beginning of the project so we could know if we are on the right track, and know how to do it in the future. My favorite part of the project was learning how to use imovie and going out and interviewing people from the government and hear there opinions on what they have to say about our topic of study. I finally learned that working in a group is much harder because it is a challenge to incorporate everyone in the project equally, but it is a advantage to have more people working together rather than just by themselves.

Vicky:D said...

I thought the video project was fun, although it was a lot of work I thought it was very interesting. When we first started we thought it would be an easy project that wouldn't take up a lot of time. The second week in we started getting our questions story board and script together, and then in the third week we finished researching. In the fourth week we finished all but one interview. We thought that it would be easy to put the project together, however when we finally got to the last week, we realized we were going to be doing a lot more work. Overall I thought this was a great learning experiance for all of us.

I think that the video project was very fun and I really enjoyed it. I learned that America is 26th out of all the countries in the world which is not very good. I also learned that we all have to work together to get this project done. If there was one thing that I would change it would be that I started working earlier to get the final thing done and also that there would be a few more due dates. My favorite part of the project was probably doing the interviews. This was my favorite part because I thought it was a fun way to learn about my topic.I learned that I really need to make sure all my group members are doing something and that its not just most of the group. I need to do this because it will help us get the project done much faster. Over all i really enjoyed this group project!

Gubster511 said...

I enjoyed the video project a lot because I love making movies. I learned that not only were the Americans fighting in the middle east, some allies were too. I would not change anything. I think this project was great as it is. My favorite part of the project was either the editing or filming. I learned not to rely on one person to do all the work while you just sit there. I'm not saying I did this, just I some other people doing it.

Olivia Savitz said...

To me, the video project wasn't just a way to learn more about your topic ( In my case, terrorism), however, to learn about teamwork and time managing. Preparing for the project, my group and i produced a storyboard, and a script which included who we were interviewing, the questions we were asking, and where and when we were going to do it. We also researched our topic with websites from the internet. In my case, i had to interview Senator Leonard Fisano of Connecticut. It was hard to work out a time that was easiest for him, but we managed to interview him over the phone. However, time was of the essence for one particular group mate of mine. We had finished an interview with a teacher that was very difficult to get in touch with the day before the project was due, however, we still managed to get 5 interviews done. After we placed all the interviews into our video, and came up with a fantastic beginning and ending sentence, we had to combine it all together and make one large video.

Overall, i very much enjoyed this project. One thing that i learned that was important is that although many people died in the awful terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many more people were badly damaged by the loss of there loved ones. Some people beg to differ on whether this is important or not. However, i feel that this is very important because it was this tragic attack that affected the lives of husbands, wives, children, and close friends and relatives.

If i had to change one thing about the final product of our video, it would be to manage our time more wisely. We procrastinated and waited until the last week for production. This was not a smart idea and will never happen again in the future. I have to say, my favorite part of this entire project was seeing the final product of our video completely finished. Also, i enjoyed the fact that everyone had a say in what they wanted in the video. I really did have a great time with this project, and i hope to do another one like it soon.

Anonymous said...

I think that the video project was a good project to challenge us with. It made us think twice about team cooperation, team researching, and team interviewing skills. We each had to help each other with the interviews and the research of what we were talking about and the topic that we were going to choose. My group (Nolan and Alyssa), we started once we got the assignment. We immediately started working of what we were going to research (topic) and whom we were going to interview for that topic we chose. We ended up thinking that we should choose the topic of immigration reform. We thought that this was starting to become a big problem in the USA and we thought that it was something interesting that we could research. We started off by looking up the topic a bit and making a storyboard. Next we decided to figure out whom we should interview that would be good talking about immigration reform. Then we made appointments with these people we thought would be good to interview (Dr. K, Mayor Pavia, and a landscaper). Lastly we edited the interviews and put it into the movie with a CSPAN clip of President Obama speaking about immigration reform. Overall I think that this was a very helpful project and skill to teach us. How to work with others.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the video project was a very fun as well as a good experience. My groups topic was healthcare. I thought at the time, that healthcare was a very interesting topic that I did not know very much about. As a result, my group members felt the same way so we chose that as our topic. We used about two classes dedicated to only research. After that we made our interview questions and script. We chose to interview people at homecoming, it was just our luck that one of the men we interviewed happened to be a doctor. Neither me or my partners are very good with imovie. However, we managed to produce a very good video. I did enjoy the project. One thing I enjoyed, was interviewing people. Something that shocked me about healthcare is that you can't get healthcare insurance once you are already sick. This surprises me because if you are sick that is the time you will need health insurance and maybe before you didn't save the extra money for healthcare insurance that you will now need to save. I don't know what I would change about the project, I thought it was very good. My favorite part of the project was interviewing people. I liked hearing everybody's different opinions. I learned when you you are working with a group you have to be corporative, patient and considerate!

John Tooher said...

The project was a lot of fun. It was an easy way to learn about a very important topic.My group was great and we got to work early and got some great research and interviews.It was helpful to get a early start on the project. Although the research gave us a lot of information, the interviews gave us a very personal response to our topic.
I did enjoy this project and thought it was very educational.I think that one very surprising to me was that people jumped at off the twin towers.Personally, I am pretty scared off heights so jumping from so high is awful. Their is nothing I would really change about the project. My favorite part of the project was seeing students reactions to the video. I defiantly think I learned that finding time to work together with my group was hard, so I think that it helped me learned that I have to put a lot of effort into scheduling out of school work.

Mariel Berger said...

In the beginning of the project i believed that it was gonna be easy no big deal, now i now that it wasn't, it was so stressful. the interview was my favorite part, i got to learn a lot about my topic in a very different way i got to see the bigger picture then just read a 2-D textbook. overall i did enjoy the project because i learned a lot about how i work with others and that waiting to the last minute isn't the was to go. while researching my topic, the recession i discovered that not all people were effected by the recession. if i had the chance to do this project over i would have started right away and not leave thing to do later. my favorite part of the project was i learned how to work with other peers.

Josh Ford said...

The video project, for me, was a very enjoyable and valuable experience. I got to meet some very important people, learned a lot about how our country makes decisions involving wars, and I got to try my hand at editing and movie making.
One thing I learned while doing this project that I never knew before is that Morocco is one of our country’s longest standing allies. They were the first to recognize America as a country, and were very helpful during its developing stages. This is interesting, because I never had any idea there was such a strong connection between the two countries.
One thing I would have changed about the project is the transitions in the video itself. Our group had a slight internal disagreement involving adding more transitions between scenes, because a straight cut looked bad. An understandable and viable idea, except that the end of the previous scene and beginning of the next scene would often be cut off. This not only took away from whatever it was that was being said in the scene, but also totally defeated the purpose of the transitions in the first place, because while the transitions added to the quality, having people being cut off in the middle of a sentence greatly took away from it. However, we solved this problem by adding extra blank footage at the end and beginning of scenes that had this problem, or just shortening the transition.
My favorite part of the project was the editing. I was the editor for the project, so many of the cuts, cues, and the basic setup of the video was my responsibility. I have always taken pride in my moderately excelled computer skills, but this put them to the test. I learned how to make cuts, add effects, and make the flow of videos smooth, which proved to be more difficult than expected. That was a learning experience for me that was both valuable and enjoyable.
From this project, I learned that teamwork is can sometimes be a handful. I always thought that teamwork just made things easier, because you were only doing a third of the work. This was very true in a lot of cases, because none of our interviews could not have been done without Kate, and plenty of the video’s technical attributes could not have been achieved without Mark’s computer know how. However, I learned that these things were definitely not the only things that came with teamwork. Along with only part of the burden came loads of miscommunications that triggered a frenzy of panics. Also, with two other people involved in the project had to be consulted and discussed with before a decision was made, as apposed to quick executive decisions that may not have been as accurate. This was a bit difficult for all of us, because we all had our own idea of what the project should look like, and wanted to be able to work on the project without the other two people there. We were very happy with the result, and believe it is very thorough.
So in short, I learned that when I’m dealing with multiple partners, I should work on my own as little as possible to avoid skirmishes with my partners, and that listening to your partners is like a set of fresh eyes, and is good for the quality of the project.

Josh Ford said...
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poooookah said...

I loved the video project. It was a really fun way to learn about my groups topic, terrorism. I personally thought the hardest part was the process of preparing. My group and I wrote our script and story board to keep ourselves organized. Next it was time to research, this was the easiest part of the project because there was so much information on terrorism. My favorite part of the whole project was the interviews. It was really interesting because i got to learn real life experiences. Ones that maybe i had lived but was to young to remember. Something i found and thought was fascinating was that when 911 ciites up to 3 hours away had ash floating in the air. Many peopple thought it was snowing. If i were to change one thing about my project it would be to spend a little extra time putting my viedo together. I learned that if you work in groups and everyone does an equal amount it makes the project much less stressful and more fun.

Ctmera said...

The video project was a good experience for all of us because it helped us learn how to communicate with each other in order to get work done. I learned that the government really is involved with the education of students, and that they really try to help improve their environment. I don't really think there is much that I would change about our finished project, especially because we had Sarah making changes and improvements on every little detail (literally every single detail). I learned that it is important to communicate with your group mates in order to know what's going on and what is needed to be done.

Keli said...

While doing this project I thought it was fun at point, and then it sort of got hard. An important piece of information I had learned in doing this project was the stock market crash and how it effected the economy. If i had to change one thing in doing this project, i don't think i would. I think the project was great the way it was. Doing this project we had to work in a group of four. The one thing i had learned in the group project was that you have to work together as a team to make sure everyone is putting effort in the project itself. Overall, I enjoyed doing this project and hope we'll have another one just like it.

Henry Catchpole said...

The video project was a fun experience for me because we basically all did different videos and didn't have a an outline so everyone had their own video. We also had to learn the skills like preparing what to say to the people and how your video is going to look, researching your topic so you can ask good questions for the interviews and know what you are talking about, learning how to interview people, and going into production which is really important because that is what people see in your video. Like I said before, this project is fun, educational and prepares you for high school projects soon to come. One thing that was surprising to me was that the doctor that we interviewed say that most people who go to that hospital don't have healthcare insurance. If I could change one thing about this project I would start the project a little soon so that my group could have more time on production. My favorite part about this project was that you could basically do anything for your video. I also learned that if you are in a group then you really need to work together and share the work with everyone and tell or do what you need to do.

ladina said...

To be honest I did enjoy the project sometimes and sometimes I didn’t.
Since I wasn’t in the country when 9/11 happened I did not really have a prospective of what the American went thru. I learned a lot about it, about the consequences and the tragedies. About the project I would change that I would start much earlier and would invest more time in editing the whole thing and making a better appearance. My favorite part of the project was the recording of the videos. About group project I learned how it is important to share your opinions, how you really need to work as a team and how it is important that you organize yourself better.

Tully said...

I really liked the project a lot. I think having the suspense of getting the interviews on time, making sure your editing is perfect, it was all good fun, butvery hard as well. My group had a set plan, we had to have our interviews by one date, our script this date, and ect. We also had to research our topic obviously, and work as a team.

Yes i did enjoy the project very much. One thing that i learned was that the Obama Health Care Bill affects, in a good or bad way, almost everyone. One thing that i would have done differently is give one more week to the students, to finish and edit there project, we had a very busy October. I learned that communication is very important, and if we dont work as a team, then it isn't good for any of the team.

matt said...

I felt that the video project was a great way to learn about are topics (mine was education), it also was a great way for us to get prepared for when we have to interview people further in life. It was a great way for the groups to work as a team. At the first when my group was assigned with this project I thought it was going to be easy and my group was gonna finish this in a couple of days. It took longer then we thought. The second week we finished other script, questions and the story board. The third week we finished researching. The fourth week most of are interviews done. In the last week we all realized that we had a lot of work to do. I thought that this was a great learning experiance. I thought that the video project was very in joyful. I learned that in Switzerland at private school the kids take eleven classes which is more than what most kids in America take. Also what i learned is that you should not wait till the last moment to do a piece or your whole project. If their was one thing that I could change that would be to get my interview in earlier. My favorite part of this project was making the imovie. This was my favorite part because I love to make imovies. I feel like plaining interviews or making a date where you should meet with your group will help you in the future

johnny M said...

Over all, my reflection on the video project was that i thought it was a great way to learn about what is happening in our world. In the process of preparing , researching, interviewing, and producing this project, it required communication and teamwork in order to succeed. I enjoyed many thing about this project, but one in particular was filming. One surprising fact i learned while my group and i were filming a random person on the street was that i did not know that most people were either losing thier jobs or losing working hours. One thing i would change about our project is i would have done our interviews in a much more quite environment. Finally, one thing i learned about group projects is to try to get them done atleast a couple of days before the project is due.

$@rÃ…h said...

I feel that my video project was a great experience. I learned a lot about my subject, which was education, and i gained some skills including putting a movie together, researching my topic, and interviewing. I enjoyed this project. During this process i researched laws that were passed to try and help improve the state of education in the US, including no child left behind and race to the top. I discovered that the United States is ranked number 27 in the world for education, and the reason for this may be due to the fact that it is not our top priority right now (said by barack obama) or that we have different curriculum and scheduling than other countries (stated by ariana huffington) My Favorite part about this project was going to interview the congressmen and representatives. They offered a lot of information that i probably couldn't obtain on my own. I was able to hear their opinions on the state of education in stamford, and in our country. It was also a fun experience to meet the people who are leading our country, and trying to make it a better place. Through this process, i realized that it helps so much more when you don't procrastinate and you plan everything out ahead. It was less stressful the week prior to its due date because i noticed, unlike other groups, that our video was practically done. I also think it benefits the entire group when everyone participates equally and not one/two people are left ot do most of the project themselves. overall i think this project was great, and a good learning experience

Joey said...

I enjoyed the project a lot, actually. Something interesting that I learned that the government bailouts were very helpful in pushing the economy in a positive direction. I liked how we had a lot of freedom in choosing what we wanted to do. My favorite part was doing the interviews, because they got us to work a bit outside our comfort zone a bit, but I think it made our projects even more better and worthwile.

Jamie Schwartz said...

I really enjoyed the project, because mine was about the Iraqi War, and I actually didn't know that certain people had relatives or friends stationed over in Iraq. In the project I would change(if I needed to) was the due date, because it seemed that everyone started having technology issues at the end(Mr. Lewis told us we would), and some people were fixing it just before they presented it. My favorite part of the project was the interviewing because I learned more about the people we interviewed. I learned that in group projects, everyone has to have an equal part, or else it won't be as good as it could be, and it just isn't fair if someone has to do all of the work.

ali weiner said...

I thought the project was a great way learn information about a topic that we were interested in I thought the preparation process was good if you didn't procrastinate. I did enjoy it because i was also able to work with other people. My topic was education. An interesting thing that I learned about education was how behind American education is compared to the rest of the world. I would give more class time so we could thoroughly prepare and produce this project. I learned how important staying on task is to make sure you get everything done. Overall it was a great learning expirience.

Kate said...

I very much enjoyed the video project. It was exciting to interview the people I interviewed. I was fortunate enough to interview an ambassador and Dan Debicella. One fact that I was surprised to learn about was that one third of all taxes go to help the military. I think that the video project was fine, and I probably would not change anything about it if I could. My favorite part of the project was probably creating the video and seeing what everything looked like once it was put together. I also liked interviewing people and learning about what they did and there opinion on warfare. I learned that in group projects everyone in required to work together to have a successful outcome. It is difficult because it is hard to find time where everyone in the group can meet and work on it, but we made it work.

Annie Love! said...

The video project was a great project to practice our skills of working together. Researching and interviewing was a bit annoying sometimes, because it would sometimes take a long time, or it would cut into your free time. I kind of enjoyed it, for my topic "Immigration" I learned that it takes a long time to come into the U.S and I think it is surprising that the federal government does not enforce the immigration laws because immigrants still cross over into the U.S illegally. I would change the date, because it was going on the same time with the rocket project and I felt very stressed and worried about the rocket project and I was spending basically all my time on it. My favorite part of the project was the final part of watching it. I learned that working in groups can be very tough at times because you have to make sure you are doing your job, and that everybody else is doing their's.

Frances said...

Personally, I enjoyed the video project very much. I really liked interviewing people and doing the research. Pulling all the resources, facts, and videos/pictures together in an imovie was difficult, especially since all of it came from three different computers. My group: Tully, Julien, and I researched the Health Care Reform Bill. I found it interesting, in the bad way, that there were small laws in this 40+ page bill. Nobody read it carefully enough to rule against it, because, according to my father, these people were forced to sign off on it, and not finish this whole thing. I would change the length of the video to nine or ten minutes, because eight is too short to summarize a huge event (even if it's not the Health Care Bill). I really liked the fact that there were little checkpoints in between the weeks, just to make sure we would procrastinate until the last second and wing the whole project. So far, my class has only seen my project and the group's project that did the economy: Isabelle L., Alex, Keli, and Chris. Their project was well done. I can't wait to see the other group's project on the Oil Spill: Lauren F., Sienna, and Jamie C.

Mason Propper said...

To me the video project was a great way to learn a current event in a interesting way. Our group's topic was terrorism so we got to learn why we have so much security, how people felt by it, and what the government did to prevent future attacks. The most important fact that I learned was that the government tracts people who buy fertilizer to prevent attacks like the Oklahoma city bombing. The only thing I wold change is that we could pick our groups so people wouldn't worry about calling people or working after school

Ali Futter said...

The video project was a great experience for me. It really taught us how to be organized, and it was great to be able to interview people who were knowledgeable about our topic (terrorism). To prepare for our project, my group and I decided who we would interview, and what questions we would ask each person we interviewed. We then decided we wanted to focus on 9-11 in particular. We researched 9-11, which gave us a better idea of how devastating it really was, and how amazing it is to be talking to the people who helped out during that time. Interviewing different people was such an interesting experience. We got to hear what 9-11 was like from different point of views: from a cop who works at the NYPD, to a fireman who had flown in an army helicopter to arrive at Ground Zero. The final product was very rewarding. It was awesome to see all of the interviews come together and the video as a whole.

I really enjoyed this project. One important piece of information that I learned about my topic was that people from all over had to come together and help. This showed that everyone in the country was willing to do something to help, no matter where they were from. I wouldn't change anything about the project itself, but I would change the way in which we did the project. I would've tried to communicate with my group better, and tried harder to schedule all of the interviews and get them done. I learned that the members of the group are all equally important, and if you forget to do something, for example, then the whole team will be affected because of it.

luke said...

I enjoyed the project a lot. I enjoyed it because you had to be creative and actually do work. An important piece of information I learned was that the government is planning to use a naked scanner to detect bombs. I would have started the video making part earlier. My favorite part was handing it in. That you all have to do work.

luke price said...

I think the government did a great job preventing the civil war. The north and the south disagreed about slavery and it was a major topic. When people have different points of view they get angry and fight, that's just the way it is. The compromises were amazing because they held the war off for as long as they did because without compromises, both sides would of gotten to the point were they felt violence was necessary much sooner. The government couldn't of handled the slavery situation any better than it did.

tcat said...

I truly enjoyed this project because it didn't just make us learn about our topics but how to film, interview, and simply work on a movie together. My group was a group that I really didn't think would work to well together on this project but that was what made it even better. We really bonded on the experience and learned a lot. One important thing that I learned from this (I did "Economy") was that the government has a lot more to do with the economy and the recession that is happening right now then I ever thought it did. Through our interview with Jim Himes I learned that the government can really rebuild this terrible economy. He spoke a lot of rebuilding and I found that the government is doing a lot. There is nothing about this project that I would change. I enjoyed watching the interviews and interviewing. I learned that you should always help eachother out and never leave everything to the other group members because that is what can lead to incomplete work.

Star :) said...

The project was fun, I learned a lot about the economy, and unemployment rates increased. If i were to do this project again i wouldn't change a thing. My favorite part of the project was watching it in the end. I learned that in order for a group project to be group project you have to learn and cooperate as a group, listen to others ideas and opinions, and make a compromise to include all the ideas.

Anonymous said...

The video project was an interesting expirience that truely helped me learn about my topic, health care. Preparing for it was somewhat difficult since I took the rocket project into priority and certaintly didn't create time for working on both with became a problem later on. It was quite interesting researching my topic about the different views people had as well as interviewing people to see what they thought about it. Frankly I enjoyed the project. One of aspects of healthcare that I thought was especially interesting was the different plans such as a cobra plan and the cadillac plan. My favorite parts of the project included the interviews and watching other peoples videos to see what they learned about. If I could change anything about the project it would be the time of year we would do the video. Even though we were given lots of time to do this the rocket project was also going on so, it was somewhat hard to do both. Our group wasn't good at communicating and I am partially to blame. The last week I was sick for the whole week so the group was left wondering and confused. I really enjoyed the project and hope to do other things like this in the future.

Lauren F said...

I enjoyed the process of creating the imovie. One piece of information of information I learned was that BP started lobbying more in 2008 and 2009. I don't think I would change anything about the video project. What I learned from the group work part of this project is that you shouldn't underestimate your teammates.

Jcarnavalla said...

In my opinion i think the C-SPAN video project was a great success for my group. I learned a lot about my topic and a lot about Imovie. My group in my opinion was very successful, we were able to get our project done and we did excellent. We did a lot of research and learned a lot about the British Petroleum Oil Spill. we worked hard and our video showed it. In our video we discussed the the oil spill, the law suits that went along with it, the condition of the water, the condition of the fish, and we had two interviews(one with a water scientist and one with another guy)

Chris said...

For me I didn't really enjoy the project because I didn't really learn anything that would be important to me. The project did teach me about group efforts because we haven't really done anything this big before in groups so it was pretty difficult. One main topic that i learned while doing this project was how and why the economy crashed. If I had to change anything about this project would probable be our topic. I didn't really like our topic because the other topics seemed more fun then ours. Overall my favorite part of this project was speaking into the video. I learned through this project that for a group effort everyone has to contribute equally other then one person doing all of the work.

ariana said...

I think that the video project was a great project to understand your topic and team work. I think my group and I were good on time i don't think that we were really stressed out about much except for the interviews. We were good on the research part and I think that I learned things about my topic (terrorism).

I enjoyed the project a lot. I believe it is a good way to learn and to bond with your classmates. One thing that i learned while researching my topic was that they might make naked scanners to see if you have any hidden items ( underwear Bomber issue). but they don't yet if they want to do it or if they can. I don't think that I would change anything because I didn't really like seem to mind anything about the project. My favorite part of the project was the fact that we could go and interview people I think that was a great idea because you can see how someone sees it and how they put it in words. What I learned about group projects is that when you put your mind to it and you work hard on it you can go really go far and it will turn out great and you can see that you put a lot of effort into it. I think that this can really help you all through life/

Marc said...

To me, I thought the project was a great way of learning about my topic. The reason that I think doing a video and not a essay is because once you research the topic and read about it you say not just right it down. I think when I say it I remember it more. Another reason why a video project helps you learn more is when you are in the process of editing it you hear it so many times that it is almost like you know it by heart.

I thought the project was very fun because I also learned more about the politics and warfare.

nick said...

I thought that the video project helped us with teamwork. We had to count on each other to get the job done and to his/her share of work. I also learned about researching my topic. I learned how to ask good questions in interviews. I wasn't the tech person so I didn't edit the final video but it was fun to see what was the final version of all of our work. I enjoyed the project and I learned more about Flight 93 and what had happened during 9/11. I would change the project so that there would be more due dates so we would have more of an idea of how the time schedule would work out. My favorite part was watching the final video. I learned about the importance of teamwork.

Alex Currie said...

I think that the video project was a great way to learn and it was very enjoyable to get a chance to use different recorces. Preparing was difficult because we had to gather lots of research from the internet and books. We also had to make a bibliography for every website or book we used. We also had to get interviews about our topic but this was a very fun and interesting experience.
Overall i did enjoy the project because of all the information i was able to learn about my subject (the economy). One surprising fact i learned about the economy crash was that millions of people got laid off! If there was one thing i could change about the project it would be the fact that we had to write a story board and a script maybe we should make only one paper to make it easier. My favorite thing about the project was putting the video together and i really enjoyed working with others because i learned how to work well with others and i enjoyed not doing something alone

Greg said...

i did not like the video project because it became very stressful toward the end and did not feel as though it was meant to be more of an enjoyable project as compared to a paper. i learned that as you go different places peoples perspectives change and there ideas on what to do in certain situations change as well. what i would change in the project is that the way the videos were structured it was almost like every video would be somewhat the same and you knew kinda what it would look like, so what im really trying to say is that there was no real creative freedom for what we could do with the video to make it our own. my favorite part was the editing because i knew what i was doing and i felt i had a little more control over what the outcome would be. i learned that working in a group can be hard because if one person doesnt show up then it can really effect the rest of the time working.

Luke Pritchard said...

In my opinion the video project was great in 2 different ways. First, it gave you the oppurtunity to learn about your topic. Secondly, it gave you the skills to get along better with classmates. To prepare for the project my group made a script and storyboard of what was going to go on in our video and we also made sure we knew who we were interviewing. We researched our topic using websites. We got clips and images off of those sites. I had two people to interview, Mr. Lewis and Miss Harris. In total we got five interviews. Once all of the interviews were finished we put them into the video in a correct order. Once everything was completed, the ending was the last piece of work. All in all I enjoyed the project. One important piece of information that i learned is that there are way more terrorist attacks (or at least attempts) that we dont know about. There is not much that i would change. Something I learned about working in groups is that it takes a lot of cooperation to complete a task.

Luke Pritchard said...

In my opinion the video project was great in 2 different ways. First, it gave you the oppurtunity to learn about your topic. Secondly, it gave you the skills to get along better with classmates. To prepare for the project my group made a script and storyboard of what was going to go on in our video and we also made sure we knew who we were interviewing. We researched our topic using websites. We got clips and images off of those sites. I had two people to interview, Mr. Lewis and Miss Harris. In total we got five interviews. Once all of the interviews were finished we put them into the video in a correct order. Once everything was completed, the ending was the last piece of work. All in all I enjoyed the project. One important piece of information that i learned is that there are way more terrorist attacks (or at least attempts) that we dont know about. There is not much that i would change. Something I learned about working in groups is that it takes a lot of cooperation to complete a task.