Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Uh Oh--Civil War

All the compromises were designed to avoid the issue of slavery, and ultimately Civil War--why was our country so afraid of a war between the North and South?


hannah said...

I think that our country was so afraid of civil war because American was still a pretty new country. It was quite vulnerable and if it split in two, it would be even more weak. Other countries would see America (or the two Americas) as an easy target, as more land for them. Also, civil wars or any wars in general need money. Becoming an in-debt country would— once again— make them seem weak.

Julien said...

I believe that our country was so afraid of a Civil War because it would have torn it apart politically and emotionally. Also there could only be three results, a) the north wins and the whole country is slave free,b)the south wins and the whole country is pro slave, or c) that either side wins and they remain separate having two different countries with conflicting interests as neighbors who would be constantly fighting. I also think that another reason they wished to avoid a civil war was that all casualties on both sides would be american as a result more Americans would die in this war then in any other war in their history or possibly their future.

Ali Futter said...

Our country was afraid of a war between the North and the South because they were afraid that it would tear the Union up. Being united was so important to our country because it meant that we would be able to fight off other countries if they were to invade us, and if there was a conflict, it would be easier to tackle if the Union was united than if the North and the South were two separate territories. If the North and the South were two separate territories, then there would most likely be more fights and disagreements between the two over things such as who owns what land.

Anonymous said...

Our country was afraid of a Civil War because they wanted to preserve the Union. Also, America would be smaller, there fore easier to attack. Wars are also very expencive and money could not be wasted in a new country. I also think that because the north and the south were breaking up because couldn't agree, it could have lead to more wars and disagreements.

ali weiner said...

i believe that our country was afraid of a civil war for a few reasons. The first being, our country would be easier to attack considering each part would be smaller. Also, economically, each part would not be able to produce as much agriculture as it would as a whole, so it would hurt the economy. Finally, it would ruin all of the work that people went through to unite our country.

Anonymous said...

The country was afraid because if the slavery side won then the country would be all slavery. But if the non-slavery side won then the country would be all no slavery. I think that the win was a good thing because since the non-slavery side won, we are so muh better off haveing no slavery than slavery. Slavery was so bad back then, people would be rude and mean to their slaves (slaves-african americans) and they wouldnt treat them with the kindness and respect that we would now. Think about it, what would this world be like if the USA had slavery?

nolan murray said...

I believe the United States was very afraid of Civil War because we were a fairly young country with a weak government. We would be a target for other countries to invade and take our land to grow their empire larger. Also, for example, if the ports in New England had a deal with British ships that they would always dock in New England and the North and South were separate then the South would never be able to receive British goods. Last, it would be as if they were two different countries with very different political views and have very different points of view on issues would lead to controversies between the two.

Lauren F said...

At first glance at this question, I was thinking that maybe a civil war wouldn't be as bad as bad as dealing with conflict for another 20 years or so, but when I started thinking about it, I realized it might not be so useful. If the south broke away there would be more worry about invasion from the confederacy, the security dilemma would play a more prominent role, considering that the union & the confederacy would be in such close proximity to each other it would cause a lot of competition possibly sparking another war, and there'd be a historical conflict between us.

Anonymous said...

I believe our country was scared of the Civil War. I think this for many reasons like our country was pretty new also since it was split in half, slaves and no slaves it would be even more weak. If their was a war between the North and South it could have torn them apart easily.

Sienna said...

Our country was afraid of having a war between the North and the South because we thought that the country would be split in two which would make things complicated politically, socially, and economically.

Lauren said...

Our country was trying to avoid the civil war so much was because they knew how strong everyones opinion was about having slavery or not haveing slavery. Our country knew that everyone would fight until the end and that it would be a bloody and hard fought war.

Star :) said...

they didn't want a war between the North and the South because they were afraid that they would split and go off and we be the United States if we had two separated countries.

Olivia Savitz said...

Our country was scared of a war between the North and the South because they were afraid that it would destroy the Union. Being United was vital to our country because it meant that we would be able to stand strong as one and do away with any conflicts or invasions from other countries. However, if the North and South were separate territories, they would most likely loose every battle and invasion heading there way. This is because they need loads of people to stand strong with them and fight off other nations. Also, if America is split, other countries around the globe would see the United States as an easy threat. If there were two territories, who were constantly fighting with one another, other nations would take advantage of this and attack our property to receive more land. Lastly, both sides would struggle economically. Considering both sides are split, the funding and taxes would have to be distributed evenly, there for making agriculture a whole lot more difficult. Overall, putting off conflicts for another 15 years isn't going to solve anything. I feel that the Civil war was mandatory, and although it came with consequences, the results in the end would finally verify what's legal and what's not.

Anonymous said...

All the compromises over the years were all made as an attempt to prevent the different thoughts of the north and the south from getting out of control and starting a serious war between the two that could risk the countries future for good. I think that America was so afraid of civil war because since we had two different bielifs in our country and so we could very easily split into two countries. I think this could be very possible because we have not come together as a country to come up with a decision to make a decision about slavery, so we were very weak and could have very easily been spilt up into two countries if a civil war happened. All of this was trying to be prevented by making all the compromises and avoiding the question about slavery.

Katie McNulty said...

I think that our country was so afraid of a civil war because it would ruin the relationship between the North and the South. They already didn't have the best relationship, but this would make it even worse. They depended on each other.

Luke Pritchard said...

I strongly believe that our country was so afraid of the civil war because it would have just torn apart our country. Alongside of this i think that another reason why they were afraid is because that it would have made our country seperated into smaller parts therefore easier to attack. Also, a war was a very expensive thing and in a fairly new country money could not be wasted in ways like that. My final reason is that all of the work that was put in to making our country united as one would go to waste.

Jenny G said...

I think our country was afraid of a Civil War, because it could separate the North and the South. The country would be a country anymore, i would be different countries. Then the countries could do their own beliefs and the other side would not be happy, Ex. slavery. Because they are separate, they can't disagree with them and do something about it. They would be separate so they can't tell each other what to do.

Anonymous said...

The United States was afraid of Civil War because they did not want to separate. If they did separate they would be very weak defending themselves against other nations. It also would not be idle having two separate countries boarding each other. In my opinion the final reason is many men would die making war a terrible way of resolving the issue of slavery.

Frances said...

Our country was quite new, and vulnerable if the sides decided to be on their own. If they did, the countries would be weak in the areas of work that the other side did, and army-wise. Each side had their fair amount of fighters, but split up, they would have no chance against other countries. United, there is a prized relationship.

Joey said...

I think our country was so deathly afraid of a civil war because they knew it would destroy the unity of the country and ultimately separate it, which they knew would be incredibly difficult to fix. Also, with the country separated, it would be more vulnerable to outside countries' attacks. In the long run, they all knew it would forever weaken and tarnish the USA and it's reputation as viewed by other countries. The compromises were made because the people with power in the USA were afraid of these things occurring. However, they all knew that the war was inevitable.

tcat said...

I believe that our country was not as afraid of civil war as they were intimidated by war. War to the people who lived in this country was very unappealing so they kept trying to avoid it. They didn't realize this was something that was simply unavoidable. I also think that the war was avoided from a political point of view since our country really didn't want to lose money by going to war with itself. Also America probably didn't want to have the country split into two. This would make them a much weaker country and make war more likely.

johnny M said...

I believe our country was scared of civil war for many reasons but one is, if one side lost the war than the side that lost would have to follow the other sides believes. For example if the south won the war than the north would have to follow and allow slavery which would most likely not happen and lead the north and south splitting into two countries.

Josh Ford said...

Our country was afraid of a war between the North and the South for many reasons. First of all, while war is good for the economy, it also would majorly sap the resources of the country twice as much as a war with another country would, because we would be fighting ourselves. Also, predicting some sort of secession following the possible victory of the south, our leaders wanted to keep the country a single union for as long as possible. Not to mention the fact that if they were fighting each other and another country, they would be weak and vulnerable, and there would not necessarily be any more America to fight over. The best way they could think to do this and keep peace and avoid all of these things was to just procrastinate the subject of slavery as long as possible.

Mason Propper said...

I think that our country was so afraid of civil war because if America split into two countries America would be very vulnerable to attacks from a foreign country such as Britain and France. It would also devastate the country by putting it into enormous debt.

nick said...

I think that our country tried to avoid civil war because they wanted to prove to other countries that they could run america. The reason for this is because america was less than a century old at the time. Other countries would want to know if the people who had worked so hard to become independent, could survive without help. Also, if there was civil war, it would be very bloody. Brothers would kill each other and if Abraham Lincoln hadn't been president, it might have destroyed the country.

Anonymous said...

I think that the United States was afraid of having a civil war because if there was a civil war that early on in the development of a country. If it split, I don't think it would have been able to recover and become one whole country again. Also, if there were two countries, there would have been probably been fights between the North Country and the South Country and probably would not have been able to defend themselves if they were invaded by a different country.

Mahesh said...

I think that our country was so afraid of civil war because if the there was a war one side had to lose. Whoever one would be angry even after the war and a new rebel group may be started. Also America would be weak after a war and another country might take the oppurtunity to attack. There would also be tons of deaths on both sides.

$@rÃ…h said...

Over the years compromises kept being made to avoid a war within our country. I believe that this was because they were afraid that this would cause a split in the Union. If this were to happen, both countries would be very prone to weakness, and not strong in war against other, much stronger and larger countries. european countries. The north and the south each help each other because each supply the other with raw materials they can't obtain alone. They need each other to thrive and to expand.

Henry Bray said...

I think that our country was scared of civil war because america was just starting to get into the flow of running a whole country. also there were many disagreements between the north and the south. it would make the country seem week because there would be a scares of money and other countries might find it easier to invade and attack.

James said...

well for starters why would anyone want to go to war. i think they were afraid if we went to war a bunch of people would die and than mabey a different country could come and attack us. we would be outnumbered and uterly un prepared. But the main point is who actually wants to go into war to kill themselves

John Tooher said...

I believe that our country was trying so hard to avoid a Civil war because America was a fairly new country and a war could have destroyed it. Also our government was pretty weak.The main goal was to become one nation.If their was a war their was the possibility of completely separating an creating two new countries.

Greg said...

i think that the country was so afraid of it because it would destroy our economy. if our economy was weak than other countries from europe would look at us as an easy target. also they are very expensive and a new country going into debt would be the last thing that they would want.

tconheeney said...

I think that our country tried so hard to avoid civil war was because it would ruin a new country. Civil war was believed to rip up Countries into two different country's. Both the north and the south didn't want this, but after the Kansas And Nebraska act Civil war was unavoidable.

Marc said...

Our country was afraid of a war between the north and south because the threatened to secede from the union.

Gubster511 said...

I believe that our country was so afraid of the civil war because its going to tear our country apart and war is never good for the economy. Another reason is because civilians would have to go into war as soldiers. Also our country sacrificed some of their rights just for a couple of compromises. Not only are our people scared, but angry to.

Keli said...

I think that our country was so afraid of civil war because they were afraid that the union would get split up, instead of being one family. They were afraid that the Union would be torn.

Giulia said...

I think our country was so afraid of the civil war because they knew civil wars were the worst. All throughout the history of the world the worst kind of wars have been civil wars. Another reason is because the country was so young they didn't want to show weakness to other countries. If they showed bloodshed and hatred towards one another, another country might be like "hey why dont we try to take over the U.S.! they're fighting each other! They cant unite and fight and win!" It would be a major advantage for them if we were fighting each other. The third thing would be secession. If we had a civil war then it would tear apart the union causing the north and the south to become two different countries. There were three outcomes of the civil war: 1) the north wins and the country becomes slave free. 2) the south would win and the country would become pro-slavery 3) the north and south would separate and become two countries.

ladina said...

Well I think that America wasn’t ready to be divided and many people knew that one of the consequences of a war would be a divided country. And also I think that families were sometimes separated and they did not want to fight against there own blood. Economically, the North and the South depended on each other. The North did not want to lose an important supplier and the South did not want to lose a purchaser.

luke said...

I think that the United States was afraid of civil war because they didn't want the Union to be torn apart. Also they knew it would be a bloodbath and many people would die. The country also didn't want to have a civil war because they knew the south wanted to leave the Union and would fight to the death for their "country".

Vicky:D said...

I think that our country was afraid of a war because they did not want the south leaving the union. They didnt want our country to be torn apart.They thought that if the South left, it would be harder to fight against other countries at war. I believe our country was very afraid of civil war.

Tully said...

I think that our country was afraid because they didn't know what they were to expect in war. They were also afraid of them not being united as one. I also thought that if they split up, they wouldn't know where to go after that. I beilive that our country was terrified of war, not afraid, TERRIFIED!!

Annie Love! said...

Our country thought it was important to stay one big country, if we stay together then we could work together to fight off other countries, or solve a problem. I think our country was so afraid of the civil war was because if the North won the compromise, the South would be unhappy visa versa. Also, then having the civil war may lead to bigger problems in the future between the two sides.

Ctmera said...

I think that our country was so afraid of Civil War because, aside from the obvious reason of war being bad by itself, every person killed, whether he be North or South, was another dead American. Also just the thought of comparing "War" and "Compromise" seems pretty obvious of which would win. If the side won, both America's would be susceptible to assaults (foreign and domestic... as in south against north, etc).

Mariel Berger said...

I believe that our country was afraid of a war between North and south because when they split up they both get smaller and therefore wining a war against other countries would be harder. The president wouldn't want to go to war because he wanted to keep the Union together. The south payed taxes with gave a lot of money to the government. So when the south left the union, the government would lose a bunch of money.

ariana said...

I think that our country was afraid of civil war for many reasons. If the south won, all of the states would have been slave states and if the north won they would have been all free states. If the union got torn up it would have been very bad.

Kate said...

I believe that the country was afraid of a civil war for a few reasons. One, because it was a fairly new country, it would have been bad if the north and south split. If one group decided to leave the union that could cause even more problems and lead to more wars. Another reason, is because if they were to go to war, they would lose a lot of money. I would think that starting out as a new country with no money would be quite difficult. Al these compromises were made, and maybe at the time some people disagreed, but now today the north and south are at peace with each other and we wouldn't be this way, if the things in our past didn't occur.

matt said...
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Henry Catchpole said...

I think that America was so afraid of the civil war because we would both be weak to attack. Plus the North needs the south because they need the products they need( Tobacco and Cotton) while the South needs the North because the North makes the supplies and weapons to protect the South.

matt said...

I believe that our country was very afraid of civil war because it would have separated are country apart.the only results that could happen is 1) South would win and the whole country is a slave state 2) North wins and the whole country is a free state or 3) one of the sides would separate and their would be two country's

matt said...

I believe that our country was very afraid of civil war because it would have separated are country apart.the only results that could happen is 1) South would win and the whole country is a slave state 2) North wins and the whole country is a free state or 3) one of the sides would separate and their would be two country's

Andrew Savage said...

Our country was so afraid of a civil war because it would greatly weaken our nation and another nation could attack it and win without exerting too much force. Even if one side did win, they would still be in a huge debt and would not be a very good country for opportunities.

Andrew Savage said...
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I think they were afraid of civil war because they didn't want to spend alot of money and they were afraid that the north might lose and the union would be lost forever.

Austin Cieszko said...

Our country was afraid probably because they knew that a lot killing would happen between two separate nations and that was exactly the opposite of what the forefathers wanted. Also, the government would be split almost in half. This then would give both nations (north and south) less power and make them both weaker.

kendra scotti said...

I think that the country was scared of a civil war because if the it split in two it would of been hard for the country to be a strong country again. They might of also been afraid because they did not want to america to be all slavery or if there was no winner then have to constantly fighting nations.

luke price said...

Civil war is the worst type of war there is for a single country. The reasons a civil war is far worse than a regular war is that it effects everybody, rather than it being a distant thing, like the war in Iraq. What would you think if you were just sitting around, and out of nowhere your front door explodes and men with guns come rushing into your house? That's what was happening every day in the civil war. Second, after the war chances are the country will be reunited and be in a weak state. This is because each side is attacking things like factories and plantations that contribute to the opposing sides economy. When the country comes back together all the damage that was done to one side will effect the other because the north and south economies add up to become the countries economy. Last, a civil war kills the population of the country it's in, and in that time period some of america was still left uncolonized, and successful settlements need a lot people. Basically in the long run, they're killing themselves and preventing america from advancing. So I can see why the country was afraid of a civil war.

Anonymous said...

The Americans tried so hard to avoid creating a Civil War with several compromises. If our country were to split in two it would not be as possible and would become an easier target for other countries. Also, what if the South became more powerful than the North or vise versa they could conquer each other and depending on the different views could create laws or different powers that not everyone believed in.

Ethan! said...

I think that our country was afraid of civil war because they didn't want our country to tear apart. along with the fact that they were afraid of our country failing as a system. if we cannot agree as a country, we cannot survive as a country

poooookah said...

I think our country was afraid of the war between the north and the south because without our country being one whole we are weaker. Making our country half the size is making us an easier target to other countries. Another thing is that if we split into 2 parts we are thrown off balance. The south has the merchandise. The north has the money.

Jcarnavalla said...

I think that our country was afraid of a civil war because the north did not want the south to leave the union. On the other hand i think that the south was afraid of the north taking away slavery because the south used slavery for everything. But the north wanted to take away slavery from the whole country and the south wanted to leave the union so they can keep slavery.

Chris said...

Our county was afraid of a civil war because if America goes to war it will mess up the Union. It would mess up the Union because it would split the country in half. If the North lost there would be slavery and it would expand even farther, but if the South losses we loss slavery in America but they thought the South would leave the Union.

Alex Currie said...

I think that our country was scared of civil war because as two different unions the US would not have as much power or land, and also not as much respect from european countries

matt said...

I think their was no possible way to avoid civil war. The only thing that could have been changed was having the war earlier. the reason why it didnt happen earlier is because Lincoln didnt want the country to split up into two.

Henry Bray said...

Our country was afraid of the civil war because the north wanted to stay a unified country. the south wanted slaves so they did end up to the civil war problem but they truly never wanted to have the civil war in the first place.