Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Reality of Compromise

Following the Kansas-Nebraska Act (and the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850), was it possible to avoid Civil War? What would you have done if you were the leader of our country and had to find a way to maintain a reasonable relationship between the North and the South? Could anything more be done?


Austin Cieszko said...
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Austin Cieszko said...
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Austin Cieszko said...

It would not have been easy however I do think it would have been possible to prevent Civil War. If I were the leader of the country I most likely would have just kept the equal amount of free and slave states and if an agreement couldn't be made because of the draw in votes I would decide myself.

Lauren F said...

I think civil war was pretty much eminent. However, I think steps could have been taken to stop a civil war from happening. If I were leading at the time, I probably would have established something similar to the Palestine- Israel talks. The south could elect a leader and the north would also have an elected leader. These leaders jobs would be to represent the best interest of their territory. The president of the U.S. would be an mediator and the president of another country would also act as a mediator. These talks would take place every couple of months until an agreement could be reached.

Katie McNulty said...

I don't think it was possible to avoid Civil War. I guess you could to things to prevent it until later, but it probably would have come eventually. If I was the leader of the U.S. I would do my best job to try and help the North and South get along, no matter where I was from. I think the compromises helped the U.S., but it just postponed the Civil War.

Andrew Savage said...

I think the Civil War was going to happen or something similar to the Civil War would, but it could probably be postponed a little longer. The best thing to do would be first to hear what neutral people think and then see if those ideas are a good deal or fair deal for both sides. If this did not work I would try my best to keep slave and free states equal.

$@rÅh said...
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$@rÅh said...

I dont think that the Civil War was avoidable. The North and the South were always arguing and making compromises. Eventually they had to negotiate their problems through war, because all of these compromises only worked temporarily. If i were the country's leader, i would make sure that each side would get what they wanted, and find a way to keep the north and south at peace. slavery would only be in affect in the south, and the north would take no part in it. maybe if the south's resources were cut off, and they were no longer able to take part in the slave trade. slavery would eventually end.

Mariel Berger said...

I feel that there was no avoiding a Civil War because the North and South had been fighting about almost everything. There is just so much you can do to make everyone happy. If I was the leader of our country all I would try to do is try to keep the balance in the congress of slave and free state representatives. I wouldn't have done it very differently and I think they kept it together for as long as they could.

Mariel Berger said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S was not going to avoid a civil war completely even if the Kansas-Nebraska Act was not passed by congress. I would think that with the country being spilt up into two different beliefs i would predict that at some pint in the future the north and the south would have disagreed about some other action that might have been the start to a Civil War between both sides. I also predict that if the Kansas-Nebraska Act was not passed even though i believed that their still would have been a civil war, do not think the war would have been to the same extent as it turned out to be.
A way that the U.S could have tried to prevent a Civil War on the first place was to try to make the missouri compromise line more fair so that when ever new states want to be admitted they will be a even number of slave and free states, so the votes on laws would be even throughout the country.

Anonymous said...

I feel their was no way to avoid the Civil War because the North and South were constantly arguing. If I were the leader I would make an equal amount of slave states and free states.

Jenny G said...

It probably was not possible to avoid a Civil War. What they did was good, but no enough to stop a war. It just postpone it. If I was the leader, I would make make the slave and free states equal. Also they would get equal amount of what they want. If one wanted something that the other side wanted too, I wouldn't let them argue over it. I'd give the same thing to both sides. If all the people are happy, then there would be no war. It's very hard yo keep everyone happy at the same time.

Tully said...

I think we couldve ovoided it, but it would been difficult. If i was leader I would try to keep both sides equall. I would also try to ballance it out, so that both sides are happy. To be honest there really isnt much we couldve done, and we cant rewind back in time to do something now.

ali weiner said...

I believe that it would not have been possible to avoid a civil war, or something like it, forever, due to the strong opposition on both sides. If I were a leader, I would have tried to make the civil war less costly to Americans by only letting a certain number of soldiers from each side fight, so less American blood would be shed. To attempt to keep peace, leading up to the civil war i would have equal amounts of slave and free states so both sides would feel like the government supported them. Other than that, i would see no other way to improve the quality of life pertaining to slaver in that time.

Olivia Savitz said...

I feel that the civil war was not possible to avoid. Throughout the years, the North and South have been arguing and trying to compensate. The compromises they created would only last for a certain amount of time, and in the end, both sides would have to negotiate one solution that would settle this dispute once and for all. If i was the country's leader, i would find a way to make sure to listen to what both sides want. I would do my best to make sure the North and South remained civil until a proper solution was designed. An example of this would be where slavery was only allowed in the South, and was banned in the North. If slaves managed to escape from the South and somehow get to the North, Southerners could not steal them back. However, the same goes for the North. If slaves could not free themselves from the South, the North could not take the slaves from them. It is possible that if both sides of the United States stayed out of each others territory, this compromise could be accomplished.

nick said...
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nick said...

I think that no amount of negotiations would have done any good. The South wanted their own set of rules for themselves and since the North kept compromising the South took that as a sign of weakness. The North wanted to preserve the union and that restricted them. The South had no restrictions at all. There were a couple of people from the South that wanted to keep the Union together but it wasnt enough.

Ali Futter said...

I think that the Civil War was inevitable because the North and South had such different ideas that a conflict would have arisen and it would have led to war. If I were the leader of our country, I would have held a conference limited to only two elected officials from each side. This would give each side a chance to share their ideas and thoughts, and it would give me, as the leader of our country, a chance to hear both sides and figure out what the best way to solve the problem would be.

Frances said...

It was immpossible to avoid a Civil War with the problems with the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850 following, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Everyone at that time were like chickens running around with their heads cut off. Nobody knew what to do with the conflicting minds of the North and South. If I had been the leader, it would turn into ciaos. Personally, I would have made slavery illegal, but that would have its problems with the South 'needing' slaves. To make an effort to keep the two sides from killing each other, I would have just kept the amount of slave and free states equal. As a political leader, I'd let there be votes among the states, but the final decision would be reached by all the branches of government.

johnny M said...

Knowing the differences between the north and south i do not think that it would be possible to avoid the civil war. However i do think that we could have postponed the war by maybe creating another compromise or the war could have started earlier if we didn't make any compromise's at all. If i were the leader of our nation and had to find a way to maintain a reasonable relationship between the north and south i would have tried my best to keep both the north and the south happy for as long as possible. I done not think anything else could be done.

johnny M said...

Knowing the differences between the north and south i do not think that it would be possible to avoid the civil war. However i do think that we could have postponed the war by maybe creating another compromise or the war could have started earlier if we didn't make any compromise's at all. If i were the leader of our nation and had to find a way to maintain a reasonable relationship between the north and south i would have tried my best to keep both the north and the south happy for as long as possible. I done not think anything else could be done.

John Tooher said...

I believe that the war could not have been stopped.After a while, A compromise would not necessarily have made both sides happy.At some point America had to become one and have the same beliefs.If I had been a leader of the country I would have tried my best to make a reasonable compromise but I think war was almost necessary.

Keli said...
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Keli said...

I believe that we would have been able to avoid the Civil War, but would've been hard. If I was a leader I would make the North and South equally the same. By doing that, it would make them both happy. But there is nothing we can do now since it is the past. ):

nolan murray said...

It would have been a very hard task but, I believe a great leader would be able to have prevent Civil War. If I were a leader of the country at that time I would do everything in my power to prevent Civil War. For example, Try to keep a healthy balance of free and slave states and if the popular vote became deadly I would move the vote to Congress or even to the President.

Mahesh said...

After bleeding Kansas I doubt there could have been a compromise because there was so much tension building up. If somehow the war was avoided then the war would of happened later. If I were the leader of our country I would prepare for war with the South to finish the war quickly.

tconheeney said...

i dont think it would have been possible to avoid the issue of Civil War. America was already on the edge of civil war, but after this Missouri Compromise each side thought that they could have control over the sanate so Civil War broke out.

James said...

i dont think there would have ever been a way to fully end the fueds between the north and the south but i feel that the north and the south could have kept on compromising for a little bit longer. What is the rush to race into war?

James said...

If i was the leader of the country i would do just that. keep on compromising until there is no more to compomise. But that is all you could really do when two gigantic groups of people hate each other two such extent. like i said in my other post; what is the rush to go to war and get your self killed.

Anonymous said...

I think Civil War was the only option to solve slavery. The United States could not be divided with slave a free states and still get along. Therefore i think slavery was the only option to solve slavery.

Lauren said...

I think that the Civil War couldn't be avoided. I think that the North and the South had such a different way of thinking that there was no way to avoid the war. I would have just tried to keep things equal and to have both sides happy. For example as they did they kept the free and slave states the same amount. I don;t think any more could have been done the North and South really didn't agree.

hannah said...

I think it would most definently be nearly impossible to stop the civil war from happening, and for that matter, I think that though the war cost many people there lives and was very gruesome, without it, it would've been fairly difficult to stop slavery. If I were the leader of the country, I would certainly try my hardest to come up with another compromise. Though in the past, compromises have failed, if the compromise is created by both sides equally and PEACEFULLY, not just by one person, an agreement would be much easier to come to. However, even with a compromise, the Civil War would probably eventually still happen, and that is something that is unavoidable

Kate said...

I believe that it is nearly impossible to have stopped the Civil War. Although, if I was the leader of the country, to keep peace between the north and the south, I would have constantly held meetings, talked to different senators of the states, and tried to come up with a compromise. Of course if that had failed, war might have been the only option that was left to do.

Vicky:D said...

I dont think it would have been easy, however I think it was possible. If i was a leader of the country, I would of kept an equal amount of slave and free states so both sides would be happy. There was not much at the time we could have done but if it were now, i don't think there would of been a Civil War.

Anonymous said...

I think that we would have never been able to avoid the civil war. My reasoning for this is because the north and south could never agree on anything. Although I think that they would have been able to postpone the civil war a little bit if they had kept on making compromises with each other, but eventually they would have had to fight. If I were the leader of our country then I would have tried to make each side happy, but I do think that any way I would have tried to help the sides, the war was going to happen.

Ctmera said...

After all the bloodshed and violence from the disputes between the two opposing forces, the Civil War was inevitable. If I was the leader of our country, I would constantly keep coming to compromises, although slightly inclined towards anti-slavery. The subtle change of the anti-slavery pushing forward a bit, although very slowly, would hopefully make the citizens of the South to be persuaded into letting go, bit by bit. There isn't anything else that could've been done in order to prevent the Civil War other than letting the South entirely detach itself.

Giulia said...

i think that it would be very, very hard, if not impossible to avoid the civil war at that point. The object of the government at that point was to keep the unity in the states. Both the north and the south were threatening secession. The last resort was war, but bleeding kansas was the math that started the fire. I think it would difficult to to keep both the north and the south happy without creating two different countries.I dont think anything more could be done, war is always horrible and it should never be the answer but in this case it was either break up the union or fight.

tcat said...

I believe that the Civil War was impossible to get around. As hard as the men in the union tried it was not easy to do what they were trying to do. What happened was...there were two stubborn sides that would not agree about slavery and disliked each other more everyday. As you can see this would've taken a miracle to get around. I truly believe that almost nothing could be done but if I was in that position I would not allow popular sovernty since that would sooner or later make the congress uneven favoring one side of the disagreement. I would make a free state for every slave state and slave state for every free state admitted in the union.

Mason Propper said...

I think civil war was bound to happen. However, there could have been ways to postpone civil war. For example, the government could have made Kansas a slave state and Nebraska a free state to prevent the mini civil war that happened in Kansas. Also if they government had done that, the Senate would have been balanced.

Luke Pritchard said...

I believe that the civil war or something along the lines of the civil war was going to happen regardless. I think this because the north and the south were always fighting and arguing. There were so many compromises going on between the north and the south that eventually it lead to the civil war. If I was the leader of the country I would just try to keep the same amount of free states as slave states. If there was any arguing over this I would just decide what to do myself.

Josh Ford said...

I do not think it was possible to avoid civil war after these troubles and compromises. The problem of slavery had existed far too long, and citizens had developed unchangeable opinions and lifestyles that they would fight for. I therefore think that, even if the south had not seceded from the country, a decision would eventually be made banning or allowing slavery in any state, and those on the losing side would be very angry and fight for their beliefs, freedom, and/or right to own slaves. So basically, a war would have broken out for one reason if it didn’t for another, and there would simply be no peaceful way to solve the problem. However, if I were the leader of our country in this age, I would have legalized slavery, but allowed blacks to be free who already were before the law was passed. Then the violent slave owners who owned slaves would not feel robbed and feel the need to retaliate, and the hardcore abolitionists would have no real grounds for racial oppression, because some blacks would live freely, while others did not; the issue would simply be that certain people had less rights than others. Though just another temporary solution, this may have helped the country get used to sharing their world with the free blacks before considering releasing their own slaves.

Gubster511 said...

It is indeed not possible to avoid civil war, especially after Bleeding Kansas. I would have let the state decide if they wanted slavery or not from the beginning and not try to separate the country with a line. I believe that separation = war. Although I believe that, I still think that there should different countries and states. I just don't believe that a country should be separated. No, nothing more could have been done, there was no way to avoid war at this point. I think that wars are awful, although they sometimes are necessary. Sometimes they are not.

ariana said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that the Civil War could have been put off a little bit longer but once the fighting started at Bleeding Kansas it would have been hard to avoid. If I was a leader at the time, I would have tried to establish a good army to fight. The north and the south never agreed and I don't think that they would have reached an agreement. The Civil War needed to happen and it should not have been put off any longer.

JP said...
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Joey said...

I think it would be impossible to avoid Civil War. Everyone in the US knew that the forthcoming war was undeniable, but after the Kansas-Nebraska Act, it was sped up quite a bit. Tension between the North and South were more than ever, with people murdering one and other over the states of Kansas and Nebraska, but more could have been done. If I was the leader of our country, I would have nullified the Kansas-Nebraska Act and kept the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise working. It would have, of course, been impossible for the Civil War to not happen, because the tensions would keep building until the country finally collapsed under the pressure and war breaks out.

Ethan! said...

Well, though it would get tough, I do believe that it was possible to avoid the civil war. If I were the leader of the country then I would try to elect a representative for all of the slave states, and a representative for all of the free states, and see if they could find out a way to work out there differences. Although I would have a plan B, being that I would divide any uneven states into half free, half slaves. Now I am not positive either of these would work, but like I said, it would be very tough to avoid a civil war

ladina said...

I think after are discussion in class, that Thomas Jefferson meant that we are all created equally at the beginning and it’s after that that we loose some rights. I don’t think that the concept of “all men are created equally” is accomplish jet but I truly believe that progresses has been made after time. I think that there is still a long way in front of us before we can truly say that we treat everybody the same.

tconheeney said...

The issue of Civil War was absolutely needed in the Us at that time. If civil War had not broken out at the time it did, the US might have had to break up as one country. If i was the leader of the US, I of course would have tried to avoid Civil war but after Bleeding Kansas there would not be musch I could do.

ariana said...

I think either way there could have been a Civil War because probably the slave states would have been not been happy with whatever the free state chose and then they broke out into war. If I was the leader I would think there would be nothing done because the Missouri Compromise Line kind of sets it all.

ariana said...

I think either way there could have been a Civil War because probably the slave states would have been not been happy with whatever the free state chose and then they broke out into war. If I was the leader I would think there would be nothing done because the Missouri Compromise Line kind of sets it all.

Star :) said...

It was not possible to avoid civil war, because whatever they decided about slavery they wouldn't be able to please both sides, therefor they ignored the real question. If I was the leader of this country there would be nothing I could do, because 1. I couldn't possibly be a leader because of my race. 2. If I actually answered the question about slavery which is, "Is slavery right?" There would always be one side that wouldn't agree, which would cause a war.

luke said...

I think that by pushing the issue of slavery back it created even more tension through the years. Then after the Kansas-Nebraska act when violence began to break out civil-war was unavoidable. If I were a leader I would have come up with an agreement to settle the issues to avoid civil-war. There was nothing to be done to avoid civil-war.

Julien said...

I think it was still possible to avoid a Civil War if the North and the South had been able to sit down and have a civil conversation about slavery without riots breaking out. However, since this was not possible I think that it would have been extremely difficult to prevent a Civil War and even if it had been avoided after 1860 the problem eventually would have come to a head and that Civil War would have broken out eventually.

Anonymous said...

I think that it was not possible to completely avoid a civil war. I think that it is possible to push it off a few years, but eventually, it would have come. If I were the leader of our country, I would have listened to both sides of the story (North and South) and chosen the best choices that benefit both sides with no negative effects or at least minimal negative effects. I don't think that there was much to do because the civil war was definitely inevitable.

Marc said...

I don't think the Civil War would be easy to avoid at this time even with all these compromises. I don't think I would be able to do anything to stop civil war.

Annie Love! said...

It may not have been a possibility to avoid the civil war, the compromise already tried to avoid the war until further compromise. But if I was the leader of the country, I would try to compromise the problem further to equal out the north and the south to keep both sides happy. :)


i dont think it was possible to avoid civil war but and i would have offered slavery to every state in the union because thats what the south wanted and the north couldn't have secede because most of their economy came from the south.

Henry Catchpole said...

I think that it could not have been possible to avoid the civil war, but if I tried to stop it I would try to keep balance by splitting the positions of power equal, but still the war was inimitable and no one person could stop it.

luke price said...
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luke price said...

I think the government held off the civil war as long as they possibly could and did a great job. Each side had a different point of view about slavery and when people have different ideas about something, what do they do? They fight! The compromises kept both sides as happy as possible for as long as possible. without the compromises, things would of just escalated into war faster.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the Civil War could have been avoided. What I do believe is that it could have still had been temporarily avoided by going to extreme measures to think of ideal compromises. Honestly, I have no clue what I would do to prevent war. It seems like an extremley overwhelming task that I wouldn't be able to handle.

poooookah said...

I personally do not think that avoiding the civil war was possible. I think maybe it could of been pushed back maybe a few more years, but its pretty obvious that it was going to happen eventually. The issues between the north and the south had to be mended. I don't really think i would have done anything differently. I think we dealt with it pretty good, even though i completely disagree. War is not the answer. I probably would have had everyone over the age of 18 vote for either slavery or none slavery. then depending on the amount thats the way it would be.

Sienna said...

It was not possible to avoid the Civil War because it was a such a big event. If I were the leader of our country then i would try to find compromise between both the North and South. I would bring up the issue of slavery since it was being avoided for such a long time.

Chris said...

I Believe it was not possible to avoid civil war because both sides wanted different things. At that time if I were running the country I would have just kept both sides happy. Like I wouldn't have put more free states then slave states in America. Also if I were president I wouldn't have made the fugitive slave law because it made Northerners feel like they were part of slavery.

Alex Currie said...

I think that it was not possible to further prevent civil war because the issue of states was not going to stop popping up. If i was the leader of the country I would have probably embraced the fact that their was going to be a war and i would have faught for african american freedom

kendra scotti said...

I do not think that the Civil War was avoidable. People could to somethings to try to avoid it but in the end you would not be able to. It was not avoidable because the north and the south where arguing all the time. The north and the south also had much different political views. If i was the leader of the country at the time i would have a meeting with both the north and the south to discuss on how to make the country better for both sides.

Jcarnavalla said...

I think that it was not possible to avoid a civil war because we had all of this land and there is no way that the land would not be used as a state. So if i was the leader at this time i would see that this war was not avoidable and attack the south when it was not ready. Before the south even declared war there would already be a war. This is how i would have handled the situation.

Greg said...

i think that the way the government has handled the divide between the north and the south had made this point in time the boiling point because no matter what they do they thoughts of both sides are the exact opposite and they both showed that they wouldn't budge on what they wanted and perceived was rite to them