Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why Can't We Be Friends?

We are starting to understand what Thomas Jefferson meant in 1776 when he wrote "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence. What kind of meaning do those words have in today's society? Are we closer to a world in which "all men are created equal?"--Really?


Lauren F said...

I think what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said that we are all equal is that we all have equal opportunities to make something of ourselves. Yes, one kid might have rich parents and another kid might have un-educated poor parents, but it's what they choose to do with what they have, and everyone has an equal chance to make that choice of what they're going to do with what they have. They can choose yes, I will try my hardest to do my best with what I have, or I won't try at all. That's what it means to be equal.

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe that we are closer to a world in which all men are created equally. In 1776 those words meant that the second that were born, you would have equal rights. But as soon as someone saw that you were African American or a girl, you loose your rights. In today's society, women and African Americans can vote and they aren't viewed as property or maids. Everyone has equal opportunities in life.. I do believe that there will still be progress.

Anonymous said...

I think that Thomas Jefferson meant that we have equal rights, but that does not mean that we think of each other equally. We discriminate based on gender, religion,our economic status, and our friends. Some people do not realize that they discriminating, and are being pushed into it subconsciously, while other people do it on purpose. I believe that at one time we were closer to a world in which "all men are created equal" as children, but this fell apart when the economy fell.

Tully said...

I believe that Thomas meant to say that we all have our own say in things and our own oppinions. I deffintly think we are all closer as a world. We arnt fighting as much (about situations other than the war) as we were in the 1700's. I do think that some people cant say what they wish to say. I think that in a court room people cant speak freely all the time. Although there is the freedom of speech, i don't think we use it as often as we can. But all in all i think we have come together as a world more.

Annie Love! said...

I think what Jefferson said means that when we are born everybody has equal rights. But not everyone is equal to each other. For example, gender. Women are not equal to men. Women are not allowed to play professional sports with men, and may not be allowed to have all the same jobs. We also may discriminate people who are different races, or are foreign. Also, on age. You must be a certain age to vote, drive and drink. Finally, people who have different jobs, can get paid more, or less. But things, can change in the nearby future.

Greg said...
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Ali Futter said...

I believe that when Thomas Jefferson wrote "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence, he meant that when we are born, we are all equal. Not in terms of the status you are born into, or how much land your family owns, but that we are born with the same amount of intelligence, the same amount of resources and the same amount of opportunity. We all have the opportunity to do something great, we all share the Earth, and we are all born knowing nothing. The key word here is "created". Status and education may change as we get older, but in the beginning stage of our lives, we are all equal.

John Tooher said...

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" I believe he was saying that we are all the same and every man or women should have the same rights.Although we all have the same rights now I still think that their is a lot of racism and hate in this country.I also think we are all equal now, but a lot of people do not get the respect they deserve.Even though we are not perfect, we have definitely grown a lot since 1776 and it was because of people like Thomas Jefferson.

Josh Ford said...

Back when Jefferson said this famous quote, he was trying to create a country where all people are the same, and no person has an advantage or disadvantage he did not earn for himself. alternatively, this was statement was taken all too literally. for a while in the America, White men were the only ones who could vote, as women were not "men" and black people were property, or objects. now, this has dilemma has been superficially solved. all men and women of any race or color have the exact same unalienable rights. no one can get away with murder just because they murdered an African-American who has less rights. however, there is still prejudice. people white people think differently of black people, and vice-versa. they can't help it,it's just their nature. and women are still not taken as seriously in certain occupations and positions. recent studies have shown that in many occupations, a man will be chosen over a woman, and that a woman will often be paid less than a man in the same position. you can't necessarily change people's personal opinions, nor can you know what they are for sure, so the prejudice may never stop.

Frances said...

I think that when Thomas Jefferson wrote 'All men are made equal', is that he meant that all men have equal opportunities. We choose what we do in life, and we have the right to. Many years ago, women did not have the right to vote, today we do. Also, people OWNED slaves, like they were a piece of property. Today, they can do what they want, not follow somebody else's orders (unless that is what they want). Though we do not live in a perfect world, it's pretty close.

Sienna said...

I think that Jefferson was saying that we all are the same in the way that we are all people. In today's society some things aren't "equal". For example, some people may think that women can't do heavy lifting around the house when in reality women are stronger now-a-days. Another thing is that some people still think women do all of the house work like cleaning and cooking when in reality a lot of men do the same as a stay-at-home dad. We are getting closer to the fact that women, men, and even all of the different races are all the same.

Austin Cieszko said...

I think that in today's society we are closer to a world where all men are created equal than before, but I don't think that the statement could be said completely true. I think this because people even in today's society might judge someone based on their race, how they look, or how smart they are. When Thomas Jefferson wrote that down, I think he could have meant all white property owning males are created equal.

Julien said...

I think that we are much closer to to a world where everyone is equal. Especially in the United States where everyone has their basic rights and freedoms that no one can takeaway.

Jenny G said...

When Jefferson wrote "all men are created equal", he meant that all white, over 21, property owning men are equal. Not women, African Americans, etc. In the US, everyone is created equal no matter what your race, gender, or religion is. In other places in the world not all people have the same rights. Women are treated as a minority in other places of the world. Everyone is created equal, but is not always treated the same.

Ctmera said...
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Ctmera said...

What "All men are created equal" means to me is that no one is different unless something, someone, or themselves convinces them otherwise. The moment we are born into this world, we are exposed to race, culture, and diversity. If we could all overlook the physical differences, we would be that much closer to being equal (but we can't overlook that because, as a race, we are too proud and primitive to ignore the little things). We are definitely closer to a world in which "all men are created equal", but even though we have progressed and evolved drastically in the past centuries, the human race can never attain equality. Too bad...

Ctmera said...

Though the United States has progressed, there are still many areas in this world where there is, what seems like, no chance for equality amongst the inhabitants.

Vicky:D said...

I think that we are closer to a world in which all men are created equally. I think what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said "all men are created equal" is that the second you are born you have equal rights, but when someone sees you as an African American, or a woman your rights change. In 1776 men that had land and were 21 or older had all the power, woman had none and minors had none. Many things have changed since then like the fact that women can vote and African Americans are not slaves. I think that we have become more equal and we will become more equal as the years go on.

johnny M said...

I believe what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said "all men are created equal" is that we are all born with same abilities and what it really comes down to is who the hardest worker is. Although some are born much less fortunate than others, i believe that as long as that less fortunate person works harder than the more fortunate person the less fortunate person will be noticed.

Kate said...

I think Thomas Jefferson meant that we were all created equally but we are not treated that way. For example, in 1776, he may say that all men are created equally, but then the question is, why is it that only white men, over the age of 21 who own property have the right to vote? That removes the category of children, women, white men who don't own property, and african americans. When Thomas Jefferson states that all men are created equally, I think he means that we are all entitled to what everyone is at birth; freedom, life, and the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, when we are born, and we may be black or a girl, everyone treats you differently, and although you are entitled to those three things, you will be treated different.

Greg said...

I think that when he said that are men are created equally he meant that all white christian MEN are created equally. when thomas jefferson had said that people had not considered woman and african americans to be men or citizens. what he meant was that all men, such as farmers and politicians were created equally. in this day in age i think we are getting closer to a society where all people are though of as equal. i think this because we now have a black man as president and people from every ethnicity and sex are doing the same type of jobs and making the same amount of mony

Alex Currie said...

I think that we are closer to a world in which all men are created and treated equal because society is realizing that judging people by the color of their skin or their religious beliefs is not acceptable

Anonymous said...

In 1776 when Thomas Jefferson wrote that "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence he could have been directing it to a variety of audiences. It may have been just the men who were fit to vote or maybe all people in general and given the fact that Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner himself it is likely to believe he was only talking about white males. I believe that everyone is created equal but, in 1776 those equal opportunities and rights that you deserve and have been given could be taken away based on your race or gender. Today, in some places people still have certain limitations based on who they are, but in America's society everyone has equal opportunities. I think that we are defiantly working towards a world where everyone is treated equally, where people don't have to be ashamed of who they are. It is up to people like us though to try to make a difference in our everyday lives so we can strive to make our world a better place.

Gubster511 said...

Thomas Jefferson was referring strictly to "men". In this case that left out women and slaves. Slaves were considered objects back then. We are defiantly closer to a world are all men are created equal, for example, African Americans are not slaves anymore and women can get a job and support themselves.

luke said...

When he said that "All men are created equal," I think he meant that when we are born we all start out the same from birth. That means that at birth we all have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of these rights though can be taken away after one glance. If the child is African-American or is a girl, their rights may be taken away.


i think that he meant "all men are created equal" because all men are "created" equal. created is the key word is created because in the world at birth everyone is equal, but once you every has different talent and some people will be rich and some poor. and in todays society some people are treated different like hispanics and arabs.

Mariel Berger said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson meant when he said "all men are created egual" in the Declaration of Independence is that all men are created equal at birth and have the same rights such as liberty and the right to peruse happiness which can't be taken away from you at that very second. but the second the find out your African American or a Women the rights will be taken away. Now a days African Americans and Women are considered equal. But still in todays society there are races people who think people that aren't a white male are not as good. for example of today life some women with the same jobs as a man get payed less. i think that we, the Americans have come a long way from before but there is always time for improvement.

Mariel Berger said...

I believe that Thomas Jefferson meant when he said "all men are created egual" in the Declaration of Independence is that all men are created equal at birth and have the same rights such as liberty and the right to peruse happiness which can't be taken away from you at that very second. but the second the find out your African American or a Women the rights will be taken away. Now a days African Americans and Women are considered equal. But still in todays society there are races people who think people that aren't a white male are not as good. for example of today life some women with the same jobs as a man get payed less. i think that we, the Americans have come a long way from before but there is always time for improvement.

Anonymous said...

When Thomas Jefferson stated those words "all men are created equal" i think he meant a lot of different things with that one phrase. I think that he stated those words so that people in the United States are all the same and that every person that lives in America should be treated and should be allow to have the same rights. I think that when someone was born everyone is born with the same rights, but when people are born they start being judged. I think that we are getting closer to having all men created equal than we were when he stated this phrase. I think we are closer to a equal world but we definitly are not completely there yet.

James said...

Everyone for the first second of life is equal but after that you start to either lose or gain rights. Even though some people might have more rights than others it is still a big difference than when black people were slaves and women couldn't vote. So I think even though some people have more rights than others we still have gone a long way.

hannah said...

I think that what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say when he wrote that all men were created equal, we that we all are CREATED, or born equal, we have life by then, and have liberty, and can pursue happiness, but the split second after we're born, depending on who we are, our rights CAN be taken away. Nowadays, though there is not as much discrimination, we still have a long way to go before truly being equal. If we sincerely work at the goal though, it could happen, all men could be not just created, but BE equal.

hannah said...

I think that what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say when he wrote that all men were created equal, we that we all are CREATED, or born equal, we have life by then, and have liberty, and can pursue happiness, but the split second after we're born, depending on who we are, our rights CAN be taken away. Nowadays, though there is not as much discrimination, we still have a long way to go before truly being equal. If we sincerely work at the goal though, it could happen, all men could be not just created, but BE equal.

hannah said...

I think that what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say when he wrote that all men were created equal, we that we all are CREATED, or born equal, we have life by then, and have liberty, and can pursue happiness, but the split second after we're born, depending on who we are, our rights CAN be taken away. Nowadays, though there is not as much discrimination, we still have a long way to go before truly being equal. If we sincerely work at the goal though, it could happen, all men could be not just created, but BE equal.

Anonymous said...

"All men are created equal". In today’s society that means that everyone weather black or white are created equally. Those words mean so much more to us now because there are no more slaves being used anywhere in the United States of America. They mean more because we are all equal and it doesn’t matter if you are an African American, a girl, a different culture or even white. Back in 1776 everyone thought that since you were a different color, culture, or girl you had your rights taken away, immediately. But now it’s different because we have no more segregation between black and whites in this country and we are all created equal and treated the same.

Marc said...

Today, in society we are closer to the real meaning. The meaning that have today in society means that all people have the same right. I believe Thomas Jefferson meant that when people are born they all rights but then when people realize that they are a woman or black they loose their rights.

Mason Propper said...

When Thomas Jefferson wrote “all men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence, he meant that when you are born you are created equal, but when society (back then) saw that you were part of different race they took those rights away. Now there is little discrimination against anyone of a different race or color. All in all, I definitely I think that we are close to a society where are all men are created equal.

Keli said...

I think what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said that all men are created equal is that the instant little babies are created they each have their own set of rights, but when they realize someone is African American, a women/girl, then they might lose their rights in a second. I also think that the world is beginning to come together as a family.

Giulia said...

I think people tend to look at the words and pick out words like Men and Equal while the word that really counts is Created. Blacks (slaves at the time) and women (barely a step above slaves) weren't men so to speak. Women, well obviously they are not men. Blacks were considered property and vermin, not men. The men this quote refers to is a man 21 or older who can vote, owns land, and is white. The word equal is self explanatory. It means that the rights one "man" (with definition used above) has certain rights and a man with the same definition as the other man but maybe lives somewhere else has the same rights that can't be taken away because they are a God given right. The key word of this quote is created. The word created in a simpler version is born. So what Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he meant that the second he are born you have the same rights as anyone else. But the second they see that you are black you automatically become a slave. Or the second they see you as a woman they say you are almost as bad as a slave. I think that are we are much closer to living the quote "all men are created equal". Today people live together more peacefully. but even now there are still a few problems. Arizona has said no Mexicans are allowed in their state only if they have proof that they are American citizens. And women are still payed less than men. We still have our differences we are trying to overcome, we always will.

nolan murray said...

I think Thomas Jefferson meant by "all men are created equal" by that he meant they are born with unalienable rights which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some humans can have those rights stripped of those rights at birth because, they are American Americans and it is because their skin color is different. I think America has changed a great deal because African Americans have equal rights to every one but, I new era might be starting because of the racism of immigration from different countries. For example, hispanic and latino Americans are seen a little different because Americans aren't sure if they are citizen or not.

Olivia Savitz said...

I strongly believe that we are closer to a world in which everyone is created equal. During 1776, Thomas Jefferson's words meant that the minute you were born, you were immediately given equal rights. However, as soon as someone sees that the child is a woman or an African American, they immediately decide to take away the rights given to you at birth, (Freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion.) In today's society, everything is different. African Americans and Women are not treated as property or servants, but as equal people. Now, all races have equal rights and the same opportunities to direct their lives as they want to.

tconheeney said...

When jefferson said that all me are created equal he was telling the truth. at birth all men are created equal, but when people first see you those rights can be taken away. If you black girl or indian those right can get taken away

$@rÅh said...

In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote "All men are created equal". Jefferson said that all men are created equal, but not necessarily are equal. The second you come into the world as a human being, these rights would either go into effect, or be taken away. I feel that Jefferson meant that everyone had equal rights, but not everyone was considered equal, according to the U.S Government. Since then, our ways have changed drastically. Now white men are not the only people who have power. Men and women of all races are able to vote, work, and have a say in the government, but i still feel that there is discrimination again immigrants and women. Even though our country has improved, i think there is still more work to be done.

Joey said...

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal", he meant that everyone has equal rights and the right to use those as they wish. But this may be interpreted incorrectly. One may think that it means that "everyone is equally fortunate" which should be true, but unfortunately, this is no reality. There is poverty and starvation all over the world, and there is also extreme fortune and wealth. In this context, Thomas Jefferson lied. But this is not what he meant.

Anonymous said...

I think what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say is that even though most peoples appearances and races are different everybody can do something if they put their mind to it. I defiantly think we have improved from 1776 in many ways.

Henry Catchpole said...

I think that when TJ wrote that "all men are created equal he meant that they are born equal and don't live equal. The meaning of those words in today's society is that all men ARE equal which is a big difference then what TJ meant. I also think that all men are created equal and stay equal, but I think that some people are lucky and get born richer and poorer, some with good characteristics and others with bad ect.

ali weiner said...

I believe it meant that we are equal until society decides our stature in our community. If people in society did't look at people in a certain way, then we could all truly be equal.

Lauren said...

I think that we are closer to a world were every one is equal. I feel that when Thomas Jefferson said that he said it with hope and pride that one day our society will be represented in the way that all men are created equal, the way Thomas Jefferson wanted it!

Anonymous said...

What Thomas Jefferson meant was everyone was equal at birth however if somebody sees that you are and African American, Native American or a women that is when your rights are taken away. I think all men are equal now because everybody now has an equal chance to succeed.