Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Right To Vote

In 1872, Susan B. Anthony broke the law by voting; at the time it was illegal for women to vote. For this crime she was tried, found guilty, and fined $100.00. Why do you think Anthony was willing to go through such an ordeal just to vote? Is the right to vote that important in our country?


Anonymous said...

I think that she went through all of that just because she wanted to vote. To me it seems like we are talking about a time period where the women couldn't vote yet, so I get why she would want to vote. Anyway, I believe that she wanted to vote because she was a women that fought for what she believed in and she wanted to show what she had to offer about how she felt. I wouldn't blame her at all, if she wanted to show what she felt then maybe that's what had changed this nation as it is today. As everyone know the USA as, it is "The Land of the Free".

kendra scotti said...

I personally, think that she did this because she wants to help the person she would like to win the race that took place. I understand why she would want to vote and where she is coming from. She might of done it so that she could be re-bale towards society. I agree with her if she wanted to vote for someone who she really wanted to be in office, and she wanted to show that she was a women who voted she felt proudly towards her self in voting against the law. Personally, I would not say she was doing anything wrong and bring her in to court.

Anonymous said...

I think she broke the law because she wanted to be heard, she was probably fed up with everybody telling her she wasn't good enough to vote because she is a woman. She wanted to show people that she is educated and her vote should count. Anothony just wanted to be heard and she should not have charges against her. The right to vote is very important to her, if she lives in American she should get a say in who rules it.

James said...

i think that the reason why she did all of that wasn't just because she wanted to vote but more because she was trying to send a message to all women in america to stand up for them selves and think that they should have rights to. one question i have is how did she get security and get a voting card in the first place. if women aren't allowed to vote how did she even get into the building.

hannah said...

I believe that Susan B. Anthony took such a risk and was willing to do such a thing because she knew it was the right thing to do. She didn't just do it because she wanted to vote, but because she wanted the whole women community to be able to, and she wanted men to realize that they were equals and deserved the right. The right to vote was important in our country back then, and most definitely still is now. People want the right person to lead them, and keep them away from disaster. They feel better and safer when they have a good leader. So, voting rights for everyone will be beneficial to everyone. It helps them choose who they want in office—to lead them, to serve them.

Jenny G said...

I think she was willing because, she wanted to vote and she wanted other women to be able to vote too. She find it unfair, so she broke the law. The law that women couldn't vote was a really stupid law, every one should be able to. The right to vote in our country is super important. It is really important because the country gets a say on who to choose. Voting in our country is a way of showing consideration to the population. Without it, a lot more people would be angry at the president and some people would move out of the country.

Mariel Berger said...

I believe that Susan B. Anthony was willing to break the law just so she could vote because, it wasn't really about the exact vote it was more about the big picture, of the women didn't have the same rights as men. I think the right to vote in our country is a great thing because it lets everyone over the age of 18 have the ability to choose who they think would be the best person for each roll in running the state. This also is a great privilege to have because some states, ether you can't vote or only some type of people are allowed to.

Anonymous said...

I think that she went through all of this just to vote not because she was getting to vote but because it was sending a message to the nation. I think she was trying to rebel and try to stand up for women at her time to try to get their right to vote and she felt like a way that she would be heard is by going through all this trouble just to vote. She was also saying that she thought it was a very important right to have to vote, so she went through all this trouble just to express her feelings through her actions. She also beileved that is the U.S was supposed to be free then the women should have the right to vote. This was more of a statement to stand up for women to express how they were feeling at this time.

Joey said...

I think that she went through the trouble to vote not so much because she wanted to, but because she wanted to send a message to the Americans, saying that it was about time that they allowed women to vote. In many other countries, the citizens have no say in who the leaders are. In our country, we have the right to vote for our president. It is very important because it means that the citizens of the country get to choose who runs it.

Giulia said...

I think she decided to break the law to give women a push in their rebellion. She was just a little spark to start a huge fire. She voted to show that women are stronger and can be more independent than men think they are. She decided it was the right thing to do. After all well behaved women rarely make history.

Anonymous said...

She went through all of that because because she wanted a say in the government. In that time period women had political views but they were not allowed to express them. I also think that the right to vote is very important because you get everybody's opinion in the United States. If we could not vote it would also be a monarchy and Kings and Queens would run every thing and no citizens would be able to have a say in the government.

Katie McNulty said...

I think she found it that important because she was trying to show that it is not fair that men can vote, and women can't. It's saying they don't have a say on what goes on in the country and men don't care. Being able to vote in our country is a big deal to most people. We get a say in what we believe would be better for our country, it makes some people feel important, and it gives everyone a chance to share their ideas.


I think that she did this to send a message to the other women in the U.S. to tell them that they should stand up for themselves and gain rights. I think that the right to vote is the most important right because that way it gives you a say in the government and lets you decide you runs the government.

Olivia Savitz said...

I believe that Susan B. Anthony was willing to go through so much just to be able to vote to prove a point. She believed that all types of women were equal to men, and the fact that the men running our country would not allow her to vote obviously made her question if they even thought of women as human beings. She then realized that men considered women as property and someone needed to step up and put an end to this ridiculous judgmental era. I feel that the right to vote is very important in our country because you are considered a worthy human being if you get the opportunity to vote. If men didn't give women the chance to prove themselves worthy to get the chance to vote, they are saying that they are superior. Equality is one of the main components that keeps a country running smoothly. If men feel that they can abuse this component, and make it so that they are in charge, Women will start to get infuriated and rebel. It will become chaotic and America will run into destruction if men don't start treating women as equals.

ariana said...

i think she went through all of that because she didn't care if they gave her a fine for what she believed she wanted to vote. I think she went through all of that to show how strong she can be and not let anyone tell her what to do and what not to do. Women are people and so are men. They should equals even though they thought women were different. I think the right to vote wasn't necessarily that important to people, but I guess for Susan she thought that everyone should have the same rights.

Ali Futter said...

Anthony was willing to vote not only to receive the right for woman to vote, but to prove that women are just as brave as men are, and are willing to fight to be equal. She wanted to show everyone that a law did could not stop her from doing what she thought was right, and allowing people to see that it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman; a vote is a vote, no matter what. Anthony discovered that the consequences of voting were less important than the regret she would feel by not voting, and I believe that this changed some people's perspectives on whether or not women should be allowed to vote. The right to vote is very important in our country. Even though we are united, we are all individuals and deserve a chance to cast our opinion on who we think would be eligible to lead our country. We need to have a say in who we think can represent our ideas well and speak for us as a country.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Susan was willing to go through this ordeal to vote. This is because she knew that it was illegal to vote and that she could get in trouble yet, she did it anyways. Her actions were probably a protest against to have some effect on peoples views rather than just voting. I think the right to vote is important in our country. To vote is to give a voice in playing a role in change. Change can be for the better or the worse. Everyone who is a part of America deserves to vote because the results will effect them so therefore they should decide on what should happen.

Lauren said...

I think that she broke the law because back then women were not herd and didnt have a say in anything. White men over the age of 21 had all of the power. I think she was willing to go through with all of that because she new that after all of it even though she got fined it was important for women writes, and that little act of fearfullness brought the women closer to having writing votes

Austin Cieszko said...

I think that she was willing to do all of that because she most likely truly believed that the purpose of the United States was for equality and that everyone deserved to vote. The right to vote in our country is that important because every civilian that lives and interacts in their community deserves to be heard about what they think should be going on in the rest of the country.

tconheeney said...

I think Anthony was willing to vote even though she new that if she got caught that she would be fines 100 dollars, because she wanted to make a difference in the Unites States and give her opinion in who should be in office. Farther more the right of voting is very important in a democratic country that the United States of America is because the people can make a difference on who they want to run the country.

Ctmera said...

I think she went through with voting illegally because she wanted her opinion to be heard and upheld. She wanted to express who she wanted to govern our country. She probably felt that she, as a person, was able to vote instead of being held back by the government and the men who ruled the country at that time. The right to vote in our country is one of the most important and powerful abilities one can have in a democracy. The right to vote is the power to declare who you've decided best fits the role. You are heard and you make a difference; that is what gives us power in this country as individuals.

Andrew Savage said...

I believe Susan B. Anthony went through such a ordeal to go and vote for who she believed in to start a small but powerful revolution. I thin she felt that voting was the most critical issue that women were banned from. She must have felt that if she could get the right for women to vote, the other subjects denying women would be much easier to break down and triumph against them.
I feel the right to vote in our country is very important, for it lets you chose who can lead you. With the example of women trying to gain the right to vote, many women might have different opinion of men on candidates for different roles in the United States Government. There may be campaigns or debated issues focusing on women, so shouldn't the women be allowed to chose what will happen in a possible law that would be affecting them? Apparently many men up to the 1910s didn't think so.

Josh Ford said...

Regardless of who Susan B. Anthony voted for, it was historically impossible for her vote alone to aid either president to victory. I believe she voted simply for the principle. She was using what made America great to rebel against what made it unjust. Anthony felt that this sort of poetic justice could not only encourage other women to rebel and make a change by taking that first step but could also in turn trigger a frenzy of feministic revolutionary states of mind. Anthony intended on getting caught in the act, otherwise her act of rebellion would be lost on the world, and she would just be that one vote.

Kate said...

I think the reason that she went through all that trouble to vote was because she wanted to vote, and even though the law said she couldn't she did anyway. She wanted to vote for the person she believed should have won that certain election. It is unfair that women were not able to vote and able to express who they believed deserved to be the elected person in this time. Fortunately, today everyone has the right to vote and that has made our world a better place.

johnny M said...

I think that Susan Anthony broke the law by voting even though women weren't aloud to vote, not only because she wanted to vote but because she probally thought at the time that it was sexist and not right to not allow women to vote. Answering the last question, i do believe that the right to vote is very important. voting is important because voting, decides who leads our country and if someone that lives in our country doesn't have the right to vote they wont be able to control who our leader is, and they might have wanted to vote for someone else.

ali weiner said...

i believe that she went through all of that, not because she wanted to change the outcome of the vote, but to make a point. She wanted to give a message to the government that no matter what, women will be teated equally. She wanted to show them that no amount of fines will stop the fight for the equality of women. I also think that the right to vote is extremely important because that is what makes people have a say in the way our government is run. Overall, I believe the message she sent was this; no matter your race, color, gender, or age, you have something to say and you should always be heard.

Annie Love! said...

I think Susan B. Anthony went through such a big deal in voting even though it was illegal at the time for her, because women did not have the right to vote until 1920. Voting is very important to our country, because you are choosing a leader to lead us and the country. In order to choose the right leader, you must vote for him.

Vicky:D said...

I think she went through all of this to get the right to vote. I think she wanted people to realize that woman had a say to. In this time period only men were allowed to vote. I do not think she should have been fined. I think it is very important to vote in our country because the person you vote for becomes the leader of our country. The right to vote was probably very important to her because she wanted to vote for a great leader for our country that would make a difference. I truly understand why she decided to vote even though it was illegal.

$@rÃ…h said...

I think Susan B. Anthony was trying to prove a point, rather than being rebellious. She was trying to show that women were just as smart as men, and were capable of making decisions that influence the government. Even though her actions were wrong, and she was rightfully fined for her illegal behaviors, she was willing to make a sacrifice so that women in the generations to come wouldn't have to; instead they would have the right.

Mahesh said...

I believe she was willing to go through this because she believed she would be an inspiration for women everywhere. Women had been oppressed for a very long time and she saw ready to put an end to it. The right of voting is that important because it allows to choose our own political leaders based on what we believe

Henry Catchpole said...

I think that she did all that because she wanted to have a say in the country's government. I think that it is very important because that makes America, America.

Anonymous said...

I think that she went through all of that not just so that she could vote, but so women all over the world could vote. She was doing it for women everywhere. She didn't agree with what the law said so she broke it, believing that it would be another step for women's rights. It was an important for women everywhere, not just too her.

Lauren F said...

Anthony was willing to go through such an ordeal to make a point. Voting is an important right, but I believe she voted to show that women cared about this right. Voting is important because it allows every day people to have a say in government. Say there was a dictatorship, a monarchy, or an oligarchy, nobody would be allowed to vote. Voting gives people a say in what their government is doing.

nolan murray said...

I think she went through all this ordeal to express women's rights to vote, so that she can show the need of equal rights to men. That means that women didn't have a say in the future government. So she thought that the only way to get the right was to express to show that she really thought it was the only way to show that women should be tried equal. All show have the right to vote for who will play a role in the government. So Anthony took the first step to getting the voting rights of women.

Greg said...

i think that she did all that because having the right to vote gave a sense of being part of something and being able to share her opinion. voting is very important in our country because it lets the citizens choose who they want to make the major decisions for the country.

Marc said...

I believe that she was willing to go through such troubles because she cared about america and she wanted a say in who is calling the shots in our country. I think the right to vote is very important in our country because the people can say who they want for a position in the government.

Anonymous said...

I think that Susan B. Anthony went through all of those horrible things because she would have been the start of the fight for womens' right to vote. Everyone was scared to be the first one to do something, but she wasn't and soon other people began to follow her lead. The right to vote is really important in our country because it allows us, the citizens, to voice our opinions and choose who is best for what position in government. In a way, it is us citizens who rule the country. We rule our selves. If we couldn't vote then we wouldn't be able to vote, and therefore wouldn't have a say in anything.

Chris said...

I believe that Susan B. Anthony broke the law to prove a point to the men in America. She broke the law by voting so that men will see that it is not fair that men get to vote and women don't. Women believe they deserve to get equal rights to men. African Americans got there rights and now it is there turn to get rights. The right to vote n our country is very important. It is important because it is what gives the people of america freedom, if you take away the right to vote you are basically taking away there freedom.

nick said...

I think that she didn't go through all of that just to vote. I think that she did it to start a campaign for women's rights. After she got out of court she could start complaining and use that incident to build her campaign.

Henry Bray said...

She went though so much because she wanted to show that women were the same as men. so she did all that even though she would get a fine to show that women have equal rights to

tcat said...

I think that she was willing to do this because she wanted to make a point to the gov and prove that women should really be able to vote and treated with more respect starting from women voting. The right to vote isnt as important as the thought of the basic women's civil rights. You see the right to vote is a category in women's civil rights.

Mason Propper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ladina said...

I think the right to vote makes you feel like you have a say in your country and even you can make a difference. The right to vote for her was really important, she felt like she needed to do this, she wonted to show that women were as important as man and could make the same decisions. I think that in doing this she help many women get out of there shell and I think that the right to vote is really important.

Mason Propper said...

I think that she went through all that trouble just to vote because she wanted to have a say in who is in power. If I was in that situation I would be very mad because I would have no say in who is running my country so I believe that I would think about doing the same thing. Also I do think that the right to vote is worth what she did.

Tully said...

I think that she went through this ordeal becuase she new that women would impact the votes. Women are humans and as the same as men. We should all be treated with respect and be allowed to be able to vote. It was really important for women to vote because we deserve the right to have an impact in our government. Its not just the mens government and the mens president its ours too. think she was willing to go through this because she knew what was right and that was to vote and show men that they wanted this badly and would go through anyhting to get the right to vote.

Keli said...

I think that Anthony did what she did because she wanted to be heard from the women, she wanted to send them a message saying to stand up for themselves, and that they can do whatever they wish. I think the right to vote is important because then you have a voice, you can say what you like and what you don't like. Being able to say your own opinion.

Star :) said...

I think susan b anthony went through that because she thought the right for women to vote was important just as much as men. Yes it is because it could make a huge difference in elections.

John Tooher said...

I think that it is important to express your options especially in politics.It was important because she showed other woman that they should stand up for their rights. also, the right to vote is very important because it lets you pick who you want in the government.

Jamie Schwartz said...

I think that Susan Anthony wanted to vote, not only to vote, she wanted to prove a point that the US society was making some incorrect decisions. She might have also wanted to fight for women, and that act might have given women a little more courage.

Gubster511 said...

The right to vote is extremely important in our country. If I was a woman back in the 1800's and early 1900's I would break the law to vote too. I believe that the right to vote is what makes up our country. It is very important for any citizen to have a "say" in our government.

Luke Pritchard said...

To me the reason she did this was to get the right to vote just as much as to send a message to every women in the USA that if you really strive for something that you can accomplish it. In order to accomplish such a task she had to break the law. Although this is very bad it was needed in this situation because that was like the only way to complete the task.

luke said...

I believe she knew the consequences for her actions but the fact that it is such an important right that they don't have made her commit the crime. It is that important because others countries people do not have a choice for their world leaders. That is why our country is so well liked. Also the citizens that were considered property(Slaves) were given the right to vote before them. So they were outraged.

Frances said...

Susan B. Anothony was aware of her actions and the consequences, but she decided that voting was important to her and to the country. Everybody has their own opinion and believes that their voice should be heard, and that is what Anthony thought. She decided to not hide behind the curtain, she stood up and did something about the issue. It was important for the women to show the men that they were equal and to show every woman that they were equal to the men. Voting is such an important right in our country because it is beneficial for the country to make the right decision based on what everybody thinks to choose the correct path.

Frances said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex Currie said...

I think that she went through all that trouble because she wanted to prove a point. She wanted to show men that women like her would do anything to be their equals. Women wanted a say if how their country was run and she was willing to do whatever it took to prove that they deserved it. The right to vote is important because it gives ordinary people the chance to make changes in their country based on what they believe in. This right to vote is a right that all american citizens deserve regardless of race, gender, or beliefs so that they can do their part in changing the lives of americans.

ariana said...

In 1872, she did vote in the presidential election but not by herself she brought a group of women with her to vote and she got arrested and fined for voting illegally. She went through all of that just to vote because she wanted people to here her opinions, wanted to vote , and to show that women are strong enough to have the same rights has men. Back in the day, its was super important for men especially women to vote. For the women, people thought that they werent necessarily as smart as the men so they didn't really care about their opinion. For men to vote showed that they were the stronger ones and the smarter ones because did want to here their opinions. I think susan had all rights to vote and show that women can vote.

Jcarnavalla said...

I think that it is important to show what you want and see if you can get it. She must have thought the same thing as me she wanted to show people that they should go on strike and try to show people that they have rights. She also wanted to show that the law couldn't stop her from excessing her rights. if she lives in america she should be able to have a say in who leads it.

Greg said...

i think that she went through such an ordeal because when you vote you are letting the your voice be heard and by not voting you are letting anyone know your ideas and if someone you do not particularly like gets elected you can not complain.

poooookah said...

I think it the right to vote is important in our country because i believe that everyone should have a say on who becomes the president. Even though it was illegal, i think the consequences were much too harsh. first of all it shouldn't even be illegal. why do men know better who should become president then women do? Is USA really the land of the free, if everyone is not equal?

Ethan! said...

I personally admire Susan b. Anthony for breaking the law to vote, voting is one of the most important things that you can do in our country, considering that we are the fathers of democracy and voting is the only way to make sure that the right voice is being heard and in charge, I believe that Susan b. Anthony shared some of these thoughts and that may be why she went through all this to vote

Sienna said...

She was willing to go through this because like a lot of other women, she wanted to say that women are worth something and should be able to vote just like men. She wanted to prove that point that women can vote and it really did no harm. It is important to vote because the people are the ones who pick to run the country. Since the women didn't vote then the president was someone the men though was a good choice. The women could have thought the complete opposite of a mans opinion. It could male a huge difference if women could vote and it would be more fair.