Friday, November 1, 2013

United States--Intervention or Isolation?

Make a brief case that the US should either intervene in world affairs or should remain isolated.  Explain your response, and use a recent event as an example (for instance, the situation in Syria).


Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should intervene for humanitary aid only otherwise the U.S. should stay out. For example in syria we should intervene for humanitary aid but we should not intervene from a military stand point.

Anonymous said...

The U.S should remain isolated from World Affairs because we have problems in our own country that needs to be fixed. The only time the U.S should get involved is when one of our allies are in big trouble. With the situation in Syria, it has caused conflict with our allies and will cost us money. So, its best just to stay out of world affairs.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should stay isolated. We are already in a massive amount of debt, and helping other countries would just pile in more. For example, in Syria, if we were to send in military aid, we would have to spend billions on transportation and medical supplies. We are already spread thin with our military in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also aren't backed by the U.N. to intervene in Syria. If the U.S. were to intervene in foreign affairs, we would have less military power in our country, leaving us open to attacks from other countries, and our debt would skyrocket with all of the transportation prices would be extremely high.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the US should intervene only to help the people in need. We could supply them aid if they are sick. Otherwise, we should not intervene and stay away.

Anonymous said...

It depends. If the problem has been going on for years and isn't close to coming to an end then yes, the U.S. should get involved. But if this is a recent and not very serious problem and it is never going to effect the U.S. then let the countries involved settle the situation by themselves.

Anonymous said...

I think that the U.S. should stay isolated because helping other places usually involve our military and military costs money. We should focus on paying our debt and then if we have enough money we should help other people. I think that we have enough allies to help us for now.

Anonymous said...

I think the U.S. should intervene in world affairs depending on the situation. For example, the Syrian crisis is a tough problem. We could intervene and take out Assad, but there is a chance al-Qaeda or the rebel extremists would take power. In the Syrian situation I think we should not intervene because we do not have the backing of the U.N. However, I think it is important for the U.S. to uphold international law and give humanitarian aid to those in need.

Anonymous said...

My opinion on this matter is that the United States should intervene when absolutely necessary, as it is impossible to avoid helping the world out, as we are an international community. We should also keep in mind that countries need our help and cooperation to keep this world in order.

Anonymous said...

I believe the U.S. should intervene in world affairs based on the situation. For example, I think it is unnecessary for America to help by fighting and supplying weapons to the Syrians. Instead, the U.S. should provide humanitarian aid to the people who were effected. Intervening in world affairs doesn't necessarily mean fighting, there are other thing the U.S. can do to intervene. It is important for America to assess the situation before immediately becoming involved in the situation.

Anonymous said...

I think it depends on the situation. If the United States isn't needed in a situation or if it isn't serious, we shouldn't intervene. However, if we are helping those in need or dealing with a serious problem such as terrorists, we shouldn't get involved.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should intervene in world affairs. if the U.S. wishes to import and export products, have foreign visitors visit and U.S. citizens go out of the country, they will have to have foreign relations. Plus the U.S. needs supplies and imports from other countries. So it is best to intervene.

Anonymous said...

I think that the US should stay isolated from world affairs. I think this because the U.S. has so many problems, for example, we are in a large amount of debt. If we go into Syria, that might cause conflict and cost the US more money, which is the last thing we need. I think our safest plan is just to solve our own issues, and isolate ourselves from world affairs.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the US should intervene in world affairs because its morally incorrect to let people die when we have the oppurtunity to help. For example, the Haitian earthquake where we sent red cross to help with the damage and survivors. Also, World War 2 we helped incocent Jews that were bein brutalized, survive. In conclusion, It is ok to intervene in world affairs.

Anonymous said...

I believe we should not intervene unless we have something that we protect or if we have signed a treaty with the person attacked or in war. I believe this because we do not have a right to get into world affairs and wars because we could get struck back and we are not the big world police supervising everything. We also need relations for our products and trades with many other countries near us. We may be isolated, but we have "friends" to help and back up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe we should stay isolated because we are making everything worse than it has to be. We should stay isolated because we have our own problems to solve and we don't have all the money in the world to do it. In Syria, if we go there, we can risk the safety of our people and spend a lot of money.

Anonymous said...
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Elena Gribelyuk said...

I think that the US should only intervene for humanitarian reasons. Otherwise, we should let other countries take care of their own problems. If we start going into other countries for random reasons, we will spend lots of money, therefore increasing our dept.

Anonymous said...

The Us should intervene with world affairs. The US's business in the world have made us into what we are today. our campaigns in other countries ave given us the position of a world power. In other words in order to stay as respected and as powerful we are forced into staying in world affairs.

Anonymous said...

I think that the U.S. should only intervene when when necessary. I think this because if we were to get involved with every thing than it would be terrible for us. An example is WWII. At first we had no intrest of getting involved, but then we were attacked and we went and joined the allied forces.

Anonymous said...

I believe the U.S should only intervene for humanitarian reasons. Other than that, I don't think our involvement in forieghn affairs would be smart.In the past, our involvement mostly ended up in long term wars, more debt, and because of that debt, a bad economy and more poverty. We should be focusing on fixing he problems here before we help fix another country's problems else were.

Anonymous said...

Under circumstances of protecting the U.S. national interests, and promoting world peace, the U.S. should intervene in world affairs.
On November 1, a U.S. drone strike killed the chief of the Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud. This is a victory for U.S. officials who have spent years hunting down a leader implicated in a 2009 attack that killed seven Americans at a CIA outpost in eastern Afghanistan.
We did this to protect our national interest and American lives. This is why I believe it is necessary to intervene in world affairs when necessitated.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should only get involved with World Affairs under two circumnutates. One being if our allies are in need of help. The second is if countries are abusing innocent civilians. For example, I think we should be getting involved with Syria because they used chemical weapons against their own people.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the US should intervene in world affairs. There are multiple reasons why. One, is because of terrorist attacks. If we stay isolated, we will not be informed about other countries and another attack similar to 9/11 would be more likely to happen. Next, importing and exporting helps our economy and is essential for growth. Lastly, we want to be a part of worldwide decisions so we can all grow as one.

Anonymous said...

The U.S does not seem to understand that people want to have free choice. The U.S could argue that by intervening in foreign affairs it is assuring that more poepl have free choice, but in reality it is not. Whenthe U.S gets involved in a conflict the smaller countries are terrified of us and will not oppose us, in a way this limits their free choice. America has also failed to be legally sound in the way they act in foreign theaters. Reently with Brazil the U.S spyed on their telecommunications. The U.S did not act in the way an allied partner should. The U.S needs to learn when and where it is ok to even consider exercising our commndable power.

Anonymous said...

The United States should do a little bit of both. We don't want to over intervene but if a country is in need of our help then definitely we should help them. But if we want to intervene for a stupid reason then all it will accomplish is upset Americans and more debt.

Anonymous said...

I think that the U.S. should intervene in humanitarian efforts and where their national security is in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

I believe that diplomatic intervention is fine, but we should stay out of everyone else's way- we are massively in debt, and any military actions would be a very bad idea. We might be one of the most powerful countries in the world, but we cannot go around solving other countries problems with the simple solution of "hey, lets borrow some more money!"

Anonymous said...

I think that the US should intervene in world affairs for humanitarian reasons. For example, in Syria, civilians were dying, and we couldn't just sit by and watch because that would be inhumane. There are times when staying isolated is a good idea. When a war could happen, getting involved would not be a smart decision if it doesn't directly effect the US.

Anonymous said...

I think the U.S. should intervene in world affairs. I believe we should intervene because if we didn't intervene who would? Also, if you think about 9/11 it devastated us. If other countries didn't help us restore New York, we would be in a terrible state at the moment. So we made it our idea to give back to the people who are also being devastated. If the people we help haven't already helped us, we kind of assume that they will help us back, when we need it, and give back the appreciation.

Anonymous said...

I think the U.S. should intervene with world affairs. The reason why is because if are allies are in trouble we can help them. Also going on with that if we get attacked we will have people backing us up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the US should not intervene as much. The reason why is because if we intervene too much, more problems can occur. If we intervene a lot more with Syria, one of their more powerful allies, for example, Russia, could get involved and be a threat to us.

Anonymous said...

I think the US should not intervene unless absolutely necessary. I think this because, would should we be the world police in everything? And why should we care about a small nations problems. An example would be syria. would should we care about something happing over on the other side of the world. If its there problem then let them fix it.

Anonymous said...

I think that the US should intervene in certain world affairs. We cannot help everyone that has a problem, just the problems that concern our safety or categorize as extremely important. We can't be known as the country that saves every single problem in the world. For example, Syria is one of our allies, so we should get involved and help them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. shouldn't intervene in world affairs I think that the U.S. should take care of their own problems before we help any other country. I also think that if one of the U.S. allies is in danger that we should step in and help. For example the situation in Syria that just happened. Overall I think that we should stay isolated.

Anonymous said...

I think the US should remain isolated from world affairs. If the US intervenes in world affairs it will only cause problems. An example is with the situation in Syria, If the US intervenes terrorist groups could get mad and attack us. There is no point in risking our counties safety if we don't have to.

Katy Simpson said...

The United States should definitely intervene in world affairs. As such a powerful nation, it is our responsibility to intervene and help others, though it may have not been smart to intervene while building our country, we need to prove our strength instead of cowering away. If we had intervened in the holocaust earlier, we may have been able to prevent the millions of deaths that occurred.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the US should stay isolated, the only cause for intervention being if the issue DIRECTLY applies to the US. The only exeption is If our Allies our at stake. If the relationship between us and our allies is at stake and our islation could lead to another issue then I would say we would have no choice but to interviene.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we should remain isolated unless it involves a big and i mean big problem with one of our allies or something with in the us like 9/11. The situation with syria is a great example because now we have issues with money and losing allies, getting involved with syria was a bad idea on our part.

Anonymous said...

The U.S should just stay isolated. We are already in a massive amount of debt and need to put ourselves in front of others. The U.S already has more than enough problems to handle. In Syria the citizens have been treated terribly but unfortunately the U.S has so many problems within the country that they cant worry about problems outside. If we didn't have so many problems in the country then we should definitely intervene. However, we do have too many issues.

Anonymous said...

I think the us should step in but not as much as it does. I think in most cases the U.S step in to much but in the case off syria they did a good job in helping the UN step in instead of going with the U.S military as they normally do (Vietnam).But for the time being we should try to stay as isolated as possible because of all the debt where in and the low unemployment rate. overall i think the U.S should try to stay isolated

Anonymous said...

I think the US should intervene in world affairs because if we help other people they will help us. If we stayed out then we wouldn't help people and other people wont help us either. Also if what they are doing is totally wrong why would we stay out of it because we want to look like a nice country. This is why i think we should intervene in world affairs.

Anonymous said...

I think the US should not interfere with other countries because we are already in debt and we have our own problems. This will make us look friendlier and not the world police. We would be better off alone and isolated.

Anonymous said...

I think the US should intervene on occasion. If something that is worth the risk of lives, loss of money, and possibly loss in allies than we should. For example, say that intel states that Iran is planing to send nuclear missiles into Israel. In that case, the US should intervene because that attack could start a WW3. The US would also have a good excuse as, thousands of Israelis could have died.

Anonymous said...

I think the US should only intervene for humanitary aid only, the reason for this is because if there is a country that is very sick we should help the people medicaly raise charity for researched to fight of sickness in another country. But if country wants us to get involved into there problems militarily we should stay out,if we fight someone else's war we lose money that we dont have plus it could get us to choose sides.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should intervene in world affairs if it is affecting us or could affect us in the future. I think this because if two countries are fighting and have the same allies as us, then the war could become bigger and if we want to strengthen relations with our allies and perhaps make even more allies. If we stay isolated we can not expand our empire and we cannot make more allies. We will never grow in power and eventually become a less powerful nation.

Anonymous said...

I think and believe the U.S. shouldn't intervene in world affairs. First, we have too much going on with our own country and we need to worry about our selves before we start going into other countries and trying to fix their problems. Second, we are in a massive amount of debt so we don't need to be sending any military aid to Syria putting us in a deeper hole debt wise than we already were to begin. Overall, the U.S. should practice isolationism and not intervene in any world affairs unless called upon.

Anonymous said...

I believe the US should tay away from other countries worries. We are already in enormous amounts of debt and we don't want to get into any more wars. The only time the Us should intervene with another countries is when our allies are in deep trouble.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should not intervene in foreign because what happen on 9/11 was that many tai rest groups wanted the U.S. to stay out. After we did not listen and the struck are country in one of the most devistating way. So if we continue to get involved evens such as 9/11 may happen again.

Anonymous said...

I think the U.S. should intervene in foreign affairs. After 9/11, which happened in our homeland was devastating. We cannot let those people get away, even in other situations. In Syria those poor civilians who were attacked by gas and hurt or dead is terrible. If no one else does something the U.S. should. We are the strongest and most reliable country in the world.

Anonymous said...

I believe the US should intervene in World Affairs. There are many reasons why we should get involved. The US wishes to export and import products, allow foreigners and tourist into the country, and if another country needed help we should help them. For example after the earthquake in Haiti we sent soldiers, food, doctors and money to help.

Anonymous said...

I think they should Intervene because if a country needs help, we should help them with their issue and help fight back.

Anonymous said...

The U.S needs to stay in world affairs because taking ourselves out of them would most likely take time and money. Also Trade is very helpful and war will come upon us whether we want it or not because we have been in world affairs for this long

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I belive that it highly depends on the current situation, and what is best for our nation and for the world. I think that the intervention in Afghanistan was necessary, because if we did not intervene it would make us seem weak in the eyes of the terrorists, and they could possibly attack us again, because they would assume we wouldn't do anything. But I think intervention in Syria is unnecessary, because we are not sure if the rebels are extremists and we know some of them are. In other words we should be careful of who we put in power in that region of the world.

Anonymous said...

I believe the US should intervene with world affairs because some countries are in need of supplies and other necessities to survive and as allies in war. It also helps expand our nation. However right now is not the right time because of how much debt we are in and how many other issues we are trying to deal with. For example, we already wasted lots of money on Syria, but we can't spend more because we are much in debt and other US issues are in the way.

Anonymous said...

i think we should intervene in world affairs only if our ally is in trouble or a natural disaster strikes somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I believe the U.S should remain getting involved in world affairs expeccially if the affair we are getting involved in is humanitarian. If it has to do with a civil wars or a wars were our ally is in danger we should still interevne because if we were in the same position as them we would want them to help us. I think being global policemen is ok if we are helping other countries for the better

Anonymous said...

I think that the US should intervene in world affairs, not only for the good of our country, but for the good of other countries as well. World affairs are extremely important for a nation's economy and reputation. If the US does not intervene in world affairs, the outcome would not be good. First of all, the US would look extremely selfish. Even though isolation will solve the problems in our own country, it is always good to reach out a hand and help other countries in times of need. For example, humanitarian affairs. Recently, an enormous typhoon hit the Philippines, and it was extremely important for the US to help out, because it was simply the right thing to do. The US is an extremely diverse country, with many ethnicities in it. Many people from different countries start lives here, and want to stay connected to their home countries as well. If the US stayed isolated, people would be upset because relations with their home countries would be cut off. It is extremely vital for the US to stay updated on world affairs, and also extend a hand to other countries in times of need.