Thursday, November 14, 2013

What Should We Do?

Your group has chosen a direction with the video project--either that the US should intervene in world affairs, or that it should not.  Based on the direction your group has taken, make a case that the US should either provide help or should not provide help to the Philippines following the devastating storm that hit them this past week.  Does the US have the obligation to provide humanitarian aid following a natural disaster?  If so, how much aid should be provided?


Anonymous said...

The only reason that the US should not intervene and help the people who were affected by the typhoon in the Philippines is because it is not our fault that it happened. We should use the money to help our own citizens before we go and help other people throughout the world. We should not waste our money on something that we did not do and is not our responsibility. I understand that it would be the right thing to do, but we can not help everyone in need constantly.

Anonymous said...

Of course we should help them! Yes the U.S. shouldn't intervene with other places but this was devastating. We might not have enough extra money to spare but we don't need to give them money. We could send food, clothing, supplies, or extra things they could use thats lying around your house. That way we can help the people without spending a large amount of money.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In our project, we believe that the U.S. should intervene. I interviewed my father, who is an international trader and he said that it's not just political issues that can cause disruptions in the trading industry. If we help them get back up on their feet, it could potentially help our economy, while making the U.S. look good. We can empathize with them. We had Hurricane Sandy, and we know what it's like to get hit by a devastating natural disaster. We shouldn't provide too much aid, because that would be very costly, but we should still give what we can.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. should completely help the people in need in the Philippines. Even though it was not our fault, we have an obligation to help because it is the right thing to do. We can't just leave them and act like the storm never happened. Not helping them would be like seeing a dying animal on the side of the road, getting out and inspecting the animal, and then get back in your car and let the animal die. It would just be horrible!

Anonymous said...

In our project, we said that the US should not intervene with world affairs. So I believe that we need to start to fix the problems with our country before we start getting involved with world affairs and becoming the global police. Maybe after we fix our debt, domestic issues, etc., we could go into other countries.

Elena Gribelyuk said...

My group said that the US should intervene in world affairs. I think that we should provide help to the Philippines because It is not their fault that this happened to them. One day, a storm can devastate the people in our country, and other countries in the world would probably be interested in helping us. I believe that we should help other countries, because if we only focus on ourselves, we are being self centered and no caring about the things that are going on in the world.

Anonymous said...

I believe it would be best to help the Philippines after their disaster. Providing aid wouldn't mean giving all our money to them. Instead we could give them a little, just to get things moving again. Although the natural disaster was not our fault doesn't mean we should completely ignore the situation the Philippines is going through. It is our job as a country to help those around us who are in need.

Anonymous said...

In the interest of human lives despite it "not being our fault", it is without a doubt that we need to assist in the recovery of the Philippines. It would both help save lives and boost our reputation as the big brother of the world and display our willingness to aid in the recovery from natural disasters. Although it is not our fault, neither is it the Philippines'. My final point is that what if this very thing happened to us? An example of this is Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It not only devastated the United States, it devastated the entire world. More than 70 countries pledged to donate and help us recover from this catastrophe. All in all, it is the morally right thing to do in order to restore things to the peaceful state the Philippines were in before.

Anonymous said...

I 100% believe that the us should help the Philippines. After this disaster they need help getting back on there feet and family's need help recovering from other family members dying. We dont need to spend a ton of money or even bring a ton of food, i just think we should reach out to them and make sure they can recover from this terrible tragedy

Anonymous said...

I don't really think that we should go all out on helping the Philippines. We have our own problems in our country that we should get to first. Obviously it would be the right thing to do, but if we were to go and help every where where there is a natural disaster then we would be in a bigger problem for us. So should we help? Only a small bit.

Anonymous said...

In my project we believe the U.S should intervene in world problems, and we can help the people of the phillipines without waste to much money. BY collecting used clothes, food ,and water the U.S can help the people in the phillipins by doing drives at school to raise money to help as much as possible

Anonymous said...

I personally think that the world should not be split into different parts and that the world should remain as one and everyone should help each other. If the Philippines is in need, then we need to help them. Also if we help them, maybe in the future they will help us. We cannot just ignore the problems in other countries. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away and if we don't help, who will? We need to set an example for other countries by helping the Philippines. The United States is sometimes seen as a leader, so we need to start acting like one. If we help the Philippines then other countries will start to help too. Just because it is not a war and does not involve us, doesn't mean we shouldn't get involved.

Anonymous said...

America should not help the Philippines because for a number of reasons. The first reason is that America is in so much debt already it would cost even more money for them to send in rescue squads and pumps. Another reason is that the typhoon was not started by the United States or any other countries. If another country had bombed the Philippines then we would intervene because it is a sign of war. But since it was a natural disaster the United States should sit this one out

Anonymous said...

I believe the USA should not help the Philippines because whenever the USA has domestic issues like the Newtown shooting or the Colorado shooting the Philippines is never rushing over to help us. The Philippines never helps us through hard times, so if they help us just once, then I might change my mind about this decision.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we should give a limited amount of support, because we need some help as well. Our economy is in ruins, our debt enormous, but we think of helping other countries?! We need to save ourselves before we look to the rest of the world. However, one could argue that it is the right thing to do, and i agree. So, a compromise- provide limited support. We do not sacrifice much, and also help with their problem!

Anonymous said...

The US should intervene and help the Philippines. Even though the US needs money to solve our problems, we should do the right thing and help them. When Japan and Haiti had there natural disasters we helped them, therefore the Philippines deserves the same.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think we should help the Philippines. The typhoon that hit their country was extremely devastating, and caused so much damage. I think we should help the Philippines because it is just the right thing to do. I agree that in a situation like Syria, we should not get involved because it could risk our country's safety. However, in a humanitarian situation like this, it is essential that the US do the right thing, and help out. We can help our own people all the time as they are our own. The US in the past had colonized the Philippines and used them for its own political advantage. Being one of the richest nations on earth, and since we have enough resources to help others, why not help the Philippines? We definitely need to help the poverty in our own country, charity begins at home, but with our resources, this humanitarian aid does not come in the way of helping our own people. We are not doing it at the expense of helping our own. I think extending helping hands to others is only the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we should intervene and help the Philippines. Its one decision to intervene in a bad situation and end in a war and another to help a country with providing them with the care and supplies that they need. There will always be a reason to intervene in other countries, we just have to decide if its the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

i believe that we should raise money and donate it to the philippines. the reason for this is because it was national disaster that destroyed there country.

Anonymous said...

My group believes that the U.S. should get involved with providing aid in the Philippines. If it is a problem that no one can control such as weather, why should we not try to help as much as possible. When storms occur there's nothing anyone can do about stopping it, so when the mess is made it would only make sense if many countries that can afford to help, they should help.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A major part of intervening in other countries is providing aid- not only aiding them when there are disputes and wars. A benefit of helping other countries after a disaster is that there is virtually no downside to it, we don't have to worry about getting in trouble with other countries involved because the only enemy is the of course we should intercede in other countries affairs, especially when it comes to natural disasters.

Anonymous said...

My group said that the US should not intervene in world affairs. Although my group said no, I think that the US should help, but not spend too much money so that the national debt doesn't get much bigger. The typhoon in the Philippines is not different from the earthquake in Haiti. It would be hypocritical if the US didn't decide to help the people in the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

We should definitely help the people of the Philippines. First of all, they have been going through such horrible emotional distress and so many families have been ruined. Because of this, it would be morally incorrect and completely heartless. Second, our country will benefit from the Philippines in the future because we would have helped them so much. All in all, it is just the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should help the victims of typhoon Haiyan. It docent matter if they are our people or not. It has caused devastating results so we should feel sad enough to help.

Anonymous said...

I believe the U.S. should help the victims in the Philippines. The Red Cross program should provide enough aid to help these victims of the typhoon get back on there feet. It is the U.S.'s job to be the big brother in this world and help the weak, after this disaster the Philippines needs our help.

Anonymous said...

Yes we should should help them. it is horrible what happened to them. also if that happened to us we would want someone to help us. the least we could do is send food or clothes over there.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe we should definently help because the Phillipies are in a state of need, and we are able to help so why not. We have always helped other countries in humanitarian aid so why should we stop now? The U.S. does have obligation to help so lets work together to help the Phillipies with as much help as they need.

Anonymous said...

I think that the U.S. should help them. I do believe that we should help our country's problems first, before intervening with other countries. But, the north eastern part of the United States knows what it feels like to get hit with such a natural disaster with Hurricane Sandy. Many people lost their homes, cars,etc. It is a very devastating time in the Philippines, a lot of people lost everything. They need our help! We can supply them with food, clothing and some money and they would be so grateful. Therefore I think that we should intervene and help them.

Anonymous said...

There are 195 nations on earth. Politically, they divide into different systems. Some even become enemies. However, when facing natural disaster, we are all the same because we are humans. The United States is one of the richest countries in the world. We have the biggest navy and the ability to intervene and provide humanitarian support to the Philippines. In fact, we are already doing it. As we know, Hong Kong had an issue over the Manila bus hostage crisis three years ago that has not been resolved. They were planning to set up a sanction to punish the Filipino government. However, seeing the Filipinos being tormented, they immediately put down the quarrel, and fully took action to support the victims. Compared to the U.S., Hong Kong is just a small island. Despite that, how much we can support really depends on our ability, but the spirit is greater than anything. This is why we are humans.

Anonymous said...

The Philippines were devastated by this storm and is almost in ruins. If we were in this situation would we not want help from our allies also if we helped Hatti why should we not help the Philippines it would look as if we had favorites and only helped a select few

Anonymous said...

The United States should definitely help the Philippines following the typhoon because they are probably relying on us. Having the role of the global police, means that we need to step in and provide aid to countries in need or trying to recover from a devastating tragedy. We should provide as much assistance as they need and leave them with a good future. Meaning, we help them and give them a little extra to make sure that if any thing else happened out of the blue, they would be ok.

Anonymous said...

Even though my group said that we should not intervene, we should still try to help a little. Instead of using the money reserved for our country and the people in it, citizens should donate instead. America already has a lot of problems, and the government shouldn't use the money for another country. If individuals donated, people could have the option if they wanted to give money or not, instead of being forced through taxes.

Anonymous said...

I think the U.S should help but not go out of control. Their are many foundations such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army that will provide help and money to the Phillipenes. The U.S should help by sending troops into the Philippines to help find trapped people and hand out food but that is all. Overall, I think the U.S should help but not that much.

Unknown said...

In our project, we said that the US should not intervene in world affairs. The US has the most money out of all the countries around the globe. If we waste a lot of our money on things that we WANT to intervene in, we will keep digging a big giant hole to nowhere. The US should stay out of world affairs but they should make the right decision of when they need to and when they don't because there will most likely not be a time in my life where there is global peace. Though my group has said we shouldn't intervene in world affairs, after watching so many videos and interviewing people, I think I have changed my mind. Now I think the US should only go n for absolute vital needs and humanitarian reasons.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i believe the U.S. provide humanitarian aid to the Philippines. the U.S. is one of the most powerful countries in the world, and we have been given this power to help other countries in need. Furthermore, the Philippines has been a very important ally for the past almost 100 years so, therefore, we should help them.

Anonymous said...

The U.S should not intervene in this world affair. Since our country is still suffering a bit from Katrina and Sandy we must focus on our own humanitarian needs. Also, the last thing we need to do is spend money, we have enough debt to choke a whale and its time to start paying some money back.

Anonymous said...

The US should intervene because we need to help them. Think about it- if we were hit with a devastating and terrible storm, and nobody was there to help us get back on our feet, what would we do? We would ask for help from other countries. The US should provide the red cross to the Philippines, because some people may have gotten hurt in the typhoon. I think we should provide the red cross to the Philippines, to help them get back on their feet.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we should help the Filipinos despite the fact that it "isn't our fault." Of course a natural disaster isn't our fault, we can't control the weather! The Phillipines have been an ally, and they are really in need of help. If we had a country-wide typhoon or hurricane, we would want help from our allies or any country in general. So we should help the Phillipines because they are really in need.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In our project, we believe that the U.S. should intervene in world affairs. I think we should help them get back to a stable place. Not only for them so but for us as well. If we show them hospitality, it could open up trade relations between us and the Philippines. Also, by helping the Philippine people, we are viewed by the rest of the world as a big brother helping out a needy country. So I think we should help the Philippine people get back on their feet.

Anonymous said...

I think we should help the people that were affected by this act of mother nature. I think we should help in all necessary ways that will help them. We should also encourage other countries to help donate, whether it be clothing, food, money or medicine. This will show other countries that we are helpful in the ever-changing world.

Anonymous said...

The US should most definetley help the Philippines. It does not Matter wether it is "our fault" or not, a NATURAL disater is Natural it is an uncontrolable and can not be pervented. there is a difference between intervering in something that isnt our bussiness and aiding in a humanitarian effort to our ALLIES in a NATURALL disaster. What is the point of being allies if your not going to help them when they are really in need of our help. we could not possibly expect them to help us one day if we dont offer help to them. pluse its the right thing to do to assost any human in any country that has suffered from something so horrible.

Anonymous said...

The US should help the philippines because they are expected to and they are considered to be the global police who fix everything right up. It is also simply the right to do. The storm was devastating and we should do something to help. But I also believe we shouldn't over do it. We shouldn't spend upper hundreds of thousands of dollars on another crises that doesn't directly benefit us.

Anonymous said...

We should help them because its not there fault that the storm happened. Also they probably need it more then us because of what just happened. Also its not fair that the Us helps with what happened in Haiti and to just turn there back from the Philippines. Both of what happened in Haiti and the Philippines are basically the same. So this is why i think we should help the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

I do not think the U.S. should intervene with the typhoon. We should not go and the money that we do not have to help a country that did not help us during Hurricane Sandy. Every time we help other countries we damage our country. If we didn't have our national debt then yes we should help but right now we should not. We have enough problems of our own.

Anonymous said...

As I said with my group project the US should intervene with world affairs. Therefore, the US should definitely help out with the disastrous storm that took place in the Philippines. Although we are in an extreme amount of debt is it vital to help innocent people that have been hit by this tragic typhoon.

Anonymous said...

I do think it is important for the US to help the Philippines who were struck by the typhoon. My group agreed that we should intervene with world affairs. I personally believe it is significant for the US to be involved and provide aid for the innocent people who were affected by this storm.

Anonymous said...

The U.S should not intervene in political affairs of other countries or military issues. The tyhoon was a natural disaster and therefore the U.S can offer Humanitarian aid. Completely cutting the U.S off is not the way to go. The U.S should continue to offer aid, but not interfere as heavily as it has.

Anonymous said...

The US is not obliged to intervene with the Philippines but the USA has a record as a country of humanitarian aid. If we are to show that we are the global leader we must intervene. We are already looked down on by many different for the government shutdown. This is our chance to show that we are still he global leader we area a strong country.

Anonymous said...

Of course the US should help the Philippines with the typhoons damage. They need our help and we as Americans have to answer the call. We should view it in their shoes, imagine that our country got hit with an enormous weather storm, wouldn't you want help? We can relate to this very well with hurricane Sandy. If the US received aid from other countries, the damage done would be a lot less. It also would create a better bond between that country and ours. If the US helps the Philippines the US would look good to other countries out there and we would be taking the role of a superpower like we are.

Anonymous said...

In our documentary, we chose the US should intervene in world affairs. I believe the US should get involved when in the event of any natural disaster. For many reasons such as: We would want help if something like that happened to us, people are dying and we cant just let that happen, it isnt their fault so why should they lose everything.I think we are obligated to help, maybe send the redcross or volunteers. Also, we could send food, supplies, etc from donations.

Anonymous said...

We should intervene because we are a country that has money and we can actually help. We can not be a selfish country during these situations. We have many things that we can send such as resources to help out the people that do not have anything. We can help!11

Anonymous said...

I think that the U.S should help the philippines. I think this because we are a superpower and the leaders of the free world so it is only fair for us to help them. We also did this before when we helped haiti and japan. So since we helped them we have already made ourselves look like the helpers of the world so other countries will expect us to help.

Unknown said...

Yes, the United States should intervene in the Philippines for the following reasons: First of the United States is a superpower and it is our role in the world to assist unfortunate nations, if necessary. This also a humane act, because we are helping a nation that does not have what it takes to manage this situation by themselves. This could also help are situate politically, because it would bring our nations together.

Anonymous said...

In our group, we agreed that the USA should intervene in countries affairs and now we have to more than ever. If we do, it will show the world how caring we are and can make new allies.

Anonymous said...

I definitely believe we should help out in the Philippines because we need to show the world that we care. As a nation, is our duty to help other countries in need. Because we have so many problems ourselves we should also help our nation. That being said, we only give some aid to the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the U.S. should help the Philippines. I think we should help them because we have s lot and by sending food, supplies and volunteers we can help so much. What happened to the Philippines wasn't their fault so why should so many people lose all their belongs or lives. If this happened to the U.S. we would want help so therefore we should help them.

Anonymous said...

We should defiantly help them! The US should intervene in problems like this, they need our help. We can give them a little money it won't help a lot but maybe some other countries will too.

Unknown said...

We should help them because if we don't who will. We should always intervene because the United States is the world's super power. The smaller country could always use help and even if the United states has its own problems the United States are expected to do it. The United States doesn't want to be the world's global police but they have to.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. absoultey should interve and help the Phillipenes . The Phillipenes is in a devastaing state that needs alot of help. The U.S. can and should provide the help that they need. The U.S is a major world super power who intervenes laot especially in humanitarian world affairs. This is one of the most devastating ones so the U.S. has no choice but to intervene.